After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 450 Captain Jiang is here

Chapter 450 Captain Jiang is here
It was finally over in the morning, and the one who worried Lu Jing the most was the old man.

I couldn't help it, so I asked the colleague who checked the uncle's internal medicine at that time:

"Doctor Li, how's that Uncle Ge's examination?"

In the end, we have been together for more than a day and a night, and everyone is familiar with it.

"Oh, Doctor Lu is talking about the 80-year-old man, right?"

There are quite a few in this village with the surname Ge, at least a dozen households.

"Yes, that's the one."

Seeing that Dr. Li also frowned instantly, his face was quite heavy:

"It's not very good, just the regular three-level inspections are all problems.

I think that the uncle's heart, lungs, and liver should also have problems, and it's not easy, but the specific situation can only be known through filming or CT. "

"Looking at it this way, it's really serious."

Dr. Li nodded:
"Indeed, it depends on what their family members think."

To put it bluntly, if he was sent to the hospital for treatment in time, he would have lived a few more years.

But if you still let it go like this, then you can't say it, it can be anything at any time.

For a while, both of them were silent.

Mainly I don't know what to say. After all, the two of them are not the family members of the uncle, so they can't make any decisions.

At this moment, Doctor Wei suddenly came from behind:
"Old Li, Xiao Lu, what are you two talking about?"

Lu Jing sighed and briefly recounted the conversation he had just had with Dr. Li, and saw that Dr. Wei also collapsed:
"Well, why don't you have a good communication with your family?" He said.

Although family members shouldn't listen, but if you don't say anything, everyone will regret it in the future, right?

Lu Jing and Dr. Li have no opinion. After all, that's all they can do.

If the uncle's family is really in difficulty, you can donate some love.

Of course, this ultimately depends on the decision of the uncle's family.

"Let's go, let's go back, I still have to be busy in the afternoon."

As soon as Dr. Wei shouted, Lu Jing and Dr. Li really felt hungry and croaked.


The three of them each took their things and went home.

At this moment, Captain Jiang's car has entered the village.

If you go further inside, you will not be able to drive in, so you can only temporarily park your car on the dam outside the village committee office.

After parking, the person got out of the car and closed the door with a 'bang'.

The people in the room heard the movement and quickly came out to see:

"This comrade, who are you looking for?" he asked aloud.

Jiang also looked around for the next four weeks, and then recalled the voice who answered the phone first when he called last night. Isn't that the one?
"The village chief?"

The village director was puzzled:

"Comrade know me?" asked again.

Jiang also explained:
"I was the one who called Dr. Lu last night."

As soon as these words came out, the village director instantly understood:
"Oh, oh, is it you? I remembered that the comrade's surname is Jiang, right?"

Jiang also nodded:

As far as Captain Jiang's temperament is concerned, he is not an ordinary person at first glance.

The village director has already stepped forward and said with a smile:

"Comrade Jiang is here to find Dr. Lu? Let me take you there. They should probably clean up now."

Although Lu Jing and the others lived not far from the current village committee office, or two or three households to be exact, they needed to take a detour, and it was not so easy to find.

In this regard, Jiang did not refuse:
"Thank you."

"Comrade Jiang, don't be polite, it should be done."

(End of this chapter)

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