After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 470 Can the body enter water?

Chapter 470 Can the body enter water?
Is this the 69th?

Lu Jing looked at the computer, good guy, a total of 120 numbers have been released today.

Public hospitals are really, too many people.

In this regard, we have to mention private hospitals, which may not see 120 patients in a week.

Lu Jing has been on duty since about one o'clock. After he is busy, can he still remember the time?

It was already three o'clock when we stopped.

I was so hungry that I remembered that I hadn't eaten lunch yet.

Immediately, he rummaged through the boxes in the office.

Fortunately, I did find a piece of bread, and after looking at the date, it was still within the shelf life, so you're welcome.

It's not wrong to say that he devoured his food. He chewed his bread in big mouthfuls, and took a gulp of water from time to time. In this way, a meal was just enough.

No way, this restaurant must have closed long ago.

If you order takeout, you have to wait.

At that time, if I get busy again, I won't be able to eat.

Therefore, it is better to eat whatever you want, and put your stomach on it.

Sure enough, Lu Jing hadn't swallowed the last bite of bread, and the next patient had already arrived.

It was a boy about 20 years old, knocking on the door:
"Doctor, are you here yet?" asked.

Lu Jing quickly swallowed the bread in his mouth:
"What's your name?"

"Wu Huai."

Look at the registration form on the computer:

"Wu Huai, right, come in."

The boy came in and sat on the stool.

Lu Jing took two sips of water before he regained his seriousness:

"What's your situation?" asked.

The boy scratched the back of his head:

"Doctor, I have been feeling knee pain for the past few days, especially every time I play, it hurts badly."

Knee pain?
Lu Jing got up from the chair, then bent down and stood in front of the boy:
"Pants up."

"Oh oh ok."

Lu Jing checked the boy's knee with his hand and tapped:
"Take a picture, I suspect it's knee effusion."


"Ah? How come there is fluid accumulation? Is it commonly known as water ingress?"

cough cough cough.

Lu Jing was stunned by this answer, and then explained:

"It's not the water you said. If the amount of fluid in the knee is relatively large, it means that there is acute synovitis. You should rest and keep warm, don't let the knee joint catch cold, and reduce the amount of activity. Try not to go out for activities.

Elastic knee pads can be worn at the knee joint to exert pressure on the knee joint and promote the absorption of effusion. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs can also be taken orally to control the inflammatory response and relieve the amount of muscle effusion.

Of course, if the tension is relatively large and the swelling is uncomfortable, puncture and aspiration of the effusion are required.

At the same time, compound betamethasone is injected into the joint for anti-inflammatory treatment. After adequate rest and inflammation control, the effusion will gradually decrease.

If there is fever all over the body, local skin redness and hotness at the same time as the effusion, it may be a secondary bacterial infection of the effusion. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible to perform puncture and suction of the effusion, and send bacteria nourish.

If bacterial cultures are positive, anti-inflammatory therapy should be initiated. "

The boy who listened to such a long list of medical explanations was stunned.

Finally caught a key point: it's not really water!
How can a person's body enter water casually?

unless it's an injection.

Today's children are really cute and tight.

"I'll give you an order first, and then you go to film."

"Oh, oh, good doctor."

"By the way, you can't do any violent movements during this time, and even playing balls is forbidden!"

As soon as these words came out, the boy's face instantly wrinkled with a bitter face.

(End of this chapter)

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