After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 471 Mass Poisoning Incident

Chapter 471 Mass Poisoning Incident
Lu Jing was happy when he saw it.

However, I was still worried that the child would not obey the doctor's orders, so I repeated:
"Did you hear?"

"I heard." The answer was very weak.

"Okay, the order has been opened."

The boy stood up and bowed to Lu Jing:

"Thank you doctor."

Lu Jing wanted to laugh for a while, but as a doctor, he had to be more or less strict and could only hold back.

After the boy left, he looked at several people one after another before finally resting again.

It was more than four o'clock. At this time, the flow of people in the hospital had dropped by most, and it could be regarded as clean.

However, they didn't really rest for 5 minutes, and they saw a commotion in the hall outside.

Nothing will happen, right?

The last time this happened, it was because someone was about to jump off the building.

Unable to hold back, he got up and walked to the door to look out.

Then stop a nurse:
"What's wrong?" asked.

The little nurse was in a hurry:

"There was a mass poisoning incident in XX kindergarten. The children were all sent to our hospital. Everyone went to help."

Mass poisoning incident?

Wait, if you heard correctly, what is the name of the kindergarten that the little nurse just said?

Lu Jing reacted immediately, isn't this kindergarten the kindergarten that Gan's daughter studied?Moreover, the son of the old Qin family is also there!

After thinking about it, Lu Jing also ran along with him.

Probably, the fire only knows it is hot when it falls on the back of your feet!
Lu Jing ran very fast, and the emergency department was also busy at this moment.

The children have been delivered one after another, and the entire emergency department is filled with the cries of children.

Some parents who came quickly have already arrived, and they are also crying.

"Baby, mother is here, don't be afraid!"

"Wow~ Mom, it hurts, my stomach hurts!"

"Doctor, come on, come and see my daughter!"

When Lu Jing rushed in, what he saw was such a mess.

But I can also understand that dozens of poisoned children are suddenly sent, and I dare not relax.

Even, it shouldn't be long before all the leaders in the city should arrive.

Collective incidents are the worst. The ones who suffer are still a group of children of a few years old. They must be strictly investigated and held accountable!

No one can run, big or small.

Lu Jing saw the son of the old Qin family immediately:

"Xiao Kai?"

How can the little fat man still be in such a majestic state as he usually sees?The whole thing was like a deflated ball, and the tears kept falling.

Hearing someone calling him, the little fat man looked up, and when he saw that it was Lu Jing, he cried even louder:

"Wow~wow~ Aunt Lu!"

Lu Jing hurriedly stepped forward and hugged the little fat man:
"It's alright, tell Aunt Lu, what's wrong?"

"Wuwuwu, my stomach hurts, it hurts so bad, I want to vomit."

It was indeed a symptom of poisoning.

Lu Jing can't help it, he can only wait for the emergency department to give treatment.

While hugging the little fat man, Lu Jing kept comforting, and at the same time, his eyes were searching for the children around him.

But after a circle, I didn't find the little girl.

I had no choice but to ask the little fat man who was still crying again:

"Xiaokai, what about Yaoyao?"

The little fat man sniffed:

"Yaoyao hasn't come to school for many days, and the teacher said she has asked for leave."

Ask for leave?

Lu Jing was annoyed. His nominal guardian was really incompetent. He didn't even know that the little girl had taken leave for several days.

However, fortunately, it was a leave of absence, otherwise, among the poisoned children, there would have to be little girls.

(End of this chapter)

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