Chapter 869

Sure enough, no matter who heard this name, they would not be calm.

Mother Lu's face immediately became speechless, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

In the end, I can only exhort:
"Xiao Ye, tell me well when you get to the hospital, and pay attention to safety when driving on the road."

Regarding Jiang Qiu, Lu's mother can't control it, and it's hard to say anything.

Therefore, you should still care about your son-in-law.

Jiang also nodded:

"Auntie, then I'll go first."

"All right, let's go."

After Jiang Ye left, Mother Lu felt very uneasy.

After going to the bathroom, he went straight upstairs without going back to the room.

Thinking about it, my daughter will definitely not be able to sleep at this meeting.


Lu Jing was staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide open, how could he still feel sleepy?

Anyway, every time Jiang Qiu appeared, something would happen.

I just don't know what will happen this time?
Just hope it's not too bad.

"Kowkow. Jingjing, are you asleep?"

Hearing his mother's voice, Lu Jing came back to his senses:
"No, Mom, come in."

Then Mother Lu opened the door and came in:

"Girl, do you want some water?"

"No, no, there's more than half a cup left, Mom, what is it?"

Lu's mother was wearing a nightgown, and she was round and round. If it was the past, she would directly go to bed and sleep with her daughter.

But now, the girls are all married, so naturally they can't be so casual.

Wrapped in a bathrobe, even though the villa has floor heating, it's still a bit cool in the middle of the night.

"Xiao Ye He"

Lu Jing pursed his lips:

"Well, I went to the hospital."

Mother Lu sighed, and then said again:

"I know, Xiao Ye said just now that Jiang Qiu went to the hospital suddenly.

But shouldn't that woman be in prison?
It stands to reason that it's not time to come out yet! "

Now, Lu Jing didn't know what was going on, and he was still waiting for the man to write back to him.

"Jiang also said that it might be because of the old man's leaving. I don't know if it's true."

When Lu Jing said this, Mother Lu obviously agreed directly.

"It should be right. It's so easy for the old man to make a move."

After all, that's the old man of the Jiang family!

It is impossible for those people not to sell this face.

Moreover, only the old man of the Jiang family loves his adopted daughter the most. He has been holding her in his palm for fear of falling, and holding her in his mouth for fear of melting.

If it weren't for being so pampered, I'm afraid Jiang Qiu wouldn't have become what he is now, right?

Therefore, it is better for parents not to pamper their children too much!
Otherwise, a good little sapling would be crooked.

Lu Jing couldn't refute either:
"I just don't know, what will happen if Jiang Qiu goes to the hospital so suddenly?"

Indeed, this is the most worrying thing now.

That woman is very selfish, and her interests are always paramount. Even the old man who loved her since she was a child, she is not only using her, but also using her.

This time, I'm afraid it came with a big purpose.

One Jiang Qiu, one Gu Xiyue, these two women really did enough to harm the Jiang family.

However, these two women are indeed lucky.

Even though he has done so many bad things, he is still alive and well.

Even in prison, these two women should not have been tortured much.

After all, there was the Gu family before, and Mr. Jiang behind.

The mother and daughter almost thought of going together, how about mother and daughter connecting hearts?

At this moment, Jiang had already rushed to the hospital.

"I want to see my father, why are you stopping me?"

(End of this chapter)

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