Chapter 870
Outside the ward, several heads of the Jiang family blocked Jiang Qiu unanimously.

At this time, except for the old man, I am afraid that no one will be spoiled by this bloodless and dying sister!
"Jiang Qiu, calm down, the old man is still sick!"

However, Jiang Qiu didn't take these words to heart at all, or in other words, he didn't care at all.

"It's because Dad is sick that I want to go in and see him. Otherwise, who knows what you have done to Dad?"

The meaning of these words undoubtedly means that the heads of the Jiang family will take advantage of the old man's serious illness and do something in private?

Bah, only dirty minds come up with such ideas.

After so many years, the few family members really look down on the little thing in the old man's hand.

How much is that?

It's not enough for everyone to flow out of the fingers.

That's right, all the companies under Jiang Qiu's name are gone, and he has to pay a lot of liquidated damages.

I'm afraid I won't be able to keep any of the ignorant money I've earned over the years.

Furthermore, he was still in prison for a period of time, and I am afraid that there will be no chance of a comeback in the future.

No wonder the old man was so reluctant to let go, and under the opposition of the whole family, he secretly used his own network to fish this adopted daughter out of prison.

Well, after all, the old man is already at the last moment, and the heads of the Jiang family don't want to worry about it anymore.

However, this woman Jiang Qiu is really out of her mind, right?

Otherwise, at this time, how could he still be as self-willed as before, still arrogant, and look down on the heads of the Jiang family?
For someone with a little bit of brains, not to mention being humble and flattering at the moment, at least they have to be sensible and sensible, right?

Don't interrupt if you can, and don't move blindly if you can.

To actually be sarcastic to others like that, isn't this just courting death or something?
The noise outside seemed to wake up the old man in the ward.

At this time, Mother Jiang was guarding the ward.

Hearing the movement on the hospital bed, Mother Jiang got up quickly:
"Dad, what do you want?" asked.

I thought it was a drink of water or something.

However, unexpectedly, the old man's ears are still so sensitive:
"Xiao Su, is Jiang Qiu outside?"


Can you say no?
Obviously not.


"Well, yes, Dad, you are not in good health now, you should take a rest quickly."

"No, Xiao Su, you let her in."

"Dad, it's too late, can you do it tomorrow? The doctor said to let you have a good rest."

The old man kept waving his hands. He was able to move one hand, but the other was still stuck with a needle.

He looked weak, only his eyes were bright.

It can be seen that the old man really wants to see his adopted daughter.

In this regard, Jiang's mother can't do anything:
"Dad, then I'll go out and have a look."

Sure enough, when he heard this, the old man's face looked a little better in an instant:
"Go ahead."

Mother Jiang sighed silently in her heart, wanted to say something, but held back.

In the end, he could only open the door with a cold face.

The sound of the door opening stopped the brothers and sisters outside.

"What's the fuss? Don't you know where this is?

This is a hospital, the old man is still sick, what on earth do you want to do?Do you want to make the old man more angry? "

Feeling aggrieved, I let it all out, which can be regarded as a bit of comfort.

Jiang's father was a little uncomfortable. After all, at such an advanced age, he was caught and scolded by his daughter-in-law. Fortunately, there was no outsider around.

(End of this chapter)

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