Chapter 871
The rest of the Jiang family's family members also stopped. All along, everyone respected Jiang's mother very much.

There is an old saying: Mrs. Zhang is the mother!
Besides, isn't Jiang's mother supporting the entire Jiang Group all these years?
But from this point of view, it is impossible for the Jiang family to have any opinion on Mother Jiang, after all, this is the God of Wealth!
"Sister-in-law, don't be angry, we will stop making trouble."

"Yes, yes, we listen to you."

Only Jiang Qiu gave Jiang Mu a hard look:
"What kind of wolf with a big tail?"


As soon as these words came out, Father Jiang wanted to curse again.

However, I was scolded just now, but I dare not.

Mother Jiang didn't care what Jiang Qiu said or scolded herself anymore, she wasn't from the same way, so there was no need to care about it, the anger was in vain, and it hurt the liver and the kidneys.

Just use her as an air, won't it do?
Whatever you like to say, you won't lose two pieces of meat anyway.

Looking at Jiang Qiu calmly:

"Dad let you in!"

As soon as these words came out, Father Jiang and the others were the most worried.

But looking at Mother Jiang's appearance, there is nothing for everyone to worry about.

After all, it was the old man inside who asked for it himself.

For a while, I couldn't do anything except sigh silently in my heart, and I was extremely powerless.

Jiang Qiu instantly regained his haughty look, and looked at the Jiang family with even more contempt.

He even snorted coldly before pushing the door open.

The old man made it clear that he wanted to see Jiang Qiu, his adopted daughter, alone, so Mother Jiang didn't follow.

What is said inside cannot be heard outside.

Mainly very quiet.

"Sister-in-law, this."

Mother Su shrugged:

"I can't do it either."

Who made the old man love this adopted daughter to the end?
Everyone was looking at each other tacitly, but unexpectedly, the old man's roar suddenly sounded in the ward:
"Get out! Get out!"

"啪" is the sound of the cup falling to the ground.

With such a big commotion, how many people outside are still calm?
Immediately rushed in:



It's a pity that the old man was so angry that he couldn't make a sound at all. He opened his mouth and panted heavily, as if he couldn't breathe.

Seeing this, Mother Jiang ran to the door and shouted:
"Doctor! Doctor!"

In ten seconds, all the doctors on duty in the office ran out.

After a while, the entire ward was full of medical staff.

"Blood pressure 43, heart rate 28"

"Quick, chest compressions!"


"Adrenaline, push!"


The situation is bad, very bad.

The door of the ward was not closed, and the Jiang family and his party stood outside the door, seeing clearly what was going on inside.

As a family member, I couldn't bear to see it.

Jiang's mother kept shedding tears:

"How to do how to do?"

Mouth chattering.

Just then, Jiang also arrived.

"Dad, Mom, what's going on?" asked.

When Jiang's mother saw her son, she couldn't stop crying:
"Aye, your grandfather is him."

In fact, the situation inside can be understood without explanation.

In addition, Jiang Qiu is still there, so he understands what's going on.

Jiang Ye is not so good-tempered, after patting Jiang's mother comfortingly, he walked away and came to Jiang Qiu.

Even Jiang Qiu himself didn't recover, his neck was strangled, and his whole body was thrown heavily against the wall, 'Bang! 'sound.

With this force, even if the bones are not broken, at least it will hurt for a while.

Jiang never did anything to women, but this time, he really couldn't help it.

It was Jiang Qiu who asked for it on her own, just because she didn't let the old man feel at ease at the last moment, and even rescued the old man angrily.

Even, it is very likely that this rescue will not succeed at all.

(End of this chapter)

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