After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 872 Treat That Girl From The Lu Family Well

Chapter 872 Treat That Girl From The Lu Family Well

If it weren't for Jiang's mother's shout, Jiang might really be about to kill him.

Jiang Qiu's face turned pale at the moment, the kind where he exhaled more and breathed less.

Father Jiang and the others hurried forward and pulled Jiang away.

Of course, the youngest uncle had to help Jiang Qiu up.

After all, the Jiang family is still very respectable, so you can't let outsiders see your family fighting among themselves, right?

Although, everyone doesn't recognize this sister who has no blood relationship, but helplessly, the old man does!
The old man has been shrewd all his life, why is he so confused about this matter?

To repay the favor and repay the favor, the repayment should have been done long ago, okay?
No, they have spoiled a white-eyed wolf.

Jiang also closed his eyes, and the anger in his heart finally subsided a bit:

"How is grandpa doing now?"

Father Jiang shook his head:

"Depending on the situation, it's not very good."

This is what everyone is watching, but there is nothing they can do.

At present, it can only be entrusted to the doctor inside who is rescuing the old man at this time.

For a while, no one made a sound in the corridor, and the atmosphere was eerily quiet.

However, in less than 5 minutes, the doctor came out and shook his head at the family members.

As if, the current situation can no longer be described as bad.

"Master Jiang, the old man wants to see you."

Jiang was also taken aback.

The doctor urged:

"Hurry up, there's no time to be late, and now a second is precious."

Only then did Jiang Ye suddenly regain his senses, and followed the doctor into the ward.

All kinds of rescue equipment beside the bed were removed, even the tubes that had been inserted into the old man's body before were all removed.

The current old man, wearing a hospital gown, was lying peacefully on the hospital bed, his eyes seemed to be unable to open.

Jiang also stepped forward, resisting the soreness in his throat, and bit his lips hard a few more times. Immediately, his mouth was filled with the smell of iron rust.

When I opened my mouth, I was still trembling:


As a grandson, the old man loved him very much since he was a child. Jiang's father and Jiang's mother had to be busy with work when he was young, and Jiang Ye was almost brought up by the old man in those few years.

As a result, the relationship between the grandfather and grandson is naturally out of the question.

On the contrary, Jiang Huai and Jiang Yuan didn't have much contact with the old man when they were young. They were the kind who were sent abroad after they were born.

How can the old man not know his own situation at this moment?

But he still smiled at his eldest grandson:
"Aye, come."

Jiang also moved closer.

At this time, the old man said:

"Aye, I'm afraid Grandpa won't be able to see your wedding, let alone the birth of our great-grandson."

However, no one can do anything!
Jiang also wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak at the end of his throat, his eyes were scarlet, and the eye sockets were even redder.


The old man shook his head:
"Aye, treat that girl of the Lu family well, she is a good girl."


This will happen without anyone telling me.

"Also, take good care of her. After all, that girl still has the old man's great-grandson in her stomach."

That's right, the granddaughter-in-law and the great-grandson also occupy a place in the old man's heart.

Moreover, it is not low.

Jiang also nodded heavily:
"Grandpa, I promise you, I will treat them well and take good care of them in this life."

The old man was immediately relieved:

"Good! Great!"

(End of this chapter)

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