Sir, you have to pay more

Chapter 877 I'm a devil 6

Collaborating officials and gentry in Xiangyang City were temporarily imprisoned in Baoguo Temple in the city.

Since the arresters not only collaborating with the enemy, but also many close relatives were also arrested, there are not many rooms in the temple that can be used as cells. Therefore, the internal affairs committee drove out all the monks in the temple and asked them to go to various places first. Beg to come back next month.

Even so, there are not enough cells.

Mostly two or three people were locked in a house.

Hong Wenjun of Jingxiang Road and his subordinate Ma Liren of Zaoyang County Magistrate were detained together.

The two were well aware of the reason for their arrest, but since they had not yet been formally interrogated, they made various deduction in their minds during their detention, thinking that they could find a chance to get rid of the crime.

One day, when the guards had just finished serving food to the detainees, when Hong and Ma were devouring the food, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and then a young man was pushed in staggeringly.

Both Hong and Ma didn't know the young man, so they thought he was a newcomer and ignored him.

Seeing this, the young man seemed a little disappointed, walked to the corner and squatted down, and then asked why Hong and Ma were arrested.

"Excessive question,"

Mazhi County was a little annoyed, "Isn't everyone here because they are against Guizi Liu, a thief who steals the country!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the cabbage soup in a scoop and drank it.

Not to mention, it tastes good.

"Don't talk nonsense, I have never opposed Devil Six!"

Hong Wenjun squinted at Ma Liren, thinking that this bastard really thought he had lived too long.

Looking sideways at the young man who just came in: "Are you also arrested for opposing Devil Six to usurp power?"

"That's not it."

The young man shook his head in denial.

Hong Wenjun was surprised: "You can't support Guizi Liu against the emperor, can you?"


The young man shook his head again.

Ma Zhixian laughed: "Hey, how did you get caught?"

"Because I am Devil Six."

The young man grinned, then patted his buttocks and walked to the door and coughed. The door was opened immediately, and he swaggered out under the astonished eyes of Hong and Ma.

Shuanzhu outside the house had a resentful expression on his face: "Master, is it interesting to do this?"

"Of course it's interesting."

Jia Liu didn't bother to say a word to Shuan Zhu. In just a few tens of seconds just now, his heart was greatly satisfied.

Director Ding of the Internal Affairs Committee learned that His Majesty the Emperor had come to inspect their work, so he quickly brought people over and reported the results of the "Operation Iron Fist" arrest to His Majesty the Emperor face to face.

In the official report, the target of arrest was 165 people, but in fact more than 3800 people were arrested, and more than 600 resisters were killed and more than 2000 people were captured during the arrest operation.

More than 400 long and short guns were seized, a number of weapons, and chattels worth millions of taels if converted into cash. If converted into land, shops and other industries, the amount would not be lower than this amount.

Those who resisted arrest were gentry who held the armed forces of the local village valor group.

"The seized property and movable property will all be returned to the state treasury. When the real property is turned back, you will set up a working group to sell it at a price lower than the market price. Do an investigation on the land. If the people are bought at a low price or robbed by force, all will be returned to the sufferer. .”

Ding Qing immediately wrote down Jia Liu's order.

"What are you going to do with the captured collaborators?"

"Your Majesty, I should use special measures in special times, and severely punish such collaborators."

Ding Qing meant to execute them all in order to deter speculative and swaying officials in various provinces, including Hubei.

"In this case,"

Jia Liu pondered, it is not a problem to simply execute the collaborating officials and gentry, he already had this determination.

On the one hand, unreliable elements can be eliminated, and the bureaucratic ranks of the imperial court can be purified.

Secondly, it can also be used to confiscate the property of these officials and gentry to solve the financial shortage problem;

Thirdly, these collaborating officials and gentry belonged to the authentic traitors. They were all excellent at suppressing Han uprisings, and they were all loyal to the Qing court.

However, now the Internal Affairs Committee is arresting not only the officials and gentry who had an affair with Yongxuan, but also many of their relatives, friends and subordinates, causing the number of executions to change from more than 100 to more than 3000, which makes Jia Liu hesitate. up.

He wasn't born a killer.

Seeing this, Ding Qing hurriedly said: "Your Majesty knows that you can't bear it, but I think that you will do everything you can to get rid of the evil, otherwise such people will definitely have great hatred for our Restoration Court and secretly destroy the stability of our court. The imperial court, I am afraid that the country and society are in danger of being overthrown."

Shuan Zhu thought for a while and said, "Master, Director Ding means to prevent someone from becoming the next you, right, Director Ding?"

Hearing this, Jia Liu made up his mind and told Ding Qing: "Don't kill the women, don't kill the children. After that, they will be released and given to the farmers to live on their own. Others, you can figure it out, but investigate clearly, and don't kill the wrong person."


Ding Qing responded loudly.

Jia Liu stood up and patted Ding Qing on the shoulder: "Your command is strong in the iron fist operation, very good, I will remember you for your credit."

"What is your merit? Operation Iron Fist was carried out under His Majesty's wise leadership. Without His Majesty's full guidance, I would never be able to handle such a major case with my ability."

Ding Qing spoke sincerely and did not dare to be greedy for credit.

"The good ones don't learn as much as the bad ones, when did you, Ding Qing, become a sycophant like Ji Xiaolan?"

Jia Liu glared at Ding Qing unhappy, "The Internal Affairs Committee is a sharp knife in my hands. If the person holding this sharp knife is a sycophant, then I might as well go out now."

This remark made Ding Qing immediately realize his mistake, and he was terrified.

Jia Liu didn't say anything, and went back quietly.

Soon, some officials strongly protested the "Iron Fist Action" to His Majesty the Emperor. It was not Lao Bo, nor Lao Li, nor Lao Ah, but Hubei Governor Zheng Dajin.

Because the officials arrested in "Operation Iron Fist" were all his subordinates.

The large number of arrested officials has paralyzed the operation of all levels of government in Hubei.

In Xunyang Mansion, all the magistrates from the top to the prefect, and all the county magistrates from the lower magistrates were arrested, so that Ruo Da's mansion could not even find a court official.

Furious, Zheng Futai rushed to Xiangyang in a special car immediately, and protested to His Majesty the Emperor in person.

"Old Zheng, these people are collaborating with the enemy, I can't keep them."

For Zheng Dajin, Jia Liu still admired him very much, and Lao Bo also recommended him to take over the post of Governor of Huguang.

"Collaborate with the enemy?"

Zheng Futai was stunned, and then the relevant evidence was displayed in front of him.

Looking at the letters written to the fourth elder brother Yongxuan, Zheng Futai was speechless for a while, but soon pointed the finger at the Internal Affairs Committee, which he had heard of for the first time.

He pointed out that the arrest by the Internal Affairs Committee did not notify him, the governor of Hubei, nor did he greet any level of government in Hubei. It was so lawless to forcibly arrest officials who were adjudicating cases or issuing official documents in broad daylight. What's the difference between something factory hawk dog!
"...If the emperor reuses this committee, the unsupervised and unrestricted power it possesses will be extremely terrifying. From the court to the localities, all officials will be in danger, and the people will be tortured."

Zheng Dajin opposed the existence of the Internal Affairs Committee, and strongly demanded that His Majesty the Emperor immediately dismiss this factory guard organization.

It is said that this internal affairs committee will inevitably develop into a behemoth in the future. Now it relies on evidence to convict people. In the future, it may directly arrest people and kill people without evidence.

Jia Liu couldn't stop nodding, and finally asked suddenly: "Old Zheng, you are so afraid of the Internal Affairs Committee, could it be that you are disloyal to me in your heart?"

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