Chapter 878

It is impossible for Jia Liu of the Internal Affairs Committee to withdraw.

History has proved that if the superior does not have a team of factory guards, then the country's bureaucratic group will inevitably expand infinitely and become the country's biggest moth, which will eventually lead to a change of color.

It doesn't matter which country it is.

The difference lies in the different names.

At present, a strong factory guard team can ensure the successful implementation of various reform measures of the reformation court, and can also externally promote the cohesion and loyalty of the bureaucratic group of the reformation, so that this bureaucratic group will continue to follow His Majesty the Emperor.

In the long run, this kind of factory guard team must have a big problem, and it must be reformed and repackaged.

But now that the foundation has just been built in the Restoration Dynasty, the small building has not yet been built, and the interior decoration is even more invisible. The overall look is still "old, dilapidated, and old". It's a waste of martial arts.

You must know that the prerequisite for the transition from an agricultural country to an industrial country is a strong bureaucratic group that resolutely implements the highest instructions.

At this time of unseen changes in 3000 years, we will inevitably encounter resistance from conservatives, decadents, and hostile factions, such as passive resistance in which the yin and the yang are subverted.

What are you going to test?

Opening up channels for the advancement of these professional talents who could not "progress" in the past can not only make the government affairs run more smoothly, reduce the time and resource consumption, but also increase the actual influence of "imperial power" in the countryside.

"You, the governor, first decide on the personnel, and then gather these talents who are going to be officials to Xiangyang. At that time, you, the governor, will be the examiner in person."

When Jia Liu was the governor of Zhili, he discussed this phenomenon with Yang Jingsu, the then chief political envoy, and the solution given at that time was financial integration.

Why is it that after some local officials were dismissed, the yamen was able to operate during the months-long blank period before the new officials took office?
Isn't it just because these professionals are maintaining the operation.

The Liufang personnel were originally the spokespersons of the local gentry group. Their existence made it impossible for the government to directly communicate with the common people, and officials appointed by the imperial court had to rely on them. Otherwise, the government orders would not come out of the county government. Township".

In this way, the existence of the House Committee is justified.

Jia Liu is satisfied with this attitude, don't care what your old Zheng thinks, just let me carry it out now.

In order to reduce the influence and resistance, Jia Liu asked Lao Zheng to organize this work in the name of "Entrance Test".

All enemies who dare to oppose the Restoration Emperor will be crushed by the Internal Affairs Committee!

There must be a kindness test for the new emperor to ascend the throne. The scale of the kindness test varies from big to small. The public kindness test held in Hubei this time is a small test. It is limited to Hubei province and has little influence. It will not touch the scholars all over the world. .

Of course, Jia Liu still trusted Lao Zheng very much, so he handed over a large number of official vacancies caused by "Operation Iron Fist", that is, let Lao Zheng be fully responsible for the adjustment, appointment and dismissal of new prefectural and county officials in the province.

In the past, there were a lot of people who called Jia Liu the "six sons", but now, how many dare to call him that?

What can Lao Zheng do?
His Majesty the Emperor doubted his position, so he had no choice but to say that the minister could obey, but reserved his opinion.

Yuanyuan glared at her husband angrily: "Do you think my father would be that kind of person?"

Hubei will be poorer than anyone else, and the complete fiscal deficit is not due to him finding a way to get a lot of money from those unscrupulous officials. Officials at all levels in Hubei have to beg for food.


Lao Zheng is a pragmatic official. After decades of being an official, he certainly knows that the new method proposed by His Majesty the Emperor is right. But he is a traditional scholar-bureaucrat after all, and he also came out of the imperial examination, a road that tens of thousands of people compete for.

Jia Liu also pointed out a new method of employing personnel, which is to discover talents from among the "officials" who are not popular, especially professional talents who have served in the six offices of all levels of government for a long time and are familiar with government affairs, laws, and people's conditions.

Considering the characteristics of the times, Jia Liu didn't want to take too big a step, so he said happily: "Then you Hubei will conduct an internal public examination as a pilot."

The content of the traditional imperial examination accounts for [-]%, and the professional knowledge of government affairs accounts for [-]%.

Just when he was wondering, the young master had already left, but he went to pick up the second young mistress and His Highness Keqing.

The official statement is that the principle cannot be shaken.

Progress is the most powerful weapon to break down all class divides.

"Zhuzi, I'm relieved of you, young master,"

Ning Guta Shuanzhu knew, but he really didn't know what a potato was.

His Majesty the Emperor's endless stream of new terms made Futai, who had read a lot of poetry and books, a little overwhelmed.

When his wife and son came back, Jia Liu had to pick him up in person.

Lao Zheng is also a conscientious official, and immediately discussed the details of the favor test with His Majesty the Emperor, and asked for 40 taels of special funds from His Majesty, and then did not mention the matter of the Internal Affairs Committee. It is slightly insufficient but overall it is not bad Satisfied to leave.

Such people don't have to stick to their backgrounds, they can be boldly appointed, and they can be promoted to officials by the officials.

Jia Liu gave Shuan Zhu a pale look, "But you should ask someone first if you can grow potatoes in Ninggu Pagoda? If you can, you can plant potatoes for two years first."

Before Yuanyuan got out of the car with her son in her arms, Jia Liu couldn't wait to jump into the car, hugged her son in her arms, kissed her hard, and then said to Yuanyuan with a smile: "I thought your father would put his son in his arms." Your mother and daughter will not give it back to me after withholding it."

In order to support such non-staff personnel, there were a lot of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, which made the people's burden extremely heavy.

However, it was not possible to implement this plan at that time, including now, because it required a lot of financial resources.

At the same time, these progressive officials will in turn suppress the local gentry, because they have already jumped out of the original class, and these officials who are familiar with the local insider want to make political achievements and achieve greater progress, so they will inevitably suppress the local gentry .

But there is a premise, that is, you must not hold a local position.

Therefore, it is inevitable to have some opinions on the emperor's bypassing the imperial examination and employing a large number of low-level personnel.

After waiting for less than half an hour at Shiliting outside the city, the convoy escorting Yuanyuan's mother and son arrived.

The intricate relationship between Liufang personnel and the local government is certainly a major disadvantage, but the professional knowledge of these personnel is unmatched by officials who have passed the imperial examination.

It's very simple.

"Internal public examination?"

Therefore, it is impossible for Jia Liuzi to let Lao Zheng, the governor of Hubei, conduct a pilot project right now.

Optimistically, it will take at least five years to fully implement the fiscal integration plan.

Standing on the sidelines and listening for a long time, Shuan Zhu treated Zheng Futai after he left, and put forward his own opinion: "Master, I think what Mr. Zheng said may not be unreasonable. It might be better to hang the internal affairs committee under my internal affairs office, and let me take charge of it for the young master, there should be no problem."

"I have always been eclectic in employing people, as long as they have talent, it doesn't matter if they have fame or not."

"of course not,"

Jia Liu chuckled, hugged Keqing with one hand, and pulled Yuanyuan out of the car with the other, and asked casually, "Is your father sending someone over this time to reconcile with my son-in-law?"

"Father never told me anything about you,"

Seeing her son's shoes falling off, Yuanyuan bent down and picked them up to help her son put them on again, "My father didn't want me to know either. He said that women should not meddle in men's affairs, especially state affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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