Sir, you have to pay more

Chapter 879 Please make a prince

Chapter 879 Please make a prince
Wanheju, the largest restaurant in Xiangyang, was booked early in the morning.

It was Jia Liu who asked someone to wrap it up, using Zhang San's pseudonym.

But it is to hold a meat ceremony for the son, which means formal weaning.

Common people's families have to hold a small ceremony to wean their children from breastfeeding and eating meat, let alone the emperor's house.

Jia Liu especially likes children.

He himself can do whatever he wants to celebrate his birthday, even a big funeral, without paying too much attention to it, but he attaches great importance to the children's affairs, so he specially asked Baozhu to rent the third floor of Wanheju.

The lobby and the second floor below still allow the restaurant to do business normally, and they cannot be shut down just because he, the emperor, wants to serve meat to his son.

Since embarking on the road of progress, he has never disturbed the people. As long as he has time, he will regularly go to the grassroots to take a look, so as not to let himself, who is getting higher and higher, be separated from the masses.

Because, he can get to today, relying on the support of the masses.

The children of the Han Army Banner are also members of the masses.

"Master Bo and Master Li have made a travel security regulation for His Majesty, and I must strictly implement the regulations, so..."

Yuanyuan was also happy to see it, and after Shuan Zhu hugged her for a while, she said to Keqing first.

You must know that the chairman is the richest man in his hometown of Qianxi, Guizhou.

Jia Liu is also very helpless, and deeply understands that the job of being an emperor is not only not easy, but also more and more restricted. No wonder the biggest enemy of the emperor is his courtiers.

"If you do it this way, if you don't separate yourself from the masses, you will also separate yourself from the masses."

The dishes needed for opening meat had already been prepared, and it was not the people from the restaurant who were serving them, but a few guards from the guards' office.

After the carriage entered the city and arrived at Wanhe Building, Jia Liu got out of the car to take Keqing from Yuanyuan, and then stretched out his hand to pull Yuanyuan out of the car.

Immediately, he frowned, and asked Baozhu what was going on, didn't he tell the restaurant to open normally.

Chairman Li, the number one prime minister and deputy minister, will also serve as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials of the Restoration Court, and fully manage the affairs of the government.

Therefore, President Ren is not interested in money, but just wants to do something.

For this reason, Chairman Li also specially introduced a system, which is to require officials in the province to spend at least one month every year doing research, go to the fields to see the field, and make a report to the province after returning.

Jia Liu and Yuanyuan were delighted to hear Shuan Zhu's auspicious words, and the building was full of joy.

He could only bury his grievances in his heart, and took the mother and son up to the third floor.

Not long after sitting down, Shuan Zhu came, seeing the young master in the young master's arms, he was really overjoyed, and even though the young master hadn't hugged him enough, he grabbed it and started teasing him.

In terms of age, Shuan Zhu was only two years older than Jia Liu, but Jia Liu was brought up by Shuan Zhu's shit and urine.

County-level officials can only bring a maximum of six entourages when traveling, twelve at the prefecture level, and a maximum of 20 at the provincial level.

Of course, Jia Liu can't expect all the officials in the country to be as honest and honest as President Li, after all, the president's family has money.

No need to ask, they are all bodyguards from the security department.

After all, this is also my family.

After all, in the past, dozens of people were often required to go to the countryside in a county, and food and lodging had to be arranged by the Baojia. Where did the Baojia get the money?

In order to keep the officials from going through the motions and becoming formalistic, Chairman Li also issued a special document, which included the research report and the progress of the solution as one of the promotion criteria for officials.

Not to mention, whether it is the posture of holding the child or the way of teasing the child, they are extremely skilled, even more professional than Jia Liu, who is a father.

The intensified trend of officialdom corruption since Qianlong is expected to be curbed to a certain extent.

"Da Bao will drink some soup again, he will definitely be Optimus Prime in the future."

On the way, he also asked someone to go to the Governor's Yamen to call Shuan Zhu up.

Jia Liu appreciated this very much and believed that Sichuan's experience can be promoted to the whole country.

In the end, Shuan Zhu simply gave Keqing a pork knuckle, and the little guy clapped his hands on the table happily, and then bit the knuckle with his small mouth, making his face greasy as a result.

The report requires that you are not allowed to say good things, only bad things.


Seeing that it was about the same time, Jia Liu took his mother and son into the city.

If Shuan Zhu hadn't ascended to heaven and became the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Jia Liu really wanted him to continue to lead Keqing.

"Dabao takes another sip of wine, and his life will be 99 in the future."

Although the two elder sisters also loved the younger brother, they got married early.

There is no way but to obey, who made those two prime ministers.

"Dabao will eat a piece of meat again, and he will be free from illness and disaster in the future."

Spot checks are conducted from time to time, and officials with insufficient research will either be given a warning to suspend their promotion, or dismissed on the spot.

Xiao Keqing, who was eating meat for the first time, also ate everything, and laughed while eating, which attracted everyone to laugh.

This good habit was learned and carried forward by Sichuan.

Because they were afraid of being surrounded by the people and causing traffic jams and affecting residents' travel, the family of three and the guards all went to Wanhe Building in casual clothes.

It is to let officials point out the shortcomings of the people's livelihood under their own governance and come up with solutions, instead of showing credit to the top as in the past.

Baozhu was also in a difficult situation. It wasn't that he didn't want to listen to the President's orders, but it was actually Bo and Li who said that if he violated the security regulations, he would look good on him.

I looked up at this restaurant, and found that the decoration was good, the business in the store was also good, and the lobby was almost full.

However, since the cabinet has formulated security regulations, he, the newly appointed emperor, cannot be overthrown.

"I'll come, I'll come, I was the one who took care of the young master's sex before, I'm good at it"

Xiao Keqing was really obedient, he cooperatively bit the piece of fish into his mouth, and pointed at the other dishes on the table with his little finger, implying that he wanted to eat it.


In addition, the chairman also issued a document requiring officials not to travel with the same fanfare as before, and all avoidance and cleaning of the streets are not allowed.

Before the young master agreed, Shuan Zhu picked up a piece of live meat from the big fish head on the table with his chopsticks and fed it to Xiao Keqing. While feeding him, he sang, "Big treasure eats the fish head, so he can be the dragon head in the future."

How many officials are there in a province?
As a result, the atmosphere in Sichuan's official circles was upright, and the common people benefited a lot, making it a model province.

Of course, Yuanyuan likes the meat opening ceremony arranged by her husband for her son. Keqing will be one year old next month, and it's time to wean him.

He couldn't help but nodded, and led the two of them into the building happily, but after a quick glance, he found that all the guests sitting in the lobby were burly men, not even a female relative.

Yuanyuan hurriedly wiped the little guy's mouth with a handkerchief, and Shuan Zhu suddenly asked: "Second Madam, where is the jade Ruyi that the young master gave the young master?"

Yuanyuan casually said that Yu Ruyi was staying in Baoding and didn't bring it with her.

Hearing this, Shuan Zhu hurriedly said: "Second Madam, there are two original jade Ruyi, one for the young master for Xiao Chunzi and one for the young master, it is very precious, Second Madam, please don't lose it. "

At about the same time, in the military camp outside Xiangyang City, Chen Huizu, the pseudo-governor of Huguang who was on a secret mission on behalf of Wuchang, pulled Li Shijie aside who was in charge of docking with him, and said in a low voice: "Please let the third brother of the Han Dynasty report to the emperor. Your Highness is the prince."

 The beginning of the Three Kingdoms captured Taishi!
  With a different opening, the author is also one of the sages in this book, and I hope that fellow Taoists can support one or two!
(End of this chapter)

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