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Chapter 908 The old rich go out, one is better than three

Chapter 908 The old rich go out, one top three

History has proved that the struggle history of feudal dynasties must be accompanied by the extremely inhuman and destructive act of digging ancestral graves.

Not to mention, Chongzhen's ancestral tombs and Li Zicheng's ancestral tombs have all been dug.

Then Ming Chao and Li Zicheng both overtook on the curve and killed themselves at the fastest speed.

Jia Liu was very smart, so he dug his ancestral grave ahead of time.

Instead of letting others cut off one's own dragon veins, it is better to do it first, and let others look at the grave and sigh, and there is no coffin to dig. This is Jia Liu's political wisdom.

It can be said to be a little bit of superstition, and it can also be said to be a little bit of cleverness.

Of course, if we have to be far-sighted, plan ahead, prevent the passing of time, anticipate the enemy's opportunities, and prevent problems before they happen, it is also possible to predict in advance.

Because these words are used on Jia Liu, it is not against harmony.

Of course, while digging his own ancestral graves, Jia Liu also devoted himself to digging other people's ancestral graves.

In the face of national interests, what is face?
However, a wise man is bound to make mistakes if he has thousands of worries.

It was Jia Liu who thought that one day his enemy might vent his anger on his family's ancestral grave, but he never thought that this enemy would be an old rich man.

The good brother in his eyes actually took the lead in engaging in feudal superstition while he was marching south, and blatantly stole the good brother's home!
The euphemistic name is: "This is also to guard against inevitability, and plan ahead. Don't be afraid of [-], just in case. As far as the Daqing Jiangshan Sheji Yonggu is concerned, let alone a tomb, there are hundreds or thousands of graves. !"

Well, both parties are for the interests of the country, it is really indistinguishable, and everyone is right.

Old Fu is definitely not the Duduo family who stole to death for a hundred years, but the old ancestral grave of the Jia family.

Even if he killed him, he would not believe that Guizi Liuhui was the seed of Aixinjueluo.

Originally, it hadn't reached this point, and the trigger was the General King incident.

Seeing that Guizi Liu turned himself into the Great General of the Qing Dynasty, he not only took away the military power of the Qing Dynasty, but also flirted with Sehentu behind his back, and instigated the Mutual Aid Association to snatch the leading stick, and worked hand in hand with a group of governors, whether it is now or in the future, Devil Liudu has threatened the throne of Twelve Elder Brothers.

In order to be a good rich dad, the old rich had no choice but to cut off his robe with a knife. Before Guizi Liu showed his fangs, he cut off his luck first.

This is a highly confidential operation, so secret that even Lao Fu's own son doesn't know about it.

It was Du Erjia, the deputy capital of Manchuria, who performed the task.

This is the hereditary General Feng En, who was once the leader of the Ili army and the assistant leader of the public. He is a quite capable general in the clan.

It is a pity that when Agui presided over the second offensive, Duerjia, who was the leader of the team at that time, suddenly bombed the camp, causing him to be dismissed from his post and returned to Beijing to wait for the participation.

A few years later, Lao Fu, who was suffering from no one to use, noticed this dusty star, so he re-enabled him as the vice-capital of Manchuria with a white banner.

And secretly ordered Du Erjia to take people to Shanxi to carry out secret missions.

It's just that Du Erjia dug open Jia Hanfu's grave and found that there was nothing inside.

After being interrogated by the members of the Jia clan who came to Simazhuang, they found out that Gui Ziliu had moved the grave of his old man a few years ago.

The reason is that Jia Hanfu's tomb was once struck by lightning, and it is said that a thousand-year-old tortoise was dug out of the tomb at that time.

This matter was confirmed by Wang Baoguo, the magistrate of Quwo County.

Du Erjia doesn't care if the turtle is not a turtle, as long as no real dragon is dug out of the grave, it doesn't matter.

The question is, where did the great-grandson Guizi Liu get his old man and his wife?

After the bewildered Duerjia returned to Beijing and told the whole story, his Bole Fu Zhongtang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stomped his feet and cursed: "I'm such a bastard, you should show some shame!" Ok!"

Du Erjia was not involved in the subsequent incident, so he didn't know the follow-up, only that Fu Zhongtang sent an officer named Fu Min to secretly take people to Jingling.

Fumin was born in the Yellow Banner of Manchuria. He used to be a guerrilla in the green camp of Guizhou. He was the right-hand man of Wang Jintai, the admiral of Guizhou.

Wang Jintai, who was born in the Han army, is a close friend of Fu Zhongtang's hand-picked hand. He is now promoted from the admiral of Guizhou to the right servant of the Ministry of War and the commander of the Han army Zhenghongqi.

Uncle Se now understands clearly that his great-grandfather was really buried in the Tailing Underground Palace of the late Emperor by his great-grandson, Guizi Liu.

This point, Lao Fu is very sure.

Apart from the fact that the corpses of Jia Hanfu and his wife were in his hands, he also knew that Guiziliu, a bastard, ransacked all the funerary objects in the Tailing Mausoleum and put a bunch of fake things in the underground palace. The gold brick is only a fraction, and the big head was swallowed up by that bastard!
What made Lao Fu even more angry was that Wang Bazizi had someone paint a line of characters on the wall of the underground palace with lime water - "National key cultural relics protection unit."

Looking at the big from the small, the Jingling maintenance project of the holy ancestor Kangxi must be riddled with holes.

The director of the Xiling Management Committee, Ha Demen, and more than a dozen staff members of the Management Committee were secretly arrested by Fumin, and it was confirmed from these people that Guizi Liu opened the underground palace again after Yu Jia returned to the capital.

In order to prevent the news from leaking, the old rich secretary ordered Fumin to execute Hardmen and others on the spot, and sealed the palace secret so that it would not be publicized.

This matter did not arouse the vigilance of Zhili, because at that time Zhili governor Yang Jingsu and others were busy reorganizing the new army and raising food and grass for the front line of Huguang, and did not pay much attention to Jingling, a small civil affairs unit.

Now that the truth has come to this point, it's not as simple as taking a breath for the three masters of the Se family.

Grandpa, you look at me, I look at you, it's unimaginable.

Although there are all kinds of wonders in the world, but such a shameless operation as Guizi Liu, can there be a second one in the history books?
Uncle Se finally digested the message from Fu Zhongtang after a while, and asked with concern where the late emperor's remains are now.

The old rich didn't know either.

really do not know.

It is very likely that the remains of the late emperor have been crushed by the devils and turned into ashes.

"The wolf is ambitious, the king of losses treats him as his own family!"

Uncle Se was full of hatred and anger, he didn't know how his cousin gave birth to such a thing.

"Six sons are a bit too much."

After all, Sai Chong'a is a simple and honest person, until this time he only complained to his sixth cousin, without much hatred.

He didn't dare to disclose some things to Ama and Fu Zhongtang, for example, the concubine Shu Yehenala who was found in the palace was secretly given to the sixth cousin by him.

But if he knew that Fu Zhongtang also gave Mr. Shun to his sixth cousin, he probably wouldn't be so nervous.

Everything has come to light.

After supporting Uncle Se as the regent and forming the royal cabinet, the old rich is about to set off a third fire.

It is to ask Uncle Se to unconditionally support the arrest of suspicious personnel and ensure the stability of the capital.

This point was naturally supported by Uncle Se, who immediately asked his second son, Urshibalan, to organize a campaign to eliminate rape and rectify the army.

The principle is to loosen the outside and tighten the inside, and do it in secret, so as not to cause unnecessary confusion due to excessive influence.

In addition, Lao Fu proposed a bold measure.

It is to immediately deploy troops to encircle the Eight Banners area of ​​​​the Han Army.

The purpose is to take the 10,000+ family members of the Eight Banners of the Han Army as hostages in the city to split and disintegrate the group of generals of the Han Army under the six subordinates of the devils.

(End of this chapter)

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