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Chapter 909 6 sons, let's talk

The root of Guiziliu is the Eight Banners of the Han Army, and [-]% of its leading generals are descendants of the Eight Banners of the Han Army.

For example, Admiral Wang Fu of Zhili, Admiral Zu Yingyuan of Huguang, Deputy General Chang Bingzhong of Sichuan, and General Soldier Liu Heyi of Baoding recommended by Guiziliu to the imperial court were not the Han army who went to Jinchuan with Guiziliu to worship Tang A.

According to Queenie in prison, the main members of the Gongjin Association at the beginning were the Eight Banners of the Han Army who followed Guizi Liu, Sula, and some green battalion soldiers who belonged to the arrest team.

Later, this organization continued to grow. In addition to the Han army, it also absorbed a large number of children from the Eight Banners of Manchu and Mongolia, and corrupted a large number of important court officials, and finally grew step by step into the largest anti-government gang in the Qing Dynasty.

But no matter how big this organization grows, its backbone is still dominated by the Eight Banners of the Han Army!
This cannot be changed.

Therefore, Lao Fu believes that as long as the Eight Banners of the Han Army in the city can be controlled, even if the children of the Eight Banners of the Han Army who followed the devils and rebelled against the court cannot be forced to defect, those Han Army children will be wary, because they are afraid of the safety of their families. As a result, Guizi Liu was unable to concentrate his forces to attack the capital, and even caused internal chaos, which gave the court a great breathing room.

The analysis is basically reliable.

Uncle Se, father and son, basically agreed with Fu Zhongtang's plan.

But Ye San didn't know that Guiziliu was able to succeed, and apart from his own hard work, Fu Zhongtang, who was dedicated to the country in front of him, was also inseparable.

Before Guizi Six, the biggest collaborator in Jinchuan was Fu Lehun, who was the governor of Sichuan at the time!

After receiving the report from Guiziliu collaborating with the enemy, the governor of Sichuan not only failed to solve the problem, but instead dealt with the whistleblower who raised the issue. He blindly covered Guiziliu, and finally shot himself in the foot.

Of course, Mr. Zhongtang is now whitewashed.

There is no need to bring up bad things in the past, because the team still needs to be united.

Who is an official without a blemish in history?

The meeting process naturally advances to specific actions.

The Eight Banners of the Han army living in the city once reached more than 18 at its peak, and after several times of removal by Qianlong, there are about [-] left.

After the palace rebellion, the Eight Banners of the Han Army also spontaneously organized armed forces for self-protection, and united together for the first time to form the Han Army faction in the court hall, shouting for the six devils who were the admirals of the Nine Gates at the time, full of momentum.

Later, when Fu Lehun presided over the reconstruction of the Eight Banners of the Forbidden Army, he exchanged the establishment of the Qianfeng Battalion to the Eight Banners of the Han Army in exchange for the complete withdrawal of the forces of Guizi Liu from the capital, thus making the Qianfeng Battalion the armed force of the Eight Banners of the Han Army.

The Qianfeng Battalion now has more than 8000 people and is equipped with more than [-] firearms. The overall equipment level is not as good as that of the Central Army, and its combat effectiveness is also very poor.

The official statement is to give formal work arrangements, so that the children of the Han army can have a way out and at the same time receive a decent salary, so that they will not be idle.

If the Qianfeng Battalion was really an elite army, it would be impossible for Guizi Liu to be left in Beijing without asking.

Simply using force to deal with the Qianfeng battalion can be done by the two yellow banner guards that Uncle Se originally stayed in the capital, not to mention that his second son brought back more than [-] people from Hubei.

With the current strength of Master Se, not to mention taking down the Qianfeng Battalion, it is not a big problem to cut down all the 10,000+ family members of the Han army.

However, the situation in Beijing is more complicated.

Four factions formed after the city-wide ominous incident.

Prince An's faction, the old rich family's faction, the Manchurian princes' faction, and the Han army here are also considered to be one faction.

Among the four factions, Prince An's group is the most elite because they control more than a dozen regiments of the Central Army, with about [-] militants.

The number of soldiers and horses of the original old rich family was not as good as that of Prince An, and the Coating Battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Guarding Army Battalion of the Old Summer Palace were dispatched to the south and were wiped out by the Devils Six. There are less than 2 soldiers and horses in the Liyuan Fu family.

Mainly three forces.

One is the more than [-] Guizhou soldiers brought by Wang Jintai, the former admiral of Guizhou, who is now the right servant of the Ministry of War, and the commander of the Zhenghong Banner of the Han Army;

The second is the more than [-] former Sichuan Governor-General brought by Martai, the former Sichuan General Soldier and now the admiral of the Nine Gates.

The third is the more than 4000 Eight Banners soldiers who have successively changed defenses from the Xiaojiu Office in Zhili and withdrawn to the capital.

In addition, there are thousands of horse and infantry soldiers from the Green Camp of the original capital who did not go with the devils, and the remnants of the Jianrui Camp and some guards.

After the coup d'état by the three big bosses in the cabinet, the first thing the three big bosses looked for was Martai, the admiral of the nine sects.

As Lao Fu's most loyal general, Ma Ertai should lead his troops to kill the three big bosses and save Fu Zhongtang out of reason.

But Maertai finally accepted the conditions offered by the three big bosses - Zhenghuang Banner Manchuria Commander, Supplementary Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Armed Forces, and third-class Wu Yibo still in charge of the nine admirals.

Martai's betrayal forced Wang Jintai, another general under Laofu's command, to accept the reality, admitting the emperor's return, and was soon promoted to the unified position of Zhenghongqidu in Manchuria.

The attitude of the two generals directly determined that the coup d'état ended in a peaceful manner and did not trigger a civil war in the capital.

On the side of the princes of Manchuria, there are almost 1 militants in the Manchu Eight Banners and the Mongolian Eight Banners. The Han army with the smallest number is the Qianfeng Battalion Seven to 8000 people.

The armed forces of the entire Beijing Division add up to more than [-] people, which is about the same as the four main forces formed by Guizi Liu in Xiangyang.

However, Guizi Liu still has more than 2 new troops in Zhili. In addition, Shandong and Henan each sent several thousand people to join the anti-rebellion army. Therefore, Guizi Liu currently has more than [-] troops on the outskirts of the capital.

If it weren't for the tall city walls of the capital and the containment of Pan Zhishan, the admiral of Gubeikou, the Zhiluyu coalition forces commanded by Wang Fu had already launched an attack on the capital.

It is true that the Eight Banners of the Han army are the weakest, but if Prince An, the most powerful, suddenly attacked the Han army, the other two factions would be suspicious.

Therefore, before doing anything, the old rich must obtain the support of the Manchu princes, that is, greet them, and inform them of the formation of the royal cabinet, in exchange for the princes' full support for the regent Prince An to complete the complete control of the capital, and everyone will unite as one to deal with the Qing Dynasty. Enemy - John Provence People Jia.

In addition, the more important thing is that Lao Fu has to move his power again.

Especially how to get Martai and Wang Jintai to put down their guard and obey his Zhongtang military order to make a comeback.

With the military ministers of the military aircraft department, especially the three big bosses who joined forces to bring him down, Lao Fu still has a lot of work to do.

The whole capital is like a mess, waiting for Lao Fu, the only savior of the Qing Dynasty, to sort it out one by one.

I really just hate being weak.

But in his spare time dealing with these matters, Lao Fu found another person, hoping that this person could go to Xiangyang to talk to Guiziliu on his behalf.

This person is Guizi Liu's brother-in-law, Wang Zhi'an, a doctor in the Ministry of Rites.

Given two conditions.

One is to inform Qianlong that he will abdicate immediately, so as long as the six sons give up the title of emperor, they can still serve as the regent of the Qing Dynasty.If you don't want to come to Beijing to serve, you can choose one place in Hubei and Sichuan provinces, which will be the permanent town of Prince Rui.

It doesn't matter if the six sons don't agree to this condition, Lao Fu told Wang Zhian very clearly that as long as his brother-in-law can give up attacking the capital, the Qing Dynasty can rule the river with him, and release the imprisoned Jia Daquan and his son, including all their relatives in Beijing.

There was another person who went to Xiangyang with Wang Zhian. This person was Guizi Liu's nobleman in his official career.

It seems that Lao Fu is planning to play the relationship card and the acquaintance card.

But more like a smoke bomb.

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