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Chapter 989 I am a Great Power

Surrounded by the Qing army on the east bank of the Daling River is Xinyi Town, which belongs to the Dongjin Corps. This town is one of the three Zhili New Army towns established by the Corps Commander Wang Fu in Baoding.

The three towns of the Baoding New Army and the two towns of the Tianjin New Army have a distinctive feature that distinguishes them from other troops, that is, the hats, upper bodies and trousers of the officers and soldiers are all red.

When the Zhili New Army was first formed, Jia Liu required that the uniforms of the new army must be brightly colored, because the training standards of the new army were formulated according to the musket troops in the era of pure muskets.

It cannot be said to be a complete army of great powers, it should be said to be a typical army of great powers.

Although flintlocks have been prepared for troops in batches, this weapon still cannot be called a gun, and its range and accuracy are far inferior to guns. Therefore, infantry must be concentrated on the battlefield in order to launch intensive firepower at the enemy. In order to improve the killing efficiency.

The short firing range of the firecrackers must lead to a very short combat distance between the two sides. The enemy is easy to get close, which will cause the problem that the enemy and the enemy are mixed and difficult to identify. Therefore, it is best for your own infantry to wear brightly colored clothing to identify each other, otherwise it will be easy. Misfires will happen.

On this basis, the colors of the military uniforms that Jia Liu made for the new army were mainly blue and black.

However, after Wang Fu took over as Admiral of Zhili and was fully responsible for the construction of the new army, after several small-scale gun drills, he believed that black was not suitable for military uniforms, because black military uniforms would become a nightmare for officers and soldiers in hot weather.

Although blue does not have the problem of heat absorption and heat dissipation, it is a bit awkward as the color of military uniforms, so Wang Fu uniformly changed the uniforms of the new army to red.

At the same time, officers are required to put a red feather in their caps, so that it is convenient for soldiers to identify their own commanders, and it can also be used as a kind of honor to give officers a sense of belonging.

Similar to the effect of single-eyed feathers and yellow mandarin jacket.

Jia Liu agreed with Wang Fu's improvement, and it didn't matter to the officer's hat with bird feathers, because it would take at least 100 years for snipers to emerge.

The ruler of Xinyi Town, An Mu, is not Zhang Jia's second son, An Mu, but the security captain who has followed Jia Liu for the longest time, and is also one of the senior generals who came from Sauron.

After crossing the Daling River, An Mu agreed with Jiang Biao, the chief of staff and a native of the Green Camp in Sichuan, that An Mu would lead the main force of the infantry at the front, and Jiang Biao would lead the artillery, supplies, and the cavalry battalion directly under the town.

In the early hours of the morning, after checking the time with the standard pocket watches issued by the Ministry of Military Affairs, the commanders and chiefs of staff of the command and staff, as well as the commanders and regiments under the jurisdiction of the town, more than [-] officers and soldiers advanced towards Shisan Mountain in the dark.

According to the information sent by the Second Army yesterday evening, the Manchu-Mongolian Allied Forces had discovered Xinyi Town, which exits the Daling River in the east from Jinzhou, so it could not be ruled out that Xinyi Town would be attacked by the Manchu-Mongolian Allied Army cavalry troops on its way eastward.

Regarding possible attacks, An Mu and Jiang Biao formulated two plans, A and B.

Half an hour later, Manchurian cavalry were found ahead.

The total force is more than 5000. Except for the more than [-] soldiers of the Eight Banners, they are all cavalry from various tribes in Monan Mongolia.

The Manchu-Mongolian coalition's attack on the Shisanshan area did not achieve the expected results. Therefore, after Tanma discovered that another puppet army from Jinzhou had crossed the Daling River and was preparing to reinforce the puppet army in the Shisanshan area, General Hongshang of Shengjing Decisively decided to annihilate the puppet army that came across the river first, because the puppet army had only a few thousand troops.

If it can be severely damaged, it will definitely shake the morale of the puppet army in the Shisanshan area.

After discovering the enemy, An Mu decisively ordered to form an army on the spot. Not long after, the Manchurian cavalry launched an attack on Xinyi Town.

Facing the fierce volley of guns from Xinyi Town, the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry were not afraid, and they charged batch after batch.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry found a gap between the front team and the rear team of Xinyi Town, so they took the opportunity to rush in and once broke through the defense line of Xinyi Town.

At the critical moment, the Corps urgently deployed more than 200 "Jatling" repeaters in Xinyi Town to play a huge role.

This gun can be fired 48 times at a time. Although there are various problems, it is undoubtedly the best equipment equipped by the Restoration Army.

"Bang bang bang!"

The intensive shooting of the guns caught the hundreds of Mongolian cavalry who came in by surprise.

The commander of this department is the second son of Kung Labutan, Prince Zhuoli Ketu of the Horqin Tribe, and Tenzin Wangbu, who had accompanied Guorui in the Burmese expedition, successfully intercepted the front and rear troops of the puppet army after suffering heavy casualties. Overjoyed at the arrival of the victory, and then accompanied by the sound of gunshots in his ears, the former second-class guard Beizi screamed in fright at the scene in front of him.

An extremely terrifying scene.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Mongolian warriors were knocked down more than half by the gunfire of the puppet army, and only a few dozen people were still running around in a panic on their frightened horses.

Whether it was a man or a horse that fell to the ground, they were all screaming and struggling.

The scene in front of him made Tenzin Wangbu's scalp tingle. He didn't expect the firearms of the puppet army to be so powerful, and they didn't even need to be loaded with gunpowder like the firecrackers. They all fell off their horses.

The puppet army on the opposite side also burst into cheers, as if they were proud of their new weapons.

The sound of dense bursts of gunfire rang again, and this time the remaining dozens of Mongolian soldiers all fell to the ground, and even Tenzin Wangbu himself was thrown off his horse by his mount.

After he struggled to stand up, he found that one of the legs of his most beloved horse had been broken by the blunderbuss.

"Is this a gun or a cannon?"

With the last doubt, Tenzin Wangbu was cut off by dozens of reform soldiers with short knives.

His father, Prince Gong Labutan, who was watching the battle from a distance, found that his son's military flag was no longer flying, and after the hundreds of men who rushed into the puppet army were wiped out, he sent a cavalry force of more than a thousand people to try to attack. The puppet army rescued his son and escaped.

This Mongolian army obviously didn't see the scene just now. They were desperate and yelled to kill the enemy in unison, but due to the lack of firecrackers, they could only hold spears, bows and arrows on horseback, and rushed towards the reformation army's position with enthusiasm.

During the charge, cannons fell from time to time, and when they approached, they were stopped by the platoon guns of the Restoration Army. When they finally rushed to a distance of tens of meters in front of the position, they were repeatedly harvested by those continuous-fire guns they had never seen before.

Where the naked eye can see, what can be seen is that the Mongolian soldiers on the horse fell off their horses and fell to the ground one by one, and the war horses also stopped there suddenly and could no longer neigh.

In front of Jaitling's continuous firing gun position, the Mongolian soldiers fell to the ground one by one like the wind blowing wheat waves.The movements are as if they have been rehearsed, and it is like a ruler sweeping across. Wherever the ruler reaches, there are no living people or animals.

Jiang Biao, chief of staff of Xinyi Town, observed the distance with binoculars, and found an enemy army who looked like a general still riding a horse on the bridge and waving a yellow flag in his hand.

It's just that there are fewer and fewer cavalry charging towards their own positions.

After putting down the binoculars, Jiang Biao scanned the surrounding officers and soldiers, and what he saw in their eyes was excitement.

An excitement born of self-confidence.

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