Sir, you have to pay more

Chapter 990 Invincible with a full salary!

Chapter 990 Invincible with a full salary!
"In the winter of the second year of Chongzhen, my Qing soldiers entered the pass to besiege the Ming capital. Ke Gang and Dashou entered the guard from Chonghuan and counted their merits. Chonghuan was imprisoned, but he collapsed with Dashou and returned to the court. Four years later, the Ming Dynasty built the city. Linghe was ordered to be built by Ke Gang and Dashou. As soon as it was completed in August, our Qing Dynasty attacked with [-] people, but Ke Gang and others could not hold on.

For a long time, the arrows ran out and the food ran out, and everyone ate each other.Dashou and all the generals wanted to surrender, but Gang refused to follow, and ordered the two of them to flee outside the city to kill him, but Gang's expression remained unchanged, and he died with a smile on his face. "

Jinzhou, Fengguo Temple, the Sixth Emperor of the Restoration and his ministers are offering incense to He Kegang, the former Ming Taibao and Zuo Dudu.

unofficial nature.

Pure Jialiu private arrangement.

As an old professor of national history and in charge of the compilation of "Siku Quanshu", Lao Ji, of course, can act as a narrator of any Ke Gang's life story.

"The minister thought that Ke Gang just laughed without saying a word when he was dying. Maybe he knew that it was a fraud to drop my Daqing by his birthday, so he did not hesitate to die in order to win the trust of Daqing in the name of his own loyalty and his second birthday."

Due to the latest instructions of the Six Emperors, the treatment of historical figures should be viewed in stages, and the second army admiral Zu Yingyuan’s grandfather Zu Dashou should be evaluated objectively. Therefore, Lao Ji found He Kegang who was not angry but smiled when he died to prove it. Dashou was deposed as a fake back then, so the shining points of Dashou can be extracted and made a big fuss about.

Quinny, who didn't know the inside story, corrected Lao Ji by insisting on the true colors of history: "The big birthday is not a false surrender, but a real surrender. He made a secret agreement with Emperor Taizong to take Jinzhou as a response, so he brought 26 people into Jinzhou. If he was willing to surrender, he had no choice but to return to the Ming Dynasty after his birthday. Therefore, it is true that he killed Kegang, and it is not because Kegang was willing to sacrifice his life in order to live a long life."

The implication is that if the soldiers and civilians of Jinzhou were willing to go with Zu Dashou, then Zu Dashou would undoubtedly be the hero who helped the Qing Dynasty seize Jinzhou, not some false surrender to the Qing Dynasty, waiting for an opportunity to return to the Ming Dynasty.

"Old Kui, the emperor said that historical issues should be broad rather than detailed."

Lao Ji frowned slightly, coughed lightly, and winked at the Six Emperors, and then winked at Lao Kui.

"Is it better to be thick or thin?"

Quinn's heart was agitated, and she quickly understood, and hurriedly said: "Of course, this is just my personal opinion. Whether it is in line with historical facts is yet to be verified by the relevant departments, and the wishes of my family are irrelevant."

But His Majesty the Emperor did not see any reaction.

Looking up again, His Majesty the Emperor was staring at the east with his hands behind his back.

Three feet above the head, there is a spirit in the four characters of the Big Bear Palace.

At an altitude of [-] feet, the rising sun sweeps away the haze of the sky and the earth, and the warm sunshine bathes the world.

"Did you hear that?"

Jia Liu murmured, "I heard it, did you hear it?"

"Hear what?"

Lao Ji and Queenie were both in a daze, they didn't hear anything, they couldn't help but be amazed, did His Majesty go crazy again?

"I heard it, I heard it, it's the wind roaring, the horses roaring, the Daling River roaring!"

With the passionate sound of progressively raising the pitch one by one, Jia Liu's body was shaken violently, and a burst of green energy shot up to the sky like a sharp arrow toward the distant Daling River.

"The morning is clear and cool, which makes people happy; on the river and on the fields, there is a hazy mist floating... After a while, the bright sunshine dispels the morning fog and shines on the far and near countryside. How intoxicating the earth is!"

Lu Da, a reporter accompanying the army in Xinyi Town, looked at the figures charging in the distance, and listened to the thundering cannons, picked up a pen and continued to write in his notebook: "It seems that the artillery fire and bullets can't defeat the Mongolian bandit army. They died. And resurrected, fought tenaciously, and even rushed thirty meters in front of our cannon."

".Amidst the sound of horns and drums, my brave officers and soldiers of the Restoration completely overwhelmed the arrows, spears, dull knives, and pitiful cannons of the bandit army with sharp guns and quick guns. , in front of our army's big red formation, we will suffer a disastrous defeat."

After writing these, Lu Da suddenly felt something in his heart, and looked at the height of [-] feet in doubt. After a long time, he wrote a sentence on the paper-"The wind is roaring, the horse is roaring, and the Daling River is roaring. .”

The fighting method of the Restoration Army was not different from that of the former Ming army. It was also that the front layer was on the ground, the middle layer was slightly bent, and the rear layer stood upright. The front layer fired first, the middle layer followed, and the rear layer followed.

However, a hundred years ago, the heroic soldiers of the Manchu and Mongolian Eight Banners did not pay attention to the tactics of the Ming army, because this style of tactics was like a one-day tour, and they would be defeated as soon as they charged. killed them.

The charge of the cavalry had almost no effect in front of the reformation army. The dense sound of cannons and guns knocked the Mongolian cavalry on their backs.

At this moment in the battle, Andarshan, the deputy capital of Xingjing, no longer has the courage to fight, but Gong Labutan, Prince Zhuoli Ketu of the Horqin Department, is still trying to fight.

The death of his second son, Tenzin Wangbu, made the old Mongolian prince inexplicably sad and indignant. The pain of losing his son made him resolutely gallop to the stone bridge, and took over the apricot-yellow banner representing his prince from Fuguogong Tabu. The artillery fire of the Afraid of the New Army waved vigorously.

The shells of the Restoration Army kept falling around the stone bridge, splashing water several people high, making pits, or smashing the stone pillars on the bridge to pieces.

The Mongolian soldiers guarding His Royal Highness were knocked down by artillery from time to time, but those who fell were immediately replaced by new soldiers.

It's just because their Highness the Prince is still on the horse, waving the flag in one hand and holding a sword in the other.

When the stone bridge was littered with corpses, Kung Labutan still stood there, always alone, even though the cannons rumbled around him, he did not move.

That kind of courage made Jiang Biao, the chief of staff of Xinyi Town, who was always observing Shiqiao with a telescope, admire him infinitely.

In addition to admiration, I live in the mind of this flag-waving warrior.

In the afternoon, the battle escalated to a fever pitch.

The Manchu-Mongolian Allied Forces fought a final desperate fight with the First Town of the Restoration Army.

Seeing that the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry suffered heavy losses, Anmu, the governor of Xinyi Town, began to direct a counterattack.

The infantry units that received the order to counterattack immediately erupted with great fighting spirit, and even those who were slightly injured clamored to launch an assault with the troops.

The high morale of the officers and soldiers was not because their weapons completely suppressed the bandits outside the pass, but because the Sixth Emperor of the Restoration gave them high wages.

In addition to weapons and equipment seized on the battlefield, the remaining gold, silver and soft goods were also distributed by officers and soldiers.

That is to say, full pay is invincible!

A unit of the Manchurian and Mongolian cavalry who suffered heavy losses did not retreat under the assault of the powerful firepower of Xinyi Town. They did not retreat until they persisted for an hour before declaring their defeat with the death of all of them.

The situation on the entire battlefield has been completely reversed. The Manchu and Mongolian allied forces attacking one side were countercharged by the surrounded Restoration Army in all directions. Both the Manchu soldiers and the Mongolian soldiers were on the verge of final collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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