Stop forcing me to marry

Chapter 35 "Tianshu Shangjing 8 Recognition of Inspiration and Response Sutra"

Chapter 35 "Tianshu Shangjing Eight Consciousness and Inspiration Response Sutra"

After Liu Dafu took the map of Lin'an City, Lin Ye took a charcoal pencil to circle a warehouse at Linshui Wharf, and said casually:
"This sutra is carried by someone personally, and it is in the underground secret room here."


Liu Dafu gasped, feeling unbelievable, but at the same time definitely not fake, feeling extremely contradictory.

Why is there such a reaction?

Because that warehouse couldn't have been fooled around!

"Young Master..."

Liu Dafu's eyes were complicated, he called out, but didn't say anything for a long time.

"Oh, that's right."

With the idea of ​​avoiding any surprises, Lin Ye kindly reminded: "There are a lot of people in the warehouse, Master Liu must be careful."

Isn't that just a lot of people?

That's clearly the Yin Yang Sect holding a meeting!

A thousand small skills, the feedback information has a total of four points——

First, the origin of "Tianshu Shangjing Eight Consciousnesses and Inspiration Sutra";

Second, the effect of exercises;

Third, the direction of subsequent upgrades and precautions for practicing;

Fourth, the current state.

Lin Ye glanced over the previous content, and when he saw the current state, his heart suddenly became excited.

The scriptures were stored in a storage ring, and the ring was worn on the hand of the leader of the Yin-Yang Sect. Behind the leader were two vulture monsters, and warriors came quietly from outside.

It was night now, but not yet dark.

It's really a good time to do things, but the warehouse doesn't know how many people will gather.

Right now, the Yin-Yang leader is sitting in the secret room and having a secret conversation with another group of cloaked men who hide their heads and reveal their tails.

If you think about it with your heels, you know that there must be a conspiracy in this matter.

Lin Ye knew almost nothing about the situation in Da Xia, and was even less bothered to get involved.

How about throwing the problem directly at the person in charge?
Smiling secretly, he went to sleep by himself.

Dafu, who took over the pot, didn't dare to be good at it, and hurried to Qianyuan Palace.

Emperor Xia was about to go to bed, and the imperial concubine was already wrapped in a quilt and put on the shaker, when she heard the servants talking, her forehead suddenly went dark.

"what happened again?!"

"Your Majesty, this servant has something important to report!"

Liu Dafu bit the bullet and called out Emperor Xia from his joy, bowed his head deeply, and began to speak in detail.

Gradually, Emperor Xia's face was full of anger.

"Okay, that's great!"

Going back and forth in circles in the room, he suddenly slapped the table heavily.

"Liu Dafu, if I want to live, give me one, check, find out!"

The four words squeezed out between the teeth, seemed to be filled with ice balls, freezing through the hearts of the people.


It was night, and the east of the city roared, like an earth dragon turning over.

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Dafu came to Tianxiang Palace early, threw the "Tianshu Shangjing Eight Consciousnesses of Clear Inspiration and Response Sutra" to Lin Ye and left in a hurry.

His face was full of fatigue, and his body was stained with blood, which showed the fierceness of the battle.

Lin Ye couldn't help but secretly startled.

In Linjing City, Da Xia's power should have an absolute advantage, but it turned out like this...

How could Yin Yang Sect be so fierce? !
"Fortunately, I don't need my young master to fetch chestnuts from the fire..."

Lin Ye muttered happily, deeply feeling the benefits of being a master.

There will be a next time... all will be dealt with like this!
Put away the eight senses and senses, and practice martial arts as usual.

I didn't see Tianxiang in the morning, and Lin Ye was exercising quietly.

After lunch at noon, I dug out the eight senses and started reading.

What are the eight senses?

Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body are the five senses and body consciousness.

Body consciousness receives external information, transmits it to the spiritual world, and produces various reactions, which is consciousness.

According to Lin Ye's understanding, consciousness is almost equal to "all mental reactions and psychological activities that actively control the body and passively receive information."

Above consciousness, the one that controls everything is called solipsism.

Simply understood, it is the "core id".

It is not only the subconscious mind, but also the place of "God" at the bottom level.

Therefore, the sensing ability cultivated by the seventh consciousness is also called "spiritual consciousness".

When the state is low, the spiritual consciousness cannot be released, but it is extremely miraculous.

The heart is like a clear lake, and every detail can be checked.

Once someone is targeted, immediately become alert.

In the face of other people's malice, he is extremely sensitive, and it is absolutely good to make a wrong judgment.

In this aspect, even "Ziqi Tianxin", which claims to "replace Tianxin with one's own heart", can't compare.

The eighth consciousness is called true consciousness.

Looking at the introduction, Lin Ye felt a little mysterious.

What is true knowledge?

Human beings are born with spirits, which are the core of a person's essence at the soul level.

At the time of death, the spirit returns to the universe until the next birth.

Indestructible and not ambiguous, its name is "truth".

For ordinary people without cultivation, the true spirit has no thought or thought, and although it is immortal, it cannot carry any memory.

However, a successful monk can imprint the core of "self-consciousness" in the true spirit and reincarnate with the memory.

Therefore, there are often rumors of "mighty reincarnation" in the world.

Although the true spirit is crucial, it is illusory and mysterious, but it does not have the ability to sense the outside world.

Only by using secret methods to shape, strengthen and change it can it show its magic.

True knowledge is a kind of sensing ability that is manifested after the true spirit has been cultivated to a certain level.

According to the "Tianshu Shangjing Eight Consciousness and Inspiration Response Sutra", if you can cultivate true consciousness, you will have a strong "sense of time".

The "sense of time" is not used for outward exploration, but a kind of self-examination.

To put it simply: if an enemy attacks, the opponent's movements will slow down in perception.

The closer the distance, the slower.

On the other hand, everything is as usual, and we can deal with it calmly.

This is the supreme method in fighting, and it can be stopped from time to time.

As long as the difference in strength is not too large, there is no fear of being besieged by many people, breaking them one by one is only a matter of turning the palm of your hand.


To sum up, "Tianshu Shangjing Eight Consciousness Clear Inspiration Response Sutra" is a frighteningly powerful perception technique.

The stage of the five senses is comparable to other top methods.

From the stage of consciousness, it becomes unique and mysterious.

This method is named "Tianshu", which observes the sympathy of qi and movement, captures the moment when yin and yang transform, and locks in the balance point of the circulation of spirit and energy.

Meticulous, get the essence of movement and stillness.

The meaning of "Shangjing" is the wonder of the five senses.

When a normal person hears a sound, it is just a sound. At best, he can roughly imagine what the object that makes the sound is.

"Five senses imaging" is not the case.

No matter it is heard, smelled, tasted, touched...all can be sensed and imaged in the spiritual world.

Those who have entities perceive their general image.

Those who have no substance form some kind of image in the mind.

When the cultivation reaches a high level, the enemy stabs with a sword from behind, the sound is heard, the body feels the sharpness, and a scene is naturally formed in the consciousness.

For example, the opponent's body shape, posture, sword length, stabbing position and other information are all exactly as seen with the eyes.

In this way, it means that there are no dead ends around the body, and it is best at dealing with group attacks and melee.

If the six senses are successful, it is already the top perception method.

The seventh consciousness has a great achievement of spiritual consciousness, and it is extremely difficult to be attacked by surprise again, unless the opponent's realm is too high or has the same level of concealment.

If the eighth consciousness is cultivated...

It is like a god!
Lin Ye read the scriptures, and the more he read, the more excited he became. "Tianshu Shangjing Eight Consciousness and Inspiration Response Sutra" is much stronger than the top "Ziji Shenpu" in Zangshu Pavilion.

At the same time, various doubts arose in my heart——

How could the Yin Yang Sect have such a powerful secret method of perception?

That being the case, how could it be so miserable?
Now that the secret technique has been seized, has the Onmyoji Sect been wiped out completely?
Will there be any more hand tails?
Emperor Xia sent Liu Dafu to deliver the scriptures, but did not leave a word. What is their true attitude?

The more I think about it, the more weird it becomes.

Really unable to figure it out, Lin Ye simply began to memorize the secret method with peace of mind, planning to practice first.

The practice in the afternoon was still calm.

But at night, the situation changed suddenly.

A large group of servants and imperial guards suddenly appeared in the vacant courtyard behind the palace, cleaning up the room.

In fact, it was still far away from the forest, but he could hear clearly the open flames and people screaming.

Lin Ye consciously stayed in the room, not daring to move.

Going out to watch the excitement, he will be fine, but someone will definitely die.

Not long after, Liu Dafu hurried over and told Lin Ye a major event with a serious expression——

The current crown prince was thrown into limbo.

Ordinarily, this matter has nothing to do with Lin Ye, it is nothing more than having an extra neighbor who cannot go out.

However, for some reason, Lin Ye felt throbbing in his heart.

He suddenly had a premonition.

I am afraid that there is not much time left for myself to grow with peace of mind...

(End of this chapter)

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