Chapter 36

While Lin Ye was flipping through the scriptures, the former prince Li Ke seemed to sense something and glanced over here.

At this time, Li Ke had been stripped of his python robe, and was wearing a moon white tunic, sitting in a small side room in the inner courtyard of the cold palace with disheveled hair.

Gritting his teeth, his eyes were venomous.

"Father, father, I wonder why you suddenly gave the power of the inner palace to that little bastard Tianxiang. It turns out that you are really paving the way for that bastard bastard!"

"Good, good, very good!"

"No wonder you found out the location of the Yang Master early, but you have been slow to do it..."

"It turned out that he was really fishing for me!"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me!"

"I just want to be promoted to Dazong, I just want to live longer!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Amidst the miserable laughter, Li Ke spat out a mouthful of blood, which froze in the wind and turned into ice balls on the ground.


In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, there were several scriptures on Emperor Xia's desk, Liu Dafu and Li Zhongxian stood by, and Da Sima sat opposite.

Emperor Xia focused on flipping through the "Sutra of Transforming Dragons" for a long time, then suddenly asked:

"My gentlemen, can this sutra cure my illness?"

Li Zhongxian and Da Sima looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

"Your Majesty, the overall idea of ​​transforming the dragon does have merit, but the process is full of biases and omissions, and the hidden dangers are even greater than drinking poison to quench thirst..."

"Then, according to what Tai... Li Ke said, catching Yihan belongs to the jiao-type spiritual creature, and double cultivation with him, and then using the way of transforming dragons to help him transform dragons in reverse, can the cold poison in our bodies be eliminated?"

Da Sima was unwilling to give Emperor Xia any unrealistic hopes, so he shook his head decisively.



Emperor Xia put down the "Sutra of Transforming Dragons" expressionlessly, and looked towards Leng Gong with his hands behind his back.

"Since this is the case, why was Li Ke deceived by the Yin-Yang Sect and cooperated with it, making mistakes again and again?"

Li Zhongxian replied calmly: "Your Majesty, according to this old slave, this matter is definitely not just a disaster for the Yin Yang Sect family.

Although no clues were found at the scene, the old slave did smell the smoldering smell of Su Nv Dao, and there should be other secrets in it, which can make up for the missing key. "

"Then go check it out, and find out the Su Nu Tao!"

Emperor Xia ordered coldly, and suddenly glanced at Liu Dafu again.

"Dafu, Lin Qing can actually calculate the Yang Capital of the Yin-Yang Sect, can you ask him to make another effort?"

Liu Dafu showed embarrassment.

"Your Majesty, I didn't see how Lin Tianjun did the divination, he only said: This sutra is destined for me, so I delineated the location.

Come to think of it, it shouldn't be counting people, but feeling things.

The fundamental sutra of Su Nv Dao is "Heaven and Earth Rejoice, Dragon and Tiger Complement, Yin and Yang Harmony Grand Movement", it is impossible to still have a predestined relationship with him, right? "

Emperor Xia was startled.

Hearing Da Le Zhang's name, his eyes were slightly embarrassed.

This sutra is not necessarily related to Lin Ye, but rather related to the princesses of the royal family.

As early as when the replenishment plan was made, the Supervision Department and the Game Department were secretly collecting the secret methods of double cultivation, thinking about "Heaven and Earth Intercourse" for a long time.

Unfortunately not found.

Otherwise, Tianxiang should practice first, then teach some of the methods to the princesses, and finally start practicing with Lin Ye.

If Lin Ye knew about this, he would say: I hate this scripture so much, it should be destroyed!

How can you help with divination?
Emperor Xia was silent for a moment, then waved his hands in a dispirited way.

"I'm tired, you guys finish it off, go."

The three important ministers withdrew one by one, leaving only Emperor Xia standing quietly by the window in the study.

Suddenly, he said as if talking to himself: "Could it be that the cold poison curse that has troubled three generations of my Li family is really so unsolvable?"

The shadow under the candlestick seemed to twitch uncomfortably, and there was no sound in the study for a long time.


Fifteen miles downstream of Linhe River.

A dead body suddenly floated up on the river surface. There were scars and sword holes everywhere on the body, and the skin and flesh were rolled up, and no more blood flowed out.

However, after floating for only three breaths, the dead body suddenly opened its eyes, turned over and swam towards the shore.

The dead body stripped off its clothes by the river, wiped off all the hair with its hands, squirmed its muscles, and closed the wounds one by one.

Finally, he took out a set of monk robes from the jade pendant around his waist.

After putting it on, he turned into a little monk with a pale complexion and a weak temperament.

The little monk quietly sneaked back to the outskirts of the city, sat cross-legged in the secret room, took medicine to heal his injuries, and fell into a state of tranquility.

After a long time, a weak voice sounded in my mind.

"Sheng'er, is it safe?"

"Master Yang, it should be safe."

"Okay! I'm not in good shape right now, so I'll make a long story short, just listen carefully..."

"Master Yang, please give me instructions."

"This disaster was not caused by an inner ghost leaking secrets, but was calculated by divination. The calculation of this person made me feel extremely vigilant, so I can arrange for you to escape.

That person's own skill is quite average, but the divination method is extremely advanced, such a warning sign, Shangjing can't see his image and position.

But fortunately the scriptures have not been sealed, you can go to the Bliss School and find that old ghost for help——

Remember, if this person is not eliminated, my Yin-Yang Sacred Cult will be destroyed! "

The little monk nodded calmly: "The existing location should be found out."

Yang Shou said again: "Send me to the Yin master, you can go to work... If the prince is implicated, you should know who to go to next."


"Okay! Mrs. Li has reached the time of the catastrophe. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for my holy religion. You must be careful!"

"Katsuji knows the severity, please rest assured, Master Yang."

The conversation ended at this point, the little monk opened his eyes, and a strange green light flashed in his pupils.


Lin Ye was ignorant of everything that happened outside.

He is understanding the scriptures in the spiritual sea.

The practice in the early stage of "Tianshu Shangjing Eight Consciousness and Inspiration Response Sutra" is not complicated, even quite simple.

For example, the first step of eye training: stare at the edge of the rising sun, turn the eyeballs nine times to the left and fifteen times to the right, clasp the back of the head with your hands, massage multiple acupoints, imagine the purple gasification liquid, and moisten the eyeballs...

There is nothing mysterious about it.

Most of the foundations of martial arts in this world are like this, it is very simple to learn, step by step, and never aim too high.

Therefore, there are no obstacles to the training of the five senses in the early stage, and even the training of consciousness.

Lin Ye memorized the tricks and the precious medicines that could be used, and fell asleep happily.

Woke up the next morning, the Lenggong behind Yougong had returned to quiet.

Lin Ye didn't even bother to take a look, since he went to Tianxiang Palace to practice martial arts.

Still haven't seen Xiangxiang today.

Asking Hong Xing, she just rolled her eyes: "Does Your Highness not need to practice kung fu anymore?"

Okay, okay, you can't beat others, you are the boss.

It was another day of rapid progress for practicing martial arts peacefully.

The next few days were dull and peaceful.

Every day I can only see Xiangxiang, and I don't have time to chat.

Liu Dafu was in a hurry, and spent half an hour in Yougong every day, mostly for Lin Ye to study by himself.

The "Tianshu Shangjing Eight Consciousness and Inspiration Sutra" is progressing smoothly, and the speed at which the five senses are strengthened is outrageous.

On the fifth day, the internal and external progress bar also came to an end.

Lin Ye clenched his fists to feel the surging power in his body, and smiled at Hong Xing very reservedly:
"Go and tell Your Highness that I have completed the internal and external strong stage, and ask her to teach me the next stage of practice."

Hong Xing was dumbfounded, her mouth opened wide, in a daze.

At this moment, Liu Dafu, who hurried to Tianxiang Palace with a bad news, happened to hear this sentence, and yelled out a soprano in fright.

"What?! It's only been ten days, young master, you have made a breakthrough?!"

Lin Ye was wondering why he came, and before he could ask any questions, Liu Dafu grabbed his arm and dragged him to the martial arts arena.

(End of this chapter)

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