The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 704 Make the most poisonous oath

Chapter 704 Make the most poisonous oath

These days, people's living conditions are generally not good, but most people like to mingle, that is, relatives, friends, and neighbors get together to work, chat, chat, eat and drink.

However, due to constraints, most people’s families eat and drink with men as the mainstay, and most of the side dishes that go with wine are vegetarian. This is called Maocai with wine.

As for eating and drinking, except for weddings and funerals, few people can afford it at this time.

But Wang Meilan is no ordinary person!
Hearing that pigs cannot be killed, Wang Meilan felt a little disappointed, but at this time, when Zhao Jun said about killing donkeys, she suddenly regained her spirits and said to Zhao Jun, "Donkey meat is delicious! Mom, you little one, Grandma made big steamed dumplings stuffed with donkey meat for us, and put onions in there. After steaming, the onions melted inside, and once you bite it open... oh, tsk, a soup, and it's meat and eggs when it's over."

Seeing that it was time for dinner, Zhao Jun's stomach was empty, and it was time to have an appetite. Hearing what Wang Meilan said, Zhao Jun couldn't help but licked his lips.

"And donkey intestines!" Wang Meilan raised her head slightly, as if remembering, and said, "It's not the same as fat intestines. Why do you think that stuff is so delicious?"

"Mom, mom!" Zhao Jun reacted very quickly, he quickly stopped Wang Meilan and said, "Mom, stop nagging, we don't have a donkey."

"Ah..." Wang Meilan blinked her eyes twice, as if she was even more disappointed!
But at this moment, the dogs outside barked suddenly, and the dogs of the two families barked extremely violently!
Here comes!
It stands to reason that if the person who came was an acquaintance, the dog would not bite like this!

Therefore, Wang Meilan strode towards the door.But when she opened the door, she saw a person walking in from the gate of the courtyard.

"Qiangzi!" Wang Meilan saw that it was her brother Wang Qiang, and she was still thinking that these dogs should know Wang Qiang, why did they still bite him like this?And after a closer look, Wang Meilan was delighted.

I saw that Wang Qiang was dragging a big roe deer inside.It was also the smell of roe deer that made the dogs of the Zhao and Li families so excited.

"Hahahaha..." Wang Meilan was happy, and trotted all the way to meet Wang Qiang.

Seeing Wang Meilan approaching, Wang Qiang did not move forward. He loosened the hind legs of the two dragged roe deer, threw the roe deer on the ground, and said, "Okay, sister, throw the roe deer here for you, I'm going back!"

"Hey!" Wang Meilan grabbed Wang Qiang and said, "Brother, what are you going to do? Let sister eat here, our family's badger meat."

When she said this, Wang Meilan tilted her head and looked at the big roe deer behind Wang Qiang's feet.

This big roe deer is not small, weighing eighty or ninety catties.It is a big male roe deer with horns about [-] centimeters long on its head. The top three centimeters of the horns are soft, while the lower part has been calcified.

"No way!" Wang Qiang said, "You gave us meat, and your younger siblings are also at home!"

After grilling the badgers today, more than 100 catties of badger meat came out, and Wang Meilan gave some to each of Wang Qiang, Lin Xiangshun, and Zhao Guofeng.

After Wang Qiang finished speaking, he saw that Wang Meilan's gaze was not on him. He followed Wang Meilan's gaze to look behind him, and immediately said with a smile: "Sister, my nephew is not usually good at (hào) hunting roe deer, right?"

This is true, Zhao Jun often beats the dogs, and the dogs can only chase the roe deer in the beginning of spring.The rest of the time, if you want to hunt roe deer, you have to walk around.

"Yeah!" Wang Meilan nodded emphatically, and said, "Tomorrow we will have a visitor (qiě), and I say kill a pig, but your nephew won't let me. That's just right, you get the roe deer."

"Killing pigs?" Wang Qiang was taken aback, wondering if it would take a few days to finish the killing?Why do you want to kill pigs?

"Yeah!" Wang Meilan pointed to the back of the room: "Xiaojun went up the mountain with them today, captured three wild boars, and sent the old sow to Chun'er. There are still two yellow-haired pigs left, I will kill one tomorrow. He refused, insisting on giving gifts."

"Xiaojun is giving gifts. That's something to do." Wang Qiang heard the words and said hurriedly: "I killed two roe deer today. I thought you have a lot of people here, so I will get you a big one. There is a small one at home now, forty Come on, we want visitors, I will bring you that one tomorrow morning, so don’t kill the pig.”

"No need." Wang Meilan waved her hands, looked away from the roe deer, and smiled at Wang Qiang: "Just one person, this roe deer is enough!"

"Ah, that's fine." Wang Qiang responded casually, and then asked: "Sister, what kind of guest is here?"

"Oh!" When asked by Wang Qiang, Wang Meilan blinked and said, "What's your name..."

Just now when Zhao Jun told her that there would be visitors at home, Wang Meilan was thinking about tomorrow's menu. As for the specific names of the guests, Wang Meilan really didn't remember.

At this time, Zhao Jun, who had changed his clothes in the room, saw Wang Qiang coming through the window, and hurried out of the room.

As soon as Zhao Jun went out, he called "Old Uncle".

Wang Meilan turned around to greet Zhao Jun, and said, "Come on, tell your old uncle, what is the guest doing here tomorrow?"

Hearing what Wang Meilan said, Wang Qiang also looked at Zhao Jun curiously.

"Old uncle!" Zhao Jun asked Wang Qiang when he remembered something, "Do you know Huang Gui?"

"Huang Gui?" Wang Qiang frowned slightly as if pondering for a while, and then asked Zhao Jun, "Did you come from Lingnan?"

"Yes!" Zhao Jun nodded, and said, "He and Jiang Ming in Yongshengtun are Lianqiao, but not relatives."

"Ah!" Wang Qiang nodded twice and said, "I know him, but I haven't seen this person for many years."

Speaking of this, Wang Qiang suddenly came to his senses, and asked Zhao Jun, "What's the matter? Is he coming tomorrow?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Jun responded, but Wang Qiang said again: "Jun, why do you still know him?"

"Come, come!" Before Zhao Jun could answer, Wang Meilan greeted Wang Qiang and said, "Stop standing outside, let's go inside, and you can eat here tonight."

After talking to Wang Qiang, Wang Meilan said to Zhao Jun: "Son, you drag this roe deer into the house, and after I, your aunt, and your sister-in-law, we finish eating, the three of us will pick it up."

Zhao Jun agreed, but Wang Qiang waved his hand and said, "It's terrible, sister. Your younger siblings are cooking at home. I'll come out for a while. I'm not going back now. Why can't she look for me?"

"She can't!" Wang Meilan grabbed Wang Qiang's arm, dragged him into the room, and said with a smile: "If you don't go back, she will know that you left me here to eat!"

"Yes, uncle!" Zhao Jun pulled the roe deer's two hind thighs, smiled and said, "You eat here, and you can also drink with my father and others. When you go home, who will accompany you?"

The two women dragged Wang Qiang and the roe deer into the house, followed by the old lady.

Today, when Wang Meilan was delivering badger meat to those three families, she stopped by Jiang's house and told the old lady to come for dinner tonight.

This old man is old, and he doesn't pay too much attention to his meals, so he just chooses something convenient and simple to cook.So get the meat for the old lady and let her eat it by herself, it’s better to let her eat it, so there are many people and it’s lively.

Originally, according to Wang Meilan's idea, the old lady was to come back with her.But the old lady insisted that she had embroidered two pillows for Zhao Jun, and it was almost time to close them up, and she insisted on finishing them, and then brought the pillows to Zhao Jun's house.

Wang Meilan couldn't hold back the old lady, so she had to come back first.

At this time, the old lady came in with a small red cloth bag, and was welcomed by Wang Meilan to the back room. The old lady opened the cloth bag, and saw two pillows with red backgrounds, one embroidered with dragon and phoenix showing auspiciousness, and the other embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in water.

The old lady's craftsmanship is really good, which attracted everyone's admiration.When Wang Meilan put away the pillow, the old lady took Zhao Jun's hand and said to Zhao Jun, "Little one, is your aunt Liu doing something for you?"

"Ah!" Zhao Jun heard the words and hurriedly said, "It's done, it's done."

At this time, Wang Meilan, who put the pillow into the box, turned around and said to the old lady: "Auntie, I heard from my sister, are you angry with her?"

The old lady turned her face away, and pretended to be angry and said, "I'm not angry with her, and she doesn't take care of us? I watched her several times. She and that kid from the old Gu's family, where did she slip away?"

"Haha..." Wang Meilan smiled when she heard the words, and sat sideways beside the old lady, and said, "Don't worry, our army's affairs are almost done. Now wait for Youcai and their forest farm to stop busy. The two families will get together for a while, and it will be over as soon as the ceremony is over!"

"Ah!" Hearing what Wang Meilan said, the old lady nodded slowly, but suddenly remembered something, she patted Wang Meilan's hand again, grabbed it and said, "Girl, haven't you done it yet?"

"Ah..." Wang Meilan was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to respond.She knew that the old lady was kind to Zhao Jun, but making quilts was different from embroidered pillows. There was nothing to say about embroidered pillows, but making quilts was not good, and a woman who had given birth to a son could follow suit.And this old lady has no children...

But the old lady was not confused. She squeezed Wang Meilan's hand and said, "I can't do it anymore. But you have to hold on tight. When it's done, you can just leave it there." .Don’t be in a hurry, what can you do?”

"Yes, yes." Wang Meilan responded repeatedly: "After the ceremony, I will be the quilt!"

"Hey!" The old lady let go of Wang Meilan's hand, then patted the back of Wang Meilan's hand and said with a smile, "That's right!"

"Mom!" Zhao Jun suddenly remembered something.He hurriedly said to Wang Meilan: "My aunt Zhou said, when you are going to make a quilt, you send her a message, and she and my sister will come over."

"Oh!" Wang Meilan heard the words, her eyes lit up and she said: "This is okay, let your sister come back and stay for a few days then!"

Being a quilt is a big deal, but Wang Meilan also misses a daughter, and since Zhao Chun got married, she hasn't lived in her mother's house.If Zhao Chun could take advantage of this opportunity to come back for a few days, Wang Meilan would have to cook something delicious for her eldest daughter!
At this moment, Wang Qiang interjected, "And his aunt."

"Yes!" Wang Meilan nodded and said with a smile, "There are also Xiaomei and Shunzi's wife."

"Auntie!" As soon as Wang Meilan finished speaking, Yang Yufeng answered, "I can't follow you to make quilts for brothers, but I will come over when the time comes, and I will cook for you!"

"Okay!" Upon hearing that everyone should contribute, Wang Meilan suddenly looked forward to the few days of being a quilt.

But at this time, Zhang Yuanmin actually joined in and said to everyone: "His sister-in-law can't reach out this time, but next time she can!"

"Huh?" Zhang Yuanmin's words made everyone confused.Everyone knows that Zhang Yuanmin's "his sister-in-law" refers to Zhao Jun's sister-in-law, that is, Yang Yufeng.

But this time, next time, what does it mean?
Zhang Yuanmin saw that everyone was silent, so he announced to everyone: "We are a couple, we are going to have another boy!"

"Oh!" As soon as Zhang Yuanmin finished speaking, the old lady raised her hand to make a gesture to Zhang Yuanmin, and said, "This is okay, you two are not very old, so hurry up and get one while you are young!"

These days, the older people are, the more patriarchal they are.This is especially true for those childless like the old lady!
"Yes, yes!" Hearing the old lady's approval, Zhang Yuanmin nodded and said, "I think so too, I even thought of my son's name!"

"What's your name?" Wang Meilan asked cooperatively.

"Hey?" Just as Zhang Yuanmin was about to answer, Xie Chen suddenly pulled Zhang Yuanmin, and Zhang Yuanmin was still a little unhappy when he was interrupted and turned his head.

But Xie Chen said: "Brother Zhang, you want a few boys from my sister-in-law, and my brother Jun can't do it again!"

Yes, how many times can Zhao Jun get married?

Perhaps in 30 or [-] years, nothing will be easier than marriage and divorce, but at this moment, marriage is no joke!
"Oh my god!" Yang Yufeng slapped Zhang Yuanmin on the back first, and scolded, "Why are you talking about everything?"

"That's right!" Jin Xiaomei, who had just realized it, waved her hands and said, "You can't talk nonsense!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone gave Zhang Yuanmin a reprimand, so that he would not have the opportunity to show off his future son's name.


When the big clock on the wall rang, it was six o'clock.At this time, the forest farm was off work, and the badger meat in Zhao Jun's pot was ready.

Wang Meilan took Jin Xiaomei and Yang Yufeng to the outhouse, took the badger meat out of the pot, chopped off the badger's neck, ribs, and spine, and put it in the pot to stew soup with radishes.

After stewing for about 10 minutes, put the vegetables and soup into the pot together.

Then, fry the torn badger leg meat with scallions.Next is chicken shaved tofu, fried three slices, black and white vegetables.

Four dishes and one soup, there are not many dishes, but the dishes are very large.

But Wang Meilan was still dissatisfied, so she added canned luncheon meat and canned fish, and insisted on changing it to six dishes and one soup.

At this time, the small commuter train had already arrived at the station, and the commuting workers got off the train one after another and rushed home.

When Zhang Laifa returned home, he heard his elder brother Zhang Laibao cursing from inside as soon as he reached the door.

As Zhang Laifa walked into the house, he understood that Zhang Laibao was scolding the Zhao and Li families.

Seeing Zhang Laifa came back, Zhang Laibao stopped cursing, and Xu Meihua came over and whispered to Zhang Laifa: "Old Pimple, come and persuade your brother..."

"I don't need to persuade you!" Zhang Laibao, who was lying on the kang, yelled, "I'm not done with them!"

"Hey!" Xu Meihua sighed heavily, shook her head and said to Zhang Laibao: "Son, Mom has already figured it out, as long as you two can do well. Let's live our lives, what are we arguing with them? What? Use it?"

An accident last month destroyed Xu Meihua's heart.Zhang Zhanshan, the pillar of her family, died, and her eldest son, Zhang Laibao, was destitute. He will not even be able to marry a wife in the future.Now the family can only rely on 14-year-old Zhang Laifa for support. How can they compete with the Zhao and Li families in such a day?
It can be said that Xu Meihua would have gone with Zhang Zhanshan if she hadn't worried about her two sons.

It's just that Zhang Laibao, who was injured in his vitals, had a more sinister and dark heart than before. He propped himself up on the kang, and swore through gritted teeth: "I Zhang Laibao, I'm going to kill them all! Just let me cut off all children and grandchildren!"

Xu Meihua: "..."

Zhang Laifa: "..."

As the two closest relatives of Zhang Laibao, Xu Meihua and Zhang Laifa couldn't help but want to complain.

What's the use of you swearing?You have to count on cutting off children and grandchildren?
 One more tonight?
(End of this chapter)

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