The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 705 The whole family is getting fat

Chapter 705 The whole family is getting fat
When Li Dayong, Li Baoyu and Zhao Youcai returned to the door together, they were not surprised to find that the lights were not turned on.

Without even saying a word, the two of them followed Zhao Youcai into the Zhao family's courtyard.

The Zhao family's east room, west room and outer room were all lit up, and the three of them could see the men, women and children in the house talking and laughing, it was quite lively.

Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong looked at each other, but they were silent, while Li Baoyu smiled and said, "Has my aunt made delicious food again?"

Zhao Youcai opened the door first, and Yang Yufeng, who was holding the bowls and chopsticks in front of the bowl stand, saw him coming in, and hurriedly said: "Old uncle, Uncle Li, Baoyu, hurry up and wash your hands and eat, I'll be waiting for you three!"

After speaking, Yang Yufeng walked towards the east room with a stack of bowls.

At this time, Zhao Youcai had a feeling, as if this was Yang Yufeng's house and he was the guest here.

Still the old rules, men eat in the west room, women and children eat in the east room.In this way, no matter how late the man drinks, it will not affect Zhao Hong and Zhao Na's rest.

When Zhao Youcai, Li Dayong, and Li Baoyu entered the Westinghouse, they found that Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, Zhang Yuanmin, Jie Chen, and Li Ruhai had already taken their seats.

"Brother-in-law, what are you looking at?" Wang Qiang greeted Zhao Youcai, then called Li Dayong, "Brother Li, hurry up, why are you still a stranger?"

Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong were the two eldest among these people, so they sat together on the edge of the kang, while the others sat around the round table on the benches under the kang.

As soon as the three sat down, Zhao Jun said to Zhao Youcai, "Dad, how about today's dish?"

This is to remind Zhao Youcai that if you don't move your chopsticks, others can't.So, hurry up!

Zhao Youcai picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of badger meat fried with scallions, and put it in his mouth to chew.

"Come, come." Zhao Jun greeted everyone and said, "Let's eat and drink more!"

Everyone moved their chopsticks, and after eating two mouthfuls of food, Zhang Yuanmin picked up the wine glass and said, "This wine is really good, I don't feel bad after drinking it."

"Really!" Wang Qiang took a mouthful, and at the same time picked up the wine glass next to his own bowl, gestured towards Zhao Youcai, and said, "Brother-in-law, hold the glass!"

Zhao Youcai picked up the wine glass subconsciously, just as he was about to say a few words, Wang Qiang, Zhang Yuanmin, Li Baoyu, and Xie Chen sipped their wine almost at the same time.

Liquor poured into his throat, and each of the four made a "hiss, ah" sound. Zhao Youcai was a little dazed. He raised his hand and looked at Zhao Jun and Li Ruhai who were sitting by the window. These two non-drinkers were holding badger bones Eat happily.

Badger ribs, each rib is very thin, there is not much meat on it, but the meat is very tender and the shreds are very thin.After removing the smell of mutton in the pepper and chili meat, it is very delicious to eat.

"Brother." It had to be Li Dayong, who clinked glasses with Zhao Youcai and asked, "Are you tired today?"

Zhao Youcai shook his head and took a sip of his wine.At this time, his good brother Li Dayong thoughtfully picked a piece of luncheon meat for him.

A table of people chatted while eating, and Wang Qiang asked Zhao Youcai, "Brother-in-law, do you remember? Back then, there was a big black blind man who weighed nearly five hundred catties kicking people in the Heixiazi ditch. Let's beat that black blind man." At that time, I met a man named Huang Laopi."

These days, rural people have nicknames.Some are a bit evil, such as Zhang Yuanmin.Someone went to Yong'an Village and asked who Zhang Yuanmin was, but probably not many people knew.But when it comes to big crotch, maybe the whole forest area knows it.

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai paused while holding the cup, and his eyes drifted to Zhao Jun's side. Seeing that Zhao Jun was eating meat, he said, "I forgot, I can't remember!"

As he said that, Zhao Youcai made a small move under the table and kicked Wang Qiang with his leg.

He was kicked, but Wang Qiang didn't care, he didn't yell out, but understood it.

Wang Qiang knew that Zhao Youcai didn't want him to talk about it, but what's the use of not saying it?Huang Gui is coming tomorrow, how long can you hide it?
"Brother-in-law." Wang Qiang wanted Zhao Youcai to get mentally prepared, and immediately said: "Then Huang Gui knows my nephew and said that he will come home tomorrow."

"What?" Zhao Youcai was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt that the food and wine were not tasty.

Zhao Jun had a panoramic view of this scene, and he felt that Zhao Youcai had a secret.Zhao Jun thought to himself, could it be that Zhao Youcai gave the bonus for beating black and blind people?
But on second thought, probably not.Because the black blind man made a big fuss at the beginning, and the whole forest area knew that the rumors were so uproar.

Zhao Youcai, Li Dayong and Wang Qiang teamed up to beat the blind man to death, and the forest farm held a special meeting to commend them.At the meeting, then Secretary Zhang personally handed over the bonus to Zhao Youcai.

After such a publicity, the entire forest area knew how much bonus Zhao Youcai and the others had won, and he couldn't be more ignorant if he wanted to.

Zhao Jun glanced at Zhao Youcai, and suddenly thought that he couldn't have played tricks on Huang Gui, right?If that's the case, it's embarrassing!
At this moment, Wang Meilan came from the opposite room.The women and children in that house don't drink alcohol, and they eat less, eating much faster than these men.

Wang Meilan entered the room, glanced at the table, and said, "Let me see what you lack, and I'll get it for you."

Just as Zhao Youcai was about to answer, he saw Jie Chen, who was closest to Wang Meilan, turn around and said to Wang Meilan, "I don't need anything! Auntie, take a rest for a while, you've been tired all day. Whatever we lack, we take it ourselves. "

"Oh." Wang Meilan said with a smile: "Auntie can't rest, we still have to chop the roe deer."

Hearing what Wang Meilan said, Zhao Jun hurriedly got up and said, "Mom, I'm done eating, I'll eat with you."

"No need!" Wang Meilan waved her hand and said, "Son, put on your clothes and send them back to the old lady."

The old lady is old and used to going to bed early and getting up early.When Zhao Jun heard this, he quickly agreed, took off the thin padded jacket from the wall, stretched out his sleeves, and walked to the opposite room.

At this time, Jin Xiaomei and Yang Yufeng were picking up tables in the east room.The old lady was sitting on the edge of the kang, smiling and watching the four little girls playing in the kang.

Seeing Zhao Jun rushing towards her, the old lady was so happy that she lost her eyes. She stretched out her hand to Zhao Jun and said with a smile, "Little one, come and sit for a while."

Zhao Jun didn't say anything else, he held the old lady's hand and sat down beside her.

At this time, the old lady held Zhao Jun's hand with one hand, pointed back with the other hand, and said with a smile: "Look, these bastards are all fat."

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly turned to look at his two younger sisters, Li Xiaoqiao and Xiao Lingdang.

For a while, Zhao Jun hugged his two younger sisters from time to time.He also felt that Zhao Hong and Zhao Na were heavier than before, but Zhao Jun thought it was because the two girls had grown up.

When we are together every day, we can't tell whether the child is fat or thin.

At this time, after hearing what the old lady said, Zhao Jun took a closer look, not only Zhao Hong and Zhao Na, but the four little girls' cheeks were all bulging.

"Auntie!" Wang Meilan came in from the outbuilding, and said to the old lady, "Come over tomorrow, let's eat roe deer meat tomorrow, and I'll make big steamed dumplings for you!"

"That's fine!" The old lady smiled when she heard the words, then raised her hand to touch her face, and said with a smile to Zhao Jun: "Small, do you think I'm getting fat too?"

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded and said, "Jiang Nai, you have meat on your face."

"Some meat is good." Wang Meilan answered from the side, and then said to Jin Xiaomei, "Look at our aunt, she's all red!"

This is true, the old lady has been eating well and in a good mood recently, and her mental state is much better than when she came back from Yongli Village.

"It's not that bad!" Jin Xiaomei turned her head to look at the old lady, and echoed Wang Meilan, saying, "This old lady has such a strong body."

When the two sisters were chatting, the old lady kept laughing, but Zhao Jun kept looking at Wang Meilan.

His mother made everyone around him fat. Like himself and Zhang Yuanmin, it's okay to go up the mountain frequently.Like old ladies and little girls, eating like this will definitely make you fat.

If you want to eat like this for a few years, and then have a dinner party, the room is full of fat people, that scene...

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun couldn't help shaking his head, and then said to the old lady: "Mr. Jiang, let me take you back. Let's go for a stroll, let's go for a walk in the village."

"Okay!" The old lady responded, then got up, put on her coat with Zhao Jun's help, and walked outside.

After Zhao Jun left, Yang Yufeng washed the dishes, while Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei went to pick the roe deer.

Lifting the right legs of the roe deer, Wang Meilan saw that the heart, liver, lungs, intestines, belly (dǔ) and kidney were all in the roe deer's chest!
"Oh!" Wang Meilan clapped her hands happily and shouted, "That's great!"

Wang Meilan's shout startled the drinking people in the west room, Wang Qiang shouted anxiously: "Sister, what's the matter? Are you touching hands?"

Wang Qiang also thought that his sister accidentally hurt herself with the knife.

"No!" Wang Meilan came to the door of the Westinghouse, smiled and said to Wang Qiang, "I see that you have brought me all the roe deer lanterns and so on!"

"Yeah." Wang Qiang said with a smile: "Give it to my sister, why don't you take the whole thing?"

Wang Meilan smiled when she heard the words, and was about to turn around and go back to pick the roe deer, but suddenly remembered something, and turned to Zhang Yuanmin and said, "Yianmin."

"Hey!" Hearing Wang Meilan calling him, Zhang Yuanmin hurriedly stuffed the fried scallion on the chopsticks into his mouth.Then he put down his chopsticks, looked up at Wang Meilan, chewed and asked, "Auntie, what's the matter?"

"Yeah." Wang Meilan supported the door frame with one hand, pointed out with the other, and said, "Come early tomorrow, and put it in the yard, next to that old stove!"

"What?" Before Zhang Yuanmin could speak, Zhao Youcai said, "What else are you doing? Isn't there one of them?"

"If there's one, there's one, what can we do with one?" Wang Meilan said, "We also have space in our courtyard."

"There is a place..." Zhao Youcai said, "You might as well build a cafeteria! It's not too much trouble for a day!"

Zhao Youcai said this with a smile, as if he was joking, but he was expressing his dissatisfaction.

Yes, Zhao Youcai is very dissatisfied, he feels that he has less and less status in this family!
In the past, if Wang Meilan wanted to do something, she had to discuss it with Zhao Youcai.But now, they don't even discuss it, they just make a decision!
"Uncle, it's okay." At this moment, Zhang Yuanmin interjected, "I'm not tired of this job, I'll finish it myself in a while."

Hearing this, Zhao Youcai couldn't help but give Zhang Yuanmin a sideways glance. Was he afraid that Zhang Yuanmin would suffer?

"That's right!" Wang Meilan rolled her eyes at Zhao Youcai, and said with a smile, "You don't need to do it!Ask Yuanmin to make one, and when the disk is finished, it will be convenient for us to use!Besides, when my son gets married and Baoyu gets married, won't I have to pay for it?Just put it on the plate first! "

"Yes!" Zhang Yuanmin could tell the difference between big and small kings, and after listening to Wang Meilan's words, he quickly agreed: "Auntie, I'll come early tomorrow morning, and I'll put some mud on the plate!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Meilan nodded in satisfaction, and happily went to pick roe deer with Jin Xiaomei.


This meal of wine was drunk until after nine o'clock, and everyone went back to their respective homes after drinking.

In the west room of the Zhao family, Zhao Hong and Zhao Na had already fallen asleep. The two little girls used to have small oval faces, but now they are almost turning into small round faces.

Zhao Youcai and Wang Meilan also undressed and went to bed, ready to go to bed.

As soon as Zhao Youcai's head touched the pillow, Wang Meilan sighed.

Zhao Youcai had a bad heart, so he pretended not to listen, and quickly closed his eyes.But pretending to be asleep as soon as you lie down is not realistic.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Meilan sighed again, and the sound was louder than the previous one.

This time, Zhao Youcai could no longer pretend not to hear.

"Lan!" Zhao Youcai seemed to be very concerned about Wang Meilan, and asked, "Why are you sighing? What's wrong?"

"Hey!" Wang Meilan said, "Am I not worried about my son's marriage?"

What do you want at home, and what else do you care about?

Zhao Youcai knew what Wang Meilan meant as soon as he heard it, and immediately said: "Lan, don't think about that, I will put aside the unit to make a round today. I will borrow some money from my apprentices and colleagues, and I will give it to you tomorrow. Take back."

"Ah, that's great." Wang Meilan smiled. If Zhao Youcaiguan's disciples and colleagues really borrowed the money, then Wang Meilan really wouldn't want it.But the point is, she knows Zhao Youcai better than anyone else.

"Hey." Zhao Youcai sighed silently in his heart, he felt aggrieved for taking the money!
"Alas!" But to Zhao Youcai's surprise, Wang Meilan sighed again.

Zhao Youcai frowned and asked with some annoyance: "What's the matter?"

What Zhao Youcai was thinking at this time was, you have blackmailed me for four hundred, what else do you want?

"Tsk!" Wang Meilan smacked her lips and said, "It would be nice if our family had a donkey!"

"What?" Zhao Youcai was taken aback, and said, "Why do you want a donkey? Our family doesn't have a set! Besides, there is a set, why do you want to rush?"

Wang Meilan turned her head on the pillow, turned to Zhao Youcai and glanced at him, then suddenly turned over, turned to the other side and hugged her chubby daughter.

Seeing that Wang Meilan stopped looking at him, Zhao Youcai also turned around, with his back to Wang Meilan.

Zhao Youcai was a little unhappy. He didn't know that Wang Meilan wanted to kill a donkey for meat, but thought that Wang Meilan wanted to blackmail him.

At this time, Zhao Youcai thought: "Are you used to blackmailing me? You just blackmailed me for 400 yuan, and now you want to blackmail me?"

Wang Meilan soon fell asleep. In her dream, she drove into the mountain with Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang.

They went to fight together!
Wang Meilan dreamed that she was carrying a gun and a knife, and her eldest son Zhao Jun and her younger brother Wang Qiang were accompanying her.

I saw that on the hillside, the mountains and plains were full of donkeys!

Wang Meilan excitedly slapped Zhao Jun on the shoulder and shouted, "Son! Son! Hurry up!"

At the same time, Zhao Youcai who was sleeping soundly was suddenly awakened by Wang Meilan.When Zhao Youcai was a little confused, he heard Wang Meilan shout: "Son! Son!"

"This bitch!" Knowing that Wang Meilan was dreaming, Zhao Youcai muttered, "Who cares about calling him a son?"

After speaking, Zhao Youcai stuffed Wang Meilan's arm back under the bed.

And at this time, Wang Meilan in the dream should be hitting a donkey, and Zhao Youcai heard her smirk,
Zhao Youcai: "..."

 Thanks to the lord for adding more, this lord seems to have changed his name!

  Thank you brothers for the monthly tickets, thank you very much!
  By the way, I don't think brothers like to watch Lao Zhang's family, so we can't let Zhao Youcai masturbate alone...

  If it's really not possible, let Lao Zhang's family be the transportation captain?The kind that can't hurt people...

(End of this chapter)

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