The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 706 Li Ruhai has provoked ruthless people

Chapter 706 Li Ruhai has provoked ruthless people

The next morning, Zhao Jun and Jie Chen got up at five o'clock, put on their clothes and went out to carry the wild boar.

Since he was not going to kill the pig, nor was he going to take one for Huang Gui, he should take it to Yongli Tun as a gift according to the original plan.

As for the field technicians Zheng Quan and Zhang Xuefeng that Zhao Jun wanted to give gifts to, they both had to go to work today.Zhao Jun had to go early to give gifts, and he had to deliver the wild boar to someone's home before the two of them went to work.

When Zhao Jun and Xie Chen carried the wild boar outside the courtyard, Wang Meilan stood in front of the stove, glanced through the window, and then sighed softly.

Zhao Youcai originally wanted to go out to join in the fun, but just as he was about to come out of the east room, when Wang Meilan sighed, he retreated back into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Zhao Youcai!" Wang Meilan yelled when she heard the door closing.

"Ah?" Zhao Youcai slowly opened the door, poked his head out and asked, "Lan, what's the matter?"

Wang Meilan threw the corn flour dough she grabbed into the basin and said, "Come on, steam the dry food!"

Zhao Youcai agreed, and hurried to wash his hands in front of the sink, and then came to pick up Wang Meilan's shift.

When he was putting pancakes in the pot, Zhao Youcai also took a look out and sighed at the same time.

Wang Meilan sighed because she couldn't be killed as a pig, and Zhao Youcai sighed because she couldn't be sold as a pig!
At this time, Zhao Jun and Xie Chen had already carried a little yellow hair into the car.It has to be said that without eating for a day and a night, this little yellow-haired boy's stomach will be flat.

When Zhao Jun and Xie Chen returned to the courtyard and were about to go to the back of the room to carry the other yellow hair, Li Baoyu walked out of the next room.

"Brother, you rest, I'll come!" Li Baoyu climbed over the wall, took Zhao Jun's burden, and together with Jie Chen, sent the second wild boar to the cart.

Just as Zhao Jun was about to get on the co-pilot, he saw Li Baoyu standing behind him, and it seemed that he wanted to go with him.

"Baoyu!" Zhao Jun hurriedly said, "You can leave home, we can't say when we will come back."

Zhao Jun didn't mind taking Li Baoyu out for a walk, but when he went, someone would have to keep him for dinner.After eating, there is no telling when he will come back, and Li Baoyu still has to go to work.

"Brother." Li Baoyu said, "I don't want to go, I just want you to pick me up. Go to the door of the small shop and leave it for me."

"Huh?" Hearing Li Baoyu say that he was going to a small shop, Zhao Jun asked curiously, "What do you want to buy this early in the morning?"

Li Baoyu followed Zhao Jun into the co-pilot, and said, "That's right. Last night when my mother came home, she yelled that you bought leather shoes for my aunt, and brother Zhang also bought for sister-in-law Zhang. This is her life. , and no one bought a pair of leather shoes for him.”

Zhao Jun and Xie Chen both laughed when they heard the words.

Li Baoyu snapped his fingers and continued with the two of them: "Let's talk about it, my dad says every day that he has no money. Ruhai..."

When talking about Li Ruhai, Li Baoyu sighed lightly and didn't continue talking.

And when Li Baoyu mentioned Li Ruhai, Zhao Jun's heart moved slightly, only to hear Li Baoyu say again: "Who else is there in this family? Isn't it just me? I'm thinking, I'll buy it for her."

Speaking of this, Li Baoyu added another sentence, saying: "I will bring another pair to Liu Mei by the way."

"You don't need to buy it for my aunt." At this time Zhao Jun stopped Li Baoyu, and when Li Baoyu was stupefied, Zhao Jun said: "Ruhai has already ordered it for my aunt, we ordered it together yesterday. Ruhai didn't tell my aunt , Said it was a surprise for his mother."

"Really?" Li Baoyu was taken aback when he heard the words, and muttered, "This kid is promising!"

As he spoke, Li Baoyu came to his senses suddenly, and hurriedly called to Xie Chen, "Don't go, let me go down!"

There was no need to buy leather shoes for Jin Xiaomei, and he was too embarrassed to buy them for Liu Mei alone.If you don't buy anything, why go to a small store?

Jie Chen hurriedly stepped on the brakes to stop the car.But Zhao Jun grabbed Li Baoyu's arm and said, "Go ahead, buy a pair for Liu Mei and a pair for my uncle."

"Oh!" Li Baoyu blinked his eyes, and reacted: "It's not a big deal! My uncle has leather shoes. If my father didn't have it, he wouldn't be able to get excited!"

Then, Li Baoyu said with some emotion: "We will be separated next year, I..."

Li Baoyu only said half a sentence, but Zhao Jun knew what he meant, and Zhao Jun just stopped him from the car because he wanted Li Baoyu to take the opportunity to honor his parents more.

"No!" Suddenly, Li Baoyu changed the subject, twisted his body, and said to Zhao Jun, "I just realized that Li Ruhai is a ghost! He didn't say anything about buying shoes for my mother, he was waiting to come to my mother's place." Good sale! When it's over, Brother Zhang has shaken off the matter of you buying shoes with me!"

"Then what are you thinking about?" Zhao Jun smiled and said, "We ordered together yesterday morning. He was the first to say that he wanted to keep it secret. As soon as we got home in the afternoon, Mrs. Zhang and my mother asked us. I'm stunned!"

"Yes!" Jie Chen smiled and said, "Ruhai revealed Brother Jun and Brother Zhang, and he will buy the shoes by himself, so he won't say anything!"

"This kid!" Li Baoyu made a fist with his right hand and a palm with his left hand, and smashed his fist on his palm, angrily said: "I regret it, you know he is like this now, I used to slap him hard!"

Zhao Jun glanced at Li Baoyu, and asked with a smile, "Don't you dare now?"

"Yeah!" Li Baoyu pouted and said, "I'm afraid he'll go out and pick me up!"

Li Ruhai doesn't go to school now, and every three days, he spends a whole day wandering around the village.That day, Li Ruhai's mouth was almost non-stop. From morning to night, Li Baoyu was afraid that he would talk nonsense outside.

After all, before a man grows up, who hasn't done something embarrassing?

However, before this was done, Li Baoyu would have beaten Li Ruhai long ago.But in the past two months, Li Ruhai has not only improved his verbal skills, but also tempered his willpower.Whoever beats him, he fights against.The more beaten, the more dissatisfied.

As a result, Li Baoyu didn't dare to attack Li Ruhai casually!
Therefore, at this time, Li Baoyu felt very regretful. This kind of regret is the same as Zhao Youcai's regret that he didn't cut Zhao Jun a few times before.

And after Li Baoyu gets married next year and separates from Li Dayong and the others, he will not be able to beat Li Ruhai even more.Otherwise, if the elder brother of the branch family beat his younger brother, Li Ruhai would be the one who knew it, and those who didn't know it would probably talk nonsense.

"Tsk!" Li Baoyu smacked his mouth and said to himself: "This kid is so annoying, someday I will..."

"Baoyu!" At this moment, Zhao Jun interrupted Li Baoyu, and said, "After you go back, don't tell my uncle and aunt about your purchase of shoes?"

"Why?" Hearing Zhao Jun's words, Li Baoyu was a little puzzled and said: "I'm still thinking about it. He told you all, and I will tell him too!"

"Other, other." Zhao Jun persuaded: "If you don't look at him, you still have to look at my uncle and my aunt. Give them a surprise! Hehehe..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun suddenly laughed!
Li Baoyu was excited, and asked Zhao Jun in a tacit understanding: "Brother, what then?"

"Then..." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "He stayed at the forest farm for two days, and only stayed at home for one day. Before Uncle Wang brings the shoes back, if he doesn't stay home, you will say it was you when you take them back." Buy it!"

"This..." Li Baoyu hesitated, and said, "Then what can he do?"

Zhao Jun smiled lightly and continued: "Yesterday my uncle and my aunt cleaned him up, can we not interrogate him? Ask him if he has any money in his pocket, and Ruhai will definitely say no!"

"Ah... ah!" Li Baoyu slowly came to his senses, and when he suddenly realized, his eyes lit up and he said, "It's not that bad! Yesterday he said that he only had one yuan and two cents in his hand!"

"Really?" Zhao Jun said: "If he surprises my aunt, how much money he has in hand, that's all! He didn't send a surprise, let my aunt know that he is lying. He is not afraid of being beaten, Aren't you afraid of running out of money?"

"Ah...hahaha..." Li Baoyu couldn't help laughing out loud after listening to Zhao Jun's words.

Zhao Jun raised his hand to pull Li Baoyu, and said: "You can go to the small shop to buy something else!"

"I understand that!" Li Baoyu laughed and said, "Let's play a cover!"


The car soon arrived at the door of the small shop, and Li Baoyu couldn't wait to get out of the car.

At this time, Zhao Jun stopped Li Baoyu and said: "Baoyu, you will go to the unit in a while and go to the logistics to find your brother-in-law."

"Hey!" Li Baoyu responded, and then listened to Zhao Jun's instructions: "Let him lead you to the material custodian and bring you back with a barrel of gasoline. After that, see if there is an empty rope, and let him cut (gā) for us Ten meters."

Zhao Jun asked for gasoline. Li Baoyu looked at the car in front of him and understood what was going on.

As for the empty return rope, it was originally used on the pole erecting machine in the forest farm.

In forest areas, some logs weigh as much as a thousand catties, and it is too inefficient to rely on manpower to unload them.Therefore, the forest farm and the forest farm have to use the pole erecting machine when collecting materials, loading and unloading, and returning the forest.

The mast erecting machine, also known as the winch machine, is powered by diesel.When I first used the pole erecting machine, the problem of returning the rope was very troublesome.

Fortunately, a senior in the forest area of ​​Jilin Province, with his own wisdom, developed an automatic rope return device, which used the empty return rope.

Compared with the load rope used to lift logs, the return rope is thinner, as thick as an adult man's index finger. It is made of twisted strands of steel wire. People in the forest area break it open, and it is best to put it in the mountains and put it under a cover. !

But Li Baoyu remembers that Zhao Jun likes to be simple and rough, and never plays tricks.

Zhao Jun saw Li Baoyu's doubts, and immediately explained: "We met that old brother Huang in Yongsheng in Kaichun. His family confiscated a soybean field and recruited roe deer and wild boars. I, Jiechen and Brother Zhang have to go there tomorrow. Go to his house to fight for a few days!"

"I heard what Ruhai said!" Li Baoyu sighed and said, "I can't go with you either!"

Since going to work, Li Baoyu has fewer and fewer opportunities to go up the mountain to fight siege, which makes him feel a little bit disappointed.

But in these years, people recognize the iron rice bowl.Families who marry daughters would rather marry their daughters to forestry workers than to individual households with ten thousand yuan.

Playing siege with Zhao Jun is indeed earning more than working in the forest farm, and it is a lot more!

But Li Baoyu didn't work hard if he wanted to fight around.This will be called nothing serious by the whole forest area. At that time, not to mention how Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei will deal with him, even the marriage talk will be ruined.

There is no way, this is a deeply ingrained concept of a generation, even if Zhao Jun is reborn, he can't change it.

Therefore, Zhao Jun could only wave his hand at Li Baoyu, and then told him, "Let him pick the thick ones and cut them, 12.5!"

The 12.5 mentioned by Zhao Jun is the thickness of the empty rope.At this time, there are 12.5mm, 9.3mm and 9.5mm ropes used in forest farms.The load rope is thicker than the empty rope, generally 18.5mm.

After hearing Li Baoyu's promise, Zhao Jun closed the car door and asked Xie Chen to drive away.

At the door of the small shop, Li Baoyu sighed again as he watched the car drive away.

But as soon as he turned around, Li Baoyu remembered the way Zhao Jungang taught him to teach Li Ruhai a lesson, and a smile appeared on Li Baoyu's face immediately.

"Hehe..." Li Baoyu couldn't help laughing twice when he thought of Li Ruhai's embarrassment.

At this time, Li Baoyu realized that one should not be too arrogant.Like Li Ruhai, if he first offended Zhao Youcai and then Zhao Jun, wouldn't he suffer?

"Oh!" Li Baoyu suddenly realized something, and couldn't help muttering: "Ruhai, Ruhai, you are a real mess!"


Zhao Jun went all the way to Yongli Village by car, thinking that when he came back to this village, he still came on the sledge driven by Xing Zhiyong.

It's been almost a year, and I don't know how Xing Zhiyong is doing!A while ago, I heard that he was taken out by a leopard, and the wound probably won't heal easily.

Just as Zhao Jun was thinking wildly, the car slowly drove into Yonglitun.

These days, every village is like the TV series said, there is a wild dog, and the dogs in the village have to go and smell it.

When the car came in from Tunkou, people kept looking at the car curiously.Although it is not necessary to stop the car for an inspection, it is all very good!

And the roads in this village are not very easy to walk, Jie Chen has no choice but to drive slowly.

At this time, someone saw two wild boars tied up in the trunk.

Although he has been working for almost a year, Zhao Jun has not been to work seriously for a few days.Therefore, not many people know him.

On the contrary, it was Li Ruhai.

Although this child has not been on the job for a month, there is no one in the forest farm who does not know him.

Thanks to Li Ruhai, many stories about Zhao Jun spread throughout the forest area.

Seeing that someone could pull a live wild boar and run away, the people in Yongli Village immediately realized: "Xiao Zhaopao is here!"

When Zhao Jun came to Zheng Quan's house, the news of his arrival somehow reached Li Hu's ears.

Last year when he fought against the cub, Li Hu's hands and neck were scratched by the cub until his bones were exposed.This year, Li Hu participated in the beating of the Northeast Leopard, and was bitten off by the Northeast Leopard.

The wound has healed after a month of raising, but the disability is inevitable.

After learning that Zhao Jun was coming, Li Hu went straight to Xing Zhiyong's house.

They are really a pair of brothers and sisters. Last year Xing Zhiyong was bitten through his thigh by a black blind man, and this year he was bitten off half of his ear by a Northeast leopard. It is very helpless for these two brothers to get together!

After all, the "evil battle" they participated in, and the dangers were created by themselves!

 Thanks brothers for the monthly tickets and rewards, then I will add another one tonight?
(End of this chapter)

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