Chapter 105
After 8 o'clock in the morning, Gu Yawen was about to leave for work.

After the two went downstairs together, Gao Yang opened the car door, got in, kissed goodbye forcibly, and ran away laughing.

Gu Yawen smiled sweetly, and took a look in the mirror: "This guy, my hair is all messed up."

After finishing her hair, Gu Yawen drove to the office again.

As soon as he entered the office, his colleague Liu Ke saw Gu Yawen's flushed face, and came up to him to take a look: "Yawen, there is something wrong with you."

Gu Yawen asked curiously, "What's wrong with me?"

"You look like a woman in love." Liu Ke sniffed Gu Yawen again, "Really, it smells like a man."

Gu Yawen giggled: "You have a dog's nose."

In Liu Ke's eyes, the fire of gossip was raging: "I really guessed it right, who is it?"

Gu Yawen sat down and smiled slightly: "Someone you know."

"Let me guess." Liu Ke rolled his eyes for a while, "Well... Gao Yang, it must be Gao Yang, right?"

Gu Yawen nodded: "Smart."

Liu Ke suddenly lamented: "Yawen, I'm jealous, I feel broken in love, if I knew it earlier, I would have robbed her."

Gu Yawen giggled: "Okay, then you can grab it."

Liu Ke shook his head: "I can't beat you, I'm not as fair and beautiful as you."

Gu Yawen looked at Liu Ke: "How about I introduce one for you?"

Liu Ke became interested: "Who is it?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "Gao Yang's classmate is now the chief reporter of CPI."

Liu Ke asked: "How do you look, how tall is it?"

Gu Yawen thought about it: "He looks quite honest, and his height is about 170."

Liu Ke pouted: "That means he looks average. Does he have money?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "It should be good, the chief reporter of CPI, it is not difficult to earn 20 a year."

Liu Ke thought about it: "I'll think about it."

At this time, Gu Yawen's cell phone rang, and it was Gao Yang: "Yawen, are you here?"

Gu Yawen said sweetly, "I've been here for a while."

Liu Ke leaned over and said enviously, "I really care about you..."

Gao Yang chatted with Gu Yawen for a few words, then hung up the phone, remembering the death of the overseas returnee yesterday.

Suddenly, I wanted to write a manuscript.

Then, he went to Wan Hong again: "Wan Hong, I suggest that we have a front page in the newspaper."

Wan Hong became interested: "Oh, how to locate and what to write?"

Gao Yang said: "It's the industry's observations and comments. Many IT media have preface reviews. A media should also have its own opinions, right?"

Wan Hong thought for a while: "That's a good idea, who will write it?"

Gao Yang said: "I will write the frontispiece of this issue of the newspaper. In the future, Fang Jian, Sun Chengyi, Zhou Wenbin and the others can try it. They will take turns. Writing comments is also a good exercise for reporters."

Wan Hong said: "I agree, you can report to Mr. Nan again."

Gao Yang went to find Feng Maonan to report again, Feng Maonan naturally agreed, and said that such a page should have been opened long ago.

Gao Yang didn't have any activities to go out today, so he went to the small conference room to smoke a cigarette, pondered for a while, and then returned to his work station to start writing.

The title of the preface review is called "The Death of .com".

"After the Golden Week holiday, when I went back to work in the capital, I was shocked to hear that there was a returnee doctor upstairs who committed suicide.

According to eyewitnesses, the doctor worked on the Internet, the company went bankrupt, and the individual was unemployed. In desperation, he made such a choice.

The cold winter of Internet investment has come quietly..."

In two hours, Gao Yang wrote more than 1800 words of comments, all in one go.

During the period, I checked some news materials about the global burst of the .ocm bubble, and predicted that this was just the beginning.

Next, the upstream capital will be cut off, and many Internet companies will quickly fall into desperation.

The bursting of this round of .ocm bubble is also inevitable, and the root cause is overheated investment.Such a rule often occurs in various industries, without exception.

This time the .ocm bubble burst, and entrepreneurs and practitioners suffered, which is also an inevitable price.

However, within a year and a half, those who can survive are heroes.

The Internet investment boom will resume again, and during the bursting of this round of bubbles, some Internet companies will be reborn from the ashes and grow rapidly.

Because the Internet will continue to develop and popularize rapidly, and the demand for Internet technology and applications in the whole society will only become stronger and stronger.

However, .ocm's frenzied investment, crazy valuation and crazy hype will not appear.

The next round of Internet investment and entrepreneurship must be closely related to the life of the public and the informatization of the entire society...

On Wednesday, after the pre-editorial meeting, Gao Yang kept Fang Jian, Sun Chengyi, Zhou Wenbin, Zheng Hai and Zhang Yue behind.

Gao Yang has already printed out the written frontispiece comments, and everyone has a copy.

Then, I will explain to everyone the significance of opening the foreword commentary page, and the arrangement for everyone to take turns writing the foreword in the future.

Gao Yang took this preface commentary written by himself as a model essay, and explained in detail the method and thinking of writing the manuscript.

The point is that journalists should capture some hot spots or landmark events in the IT industry, then think deeply, and summarize their observations and understandings in the form of comments.

As an influential mainstream media in the industry, CPI also needs to have its own views.

This year, with the continuous publication of the group of super survey topics "Towards the third and fourth tier markets", more than 4 months have passed, and more than 200 pages of in-depth reports have accumulated very good results in the industry. Word of mouth, and unprecedented influence.

The "Death of .com" written by Gao Yang, Fang Jian and others thought it was great, and it also opened up a new idea for writing.

Gu Yawen drove over in a hurry every day after get off work. If it was early, she would start cooking.When it was a little later, we ate outside.

The two entered the daily life of cohabitation, Gu Yawen was gentle and virtuous, and her eyes were full of love for Gao Yang.

Gao Yang was really moved. As a Bai Fumei, Gu Yawen couldn't have done better.

Almost every night, the two would linger for a while, of course, Gu Yawen only allowed Gao Yang to be gentle and gentle, and never entered close.

Sometimes, Gu Yawen will be distracted, but she will wake up soon.

Bai Fumei's self-control ability is really strong.

Of course, Gao Yang is not in a hurry, really not in a hurry.

He is not a low-level person, he knows how to respect Gu Yawen's wish.

Although, if Gao Yang uses a little strength, the probability of Gu Yawen breaking the defense is very high.

Gu Yawen is also very grateful for Gao Yang's respect for her.

Every time, when Gao Yang stopped at the right time, Gu Yawen felt that she loved him even more.

Gu Yawen hasn't prepared her mind well yet, and she is also vaguely looking forward to that day.

It's a lifetime thing.

After that day came, she would never be able to separate from this man, for the rest of her life.

Even if the whole world opposes it, Gu Yawen will go all out...

(End of this chapter)

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