Chapter 106 Landlord Wife Buys a House (Please ask for tickets and support)
Saturday, April 10.

Last night, it was almost 12 o'clock when Gao Yang got off work, and when he returned home, Gu Yawen had already fallen asleep.

Not daring to disturb her, she slipped into bed quietly, unexpectedly, Gu Yawen was half awake again in a daze.

Gu Yawen took Gao Yang and hugged her, telling him not to move around and go to bed early.

Gao Yang's wake-up alarm on Saturday was set at 8:[-] am. After waking up, Gu Yawen had already made breakfast.

Gao Yang didn't do his morning exercise at all, and went to eat instead.

At this time, Fang Jian was still sleeping late.

After eating, Gu Yawen packed up and left food for Fang Jian.

"Gao Yang, let's go to see the house in the morning, how about it?"

Gao Yang said: "Okay."

Gu Yawen said: "Then I'll call Ruohan and pick her up."

Gao Yang nodded, and Gu Yawen called Wu Ruohan's cell phone.

Wu Ruohan's lazy voice came from the phone: "Sister, what are you doing so early in the morning..."

Gu Yawen said: "It's almost sun, are you still sleeping in?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Today is the weekend, it's time to sleep in."

Gu Yawen said: "Gao Yang and I went to see the house today, will you come? If you want to come, I will pick you up."

Wu Ruohan asked: "Are you renting or buying?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "We're buying a house."

"You guys are buying a wedding house." Wu Ruohan suddenly became energetic, "Then I have to come."

Gu Yawen said angrily: "Nonsense, how can it be so fast."

At this time, Fang Jian's door opened: "You guys want to buy a house, congratulations."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's Yawen who bought the house, do you want to go and have a look?"

Fang Jian said: "Go, learn a lot."

Gu Yawen said: "Brother Jian, I left you breakfast in the pot, we will wait for you."

Fang Jian smiled and said, "Okay, thank you, Yawen."

Fang Jian quickly ate breakfast, and the three of them rushed to the University of Finance and Economics to pick up Wu Ruohan. Gu Yawen called Wu Ruohan to wait at the south gate of the University of Finance and Economics.

Arriving at the south gate of the University of Finance and Economics, Wu Ruohan opened the car door, saw Fang Jian was also in the car, and asked curiously, "Brother Jian, do you want to buy a house too?"

Fang Jian said with a smile: "Let's take a look and learn."

Wu Ruohan got into the car: "That's right, two light bulbs are better than one for me."

Fang Jian was speechless for a moment, and was inexplicably caught.

Gu Yawen said angrily: "Ruohan, you really open your mouth and come here, you don't look like a girl."

Wu Ruohan grinned: "I'm not wrong, Brother Jian, this light bulb is much brighter than mine now, right, Brother Jian?"

Fang Jian smiled and said, "You are right."

After Gao Yang started the car, Gu Yawen asked, "Where shall we go to see the house first?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "Let's think about the vicinity of the newspaper first, and find a few agencies."

Gu Yawen asked in surprise, "Buy a second-hand house?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, I suggest buying a second-hand house. I want a relatively new house that has been well-decorated and can be moved in with bags. If you buy a new house, the decoration will take too much time, and we don't have the energy to look at it."

Gu Yawen thought about it: "Well, second-hand housing is also good."

Gu Yawen originally wanted to buy a new house, then decorate it well and build a nest.

Gao Yang drove back to the main street of the newspaper office, and there were two intermediary stores near Weigong Village opposite the newspaper office.

As soon as I entered the store, someone greeted me: "Sir, madam, are you renting or buying a house?"

Gao Yang said: "When we buy a house, is there a newer house with a good environment, a good price, and a good decoration?"

The clerk said: "Yes, if you come to our place, you are looking for the right one. You know the Weber apartment next to it, a high-end boutique community that was handed over in 98! We have two suites here, one is a 120-square-meter three-bedroom apartment, and the other is a 90-square-meter apartment. The second-floor flats were all renovated in 99. Especially this 120-square-meter house was finished at the end of 99..."

Gao Yang said: "Look at the room first, then talk about it."

After leaving the store, Gao Yang greeted the clerk to get into the car.

The clerk looked at it, hey, for those who drive imported cars, this business today is probably a joke.

When we arrived at the apartment, we first looked at the 90-square-meter large second bedroom. The decoration was average and the lighting was not very good. Gu Yawen looked down on her house in Xidan compared to her.

Gao Yang also thinks that it is average. The 90-square-meter large second-bedroom actually has a usable area of ​​​​only a little over 80 square meters, and the layout of the apartment is not good.

When they arrived at the 16-square-meter three-bedroom apartment on the 120th floor, everyone's eyes lit up.

Gu Yawen asked: "How do you sell this suite?"

The clerk said: "This beautiful lady has really good eyesight. This apartment has a good layout, well-decorated, and complete appliances. The landlord's price is 8500 yuan per flat, and the total price is 102 million. If you buy it in full, you can still negotiate."

Gao Yang handed over a cigarette and said with a smile: "We are buying it sincerely. You are making random quotations for the landlord like this, so you don't want to make a deal?"

The clerk said: "I didn't make random quotations, they are all true."

Gao Yang lit a cigarette: "This apartment is the type of apartment we like, and the design of the apartment is not bad. Once the house is renovated, the price will drop. We will find someone to redecorate, and we will have to pay for the demolition and decoration, 8500 yuan per flat. Isn't that Is it a random quotation?"

The clerk smiled: "Brother, so you are a knowledgeable person, so I will tell you the truth. The landlord of this suite is in a hurry to make a move. I guess it looks like 7500 yuan, and it can be negotiated. Of course, you and the landlord will negotiate. .”

Gao Yang said: "Of course we talked directly with the landlord. What is the background of this landlord and why is he in such a hurry to sell the house?"

The clerk said: "I heard that they are engaged in the Internet. I can't do it anymore. I am in a hurry to sell the house to raise money."

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, then you can notify the landlord to come and have a chat."

The clerk went out to make a phone call, and Gu Yawen was surprised: "The house is renovated, but it can't be sold?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Yes, those who buy second-hand houses generally have to dismantle and reinstall them. This is the capital city, no more than other cities. The decoration of this apartment looks pretty good, and it is estimated to be less than 10 yuan. How much does it cost? Last year, the house price in this community was already 7500 yuan, and if this suite can be negotiated for less than [-] yuan, it is still good."

Fang Jian said with a smile: "The landlord is going to lose money, and you paid for the decoration for nothing."

Gao Yang said: "That can't be helped. From what we say, it must be dismantled and reinstalled. Moreover, this is the characteristic of the property market in Beijing. The price of a house with decoration is actually lower than that of a clean water house."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Could it be a little bit cruel, they are selling houses to collect money."

Gao Yang said: "This is a deal. There is no such thing as ruthless or not ruthless, only successful or not. Besides, many people who engage in the Internet have money, and the returnee doctors who hang themselves are very few after all."

More than 20 minutes later, the landlord came, a man in his 30s wearing glasses, wearing a suit and leather shoes, and he looked a bit out of sorts.

After some haggling, Gao Yang only paid 7200 yuan, a total price of 86.4 yuan.As for the electrical appliances in the house, except for the kitchen and bathroom, everything else can be moved.

The landlord was a little speechless, but finally agreed. He didn't want the electrical appliances in the house, and he didn't plan to.

I went to the intermediary to sign the contract on the spot and gave a deposit of [-] yuan.

Gu Yawen decided to make a down payment of 17.4 yuan, a mortgage of 69 yuan, a loan of 20 years, and a monthly repayment of nearly 3800 yuan.

At present, the bank loan interest rate is relatively low, and the loan interest rate is only 2.88% for a period of five years or more.

Including intermediary fees and deed tax and other expenses, it will probably cost close to 20.

However, the decoration and electrical appliances in the house are basically new, which can be regarded as saving 10,000+.

(End of this chapter)

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