Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 107 I'm Not Sad

Chapter 107 I'm Not Sad

After signing the contract, Gu Yawen was a little excited, and hugged Gao Yang in the street: "We finally have a home."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Don't you have a home in Xidan?"

Gu Yawen said: "That's different, that's the house that my family bought, and this suite, we bought it ourselves."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "It wasn't us, you bought it."

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "It's all the same."

Wu Ruohan leaned over: "What are you two talking about, what about us?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Your sister's goal is to buy ten or eight sets in the future, rent them out, and become a landlord in the capital."

Wu Ruohan chuckled: "Brother-in-law, then you will become the master of the landlord's family."

Gao Yang was delighted: "You girl, don't bark, call me brother-in-law, you have to ask your sister if she agrees or not."

Wu Ruohan pulled Gu Yawen: "Sister, can I call him brother-in-law?"

Gu Yawen made a gesture to hit her, but when Wu Ruohan jumped away, she said with a smile, "It's up to you, you can call it whatever you like."

Wu Ruohan said proudly: "Did you hear that, brother-in-law!"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled.

Fang Jiandao: "You guys bought this house really neatly, it was settled within an hour."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "The main reason is that I met the right one."

Wu Ruohan said, "Brother Jian, you can also buy a set."

Fang Jian thought about it: "It can be considered, and we will look at it after the Spring Festival."

Wu Ruohan said again: "Brother-in-law, there is still a lot of time today, where should we go?"

Gu Yawen said: "Why don't we go to climb Xiangshan Mountain, this season is the time to see red leaves."

Gao Yang said: "Xiangshan is not bad, there seems to be a botanical garden under the mountain, you can also take a stroll."

I drove to Xiangshan, but halfway through the journey, the road was already congested, and there were many people in the car.

After an hour and a half, we finally arrived at Xiangshan Botanical Garden.

After visiting the Botanical Garden, having lunch on Fragrant Hills, and taking a nap in the car, I started to climb Fragrant Hills.

On the mountain road, Wu Ruohan held Gu Yawen's arms: "Sister, are you and brother-in-law together?"

Gu Yawen said angrily: "Ruohan, do you know that you are very annoying."

Wu Ruohan stuck out her tongue: "Sister, tell me, is there any?"

"Why do you always care about this?" Gu Yawen rolled her eyes, "No!"

Wu Ruohan was again surprised by Mo Ming: "You live together every day, not yet."

Gu Yawen was angry: "If you live together, you must have it."

Wu Ruohan sighed: "Sister, you are too cruel, you abused my brother-in-law."

Gu Yawen was speechless: "I don't even know what you are talking about, how did I abuse him."

Wu Ruohan shook her head: "Look, I told you to watch the film and you didn't watch it. My brother-in-law lives with you and can't do anything. He must be very uncomfortable."

Gu Yawen was startled, and asked curiously, "Why is he feeling uncomfortable?"

Wu Ruohan chuckled: "Anyway, I knew that he must be very uncomfortable. If you don't believe me, you can ask him."

This crazy girl.

Gu Yawen was speechless, recalling the days when she lived with Gao Yang these days, she was a little confused again.

Will he really feel bad?
Wu Ruohan didn't say anything, today's task of putting in stitches has been completed.

Now, every time Wu Ruohan sees Gu Yawen, her task is to persuade her to make her belly bigger so that she can marry her son.

"Sister, when you move, you have to leave me a room." Wu Ruohan changed the subject again.

Gu Yawen said: "You don't live in school anymore?"

Wu Ruohan giggled and said, "I'll be a light bulb for you."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "You just don't have a regular shape, well, I agree."

Wu Ruohan said: "Don't worry, I'll come over to play when I have time. By the way, Fang Jian won't move to live with you, will he?"

Gu Yawen was startled: "Probably not..."

Wu Ruohan said: "If I were him, I wouldn't go."

Gu Yawen naturally didn't want Fang Jian to move to her new home, but if Gao Yang sent an invitation to Fang Jian, Gu Yawen wouldn't be able to say anything.

Gao Yang and Fang Jian are now inseparable friends.

Living in the capital is not easy, Gu Yawen naturally knows it.

Behind, Fang Jian and Gao Yang walked slowly.

Fang Jiandao: "After the Spring Festival, I really want to buy a house."

Gao Yang said: "You can buy it, the house will increase in value, especially the house in the capital, it will be very popular in the future. After the Spring Festival, you will definitely have no problem with the down payment for buying a house, and the mortgage of three or four thousand a month is also very easy. Wait for the DM project After doing it, there will be stable dividends.”

Gao Yang's next DM project has the potential to achieve an annual revenue of [-] to [-] million yuan. In his plan, Fang Jian is one of the key figures.

Now, it is justified to support Fangjian to settle down and take root in the capital.

In the future, Fang Jian will also be a capable assistant when investing in Internet projects.

All of this requires Fang Jian to complete the accumulation of basic experience and vision at CPI.

After coming down from Xiangshan Mountain and driving into the city, it was already dark.

Send Wu Ruohan back to school first, and then eat near the school.

Before parting, Wu Ruohan found Gu Yawen and whispered: "Sister, I really want to break through with my brother-in-law as soon as possible and have a precious son."

Gu Yawen blushed and made a gesture to hit her, but Wu Ruohan slipped away and slipped away.

Driving home, Gu Yawen proposed to go for a walk, Fang Jian remembered the light bulb Wu Ruohan said, and consciously went home and got up.

Gu Yawen strolled down the street holding Gao Yang's arm: "Gao Yang, I introduced Liu Ke to Fang Jian, what do you think?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "You want to be a matchmaker for them?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "Well, do you think it will be successful?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "I don't know. Fang Jian is still very good, and has good potential for future development. It depends on what Liu Ke thinks. Of course, if the two of them are interested in dating, it doesn't matter whether they succeed or not. It's about you matchmaker."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Then I'll introduce them to each other, and the rest is their own business."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Well, next Saturday, our editorial department will organize a team building, you bring Liu Ke over, there will be a lot of people, if the two of them have no mutual intentions, it will not be embarrassing to know a friend."

Gu Yawen said: "Is it convenient for Liu Ke and I to participate in your newspaper's activities?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Of course it's convenient, I'm going to introduce you to my colleagues grandly."

Gu Yawen was stunned, and smiled on Gao Yang's face: "Thank you."

Then, he pulled Gao Yang to sit on the steps by the side of the road, cuddling in his arms: "Gao Yang, I am very lucky to have met you, otherwise, I would have to go back to Yuzhou after the Spring Festival."

Gao Yang was surprised: "Really?"

Gu Yawen said: "Yes, originally, I had an agreement with my mother. When I return to Yuzhou after the Spring Festival, I will either be a civil servant or help her. Now, with you, I will not go back."

Gao Yang said: "Then will I affect your mother-daughter relationship?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "No, don't worry."

Gao Yang thought, no wonder he had a vague impression of Bai Fumei in his previous life. He originally thought that she left Aomei after COMPAQ was acquired by HP, but in the end, she should have returned to Yuzhou.

Back home, Gao Yang didn't do anything tonight, he had a rest early.

Before going to bed, still lingering, enjoy the fun of exploration.

Gu Yawen was very docile tonight, until Gao Yang took the initiative to stop, then she slipped into his arms and asked curiously, "Would it be hard for you to be like this?"

Gao Yang said: "No, I don't feel bad."

Gu Yawen waved: "You are so kind, go to sleep."

Gao Yang wanted to laugh a little.

I really want to tell Bai Fumei that I really don't feel bad.

I am a man who has outgrown the vulgar.

It's actually quite interesting to explore like this...

(End of this chapter)

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