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Chapter 111 Two Landlords

Chapter 111 The Two Landlords

Even though he had already guessed that Gu Yawen was still a baby, Gao Yang still felt like a dream.

Shyness and boldness, restraint and unrestrainedness, such contradictory reactions, such moments, unexpectedly combined so naturally in Bai Fumei.

Thieves exciting ah.

Gao Yang is as sweet as a cane.

This weekend, after spending time with Gao Yang, Gu Yawen finally realized it.

It turns out that being a woman is so beautiful.

No wonder Wu Ruohan kept saying that Gao Yang would feel very uncomfortable in the past few days.

How does this crazy girl know so much? She has never been in love.

Entering November, Gao Yang has also started to get busy. This year's CPI channel forum is scheduled to be held on November 11, and it is time for a weekly meeting to check the progress of the preparatory work such as guest invitations.

Of course, it may be very easy to invite this year's forum speakers.

"Towards the third-tier and fourth-tier markets" is a group of super-selected topics that have a great impact. Several major customers who have special cooperation have already stated that they will participate in the CPI channel forum this year.

And the theme of this year's channel forum has already been locked, which is to develop the third- and fourth-tier markets. IT companies have a strong interest in discussing and communicating.

The topic-selected manuscript of "Towards the Third and Fourth Tier Markets" is still published in every issue of the newspaper and will continue until the beginning of December.

It has been confirmed that the incremental income brought by this group of topics to the newspaper will exceed 400 million, and the special pages signed by Gao Yang himself are all 60.

On November 11th, it was the weekend again, and after a week of moving, Wu Ruohan finally came to live with her luggage.

Mainly live here on weekends.

After learning that the relationship between Gao Yang and Gu Yawen had finally broken through, Wu Ruohan also had the joy of getting what she wanted.

Now, Gu Yawen can finally despise this crazy girl, no matter how much you know, it's just talking on paper.

Do you have a boyfriend.

Do you know what it tastes like?

Wu Ruohan blinked her eyes: "Sister, when will you and brother-in-law have a baby, I'm waiting to be an aunt..."

Gu Yawen was defeated again in an instant.

Having a baby out of wedlock makes me crazy.

However, Gu Yawen still has another place of arrogance.

"Ruohan, in the middle of this month, I have another 20 yuan in my hand. Next month, I plan to mortgage two houses at a time. The small apartments of 50 square meters to 80 square meters will be rented out after simple decoration."

Wu Ruohan was a little shocked: "Sister, do you really want to fight for the goal of being a landlady?"


Gu Yawen is very arrogant, and she talked about it, such as house prices going up in the long run, mortgage leverage, rent repayment, future income hundreds of times and so on.

It's all the investment logic that Gao Yang instilled in her during this period.

The organization is clear and the logic is strict, so Wu Ruohan, who majored in finance and accounting, quickly realized it.

Wu Ruohan rolled her eyes several times, and then called Wu Peng.

"Boss Peng, send money!"

"Didn't you just make money a few days ago?"

"I want 20, and I want to buy a house in Beijing."

"Yo ho, you're going to buy a house just after your junior year, and it's too early to save your dowry. Besides, what kind of man would dare to ask for a house like you."

"I want you to take care of me. I want to buy a house with a mortgage and use it to collect rent. In the future, you will help me repay the mortgage first."

"Wu Ruohan, what are you playing? Aren't you going to study abroad?"

"Studying abroad is just a plan. I may also study in the capital for graduate school. Besides, whether I stay or not has nothing to do with buying a house."

"Wu Ruohan, what on earth are you playing, do you really think your brother's money is blown by the wind?"

"I am studying with my sister. She has just mortgaged a house and moved to a new house. She is planning to have a baby with my brother-in-law. Next month, my sister will mortgage two houses to collect rent. Her goal is , buy enough ten houses in the capital, and become the landlady of the capital.”

"Is there such a thing?"

"Boss Peng, I'm not joking with you, listen to what I'm telling you..."

Wu Ruohan talked a lot, all from Gu Yawen's mouth, plus his own understanding, the prospect of investing in commercial housing.

Wu Ruohan is a student of finance and accounting, so the description is more logical and convincing.

For example, the house price has doubled, the leverage is 5 times, what is the rate of return...

Wu Peng is also considered a businessman, so he soon realized it.

That’s right, the house in Shuangjiangyuan was bought in 98 for 1000 yuan per square meter, but now second-hand houses cost 1500 yuan per square meter, because such high-end boutique houses are very scarce in Jinyang.

If it was a mortgage loan at that time, it would be very profitable if you sell it now.

And Wu Ruohan's description of the rising potential of housing prices in the capital seems quite convincing.

Thinking of this, Wu Peng asked again: "Ruohan, how does Yawen understand these things?"

Wu Ruohan said: "My brother-in-law told her, without my brother-in-law, can you open KTV to make money?"

Wu Peng smiled and said, "Gao Yang, you have a good brain."

Wu Ruohan said: "Boss Peng, do you want to pay or not? If you don't, I will expose you for making people feel bigger."

"Okay, then tomorrow I will arrange 20 for you..."

Wu Peng is not afraid of Wu Ruohan's threat, 20 is not much, so you can try it first.

Anyway, it's just such a biological sister, so it's better to buy some dowry in advance.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Ruohan found Gu Yawen, and said proudly, "Sister, I'll have 20 soon, let's go mortgage and buy a house together."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Second brother gave it to me, then you bought a house, why did you pay the mortgage?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Of course Boss Peng will help me pay it back."

Gu Yawen chuckled: "I really have you, I'm sure I'll eat my second brother."

Wu Ruohan said arrogantly: "That's right, if he doesn't send money, I'll go home and report him about his messy affairs with women."

Gu Yawen shook her head and laughed: "This is because the second brother loves you, silly girl."

Wu Ruohan giggled: "I know..."

So, for two consecutive weekends, Gao Yang was dragged by the two women to look at the house together.

Gao Yang also felt a little happy that Wu Ruohan had the potential and awareness to be a landlady.

This girl is crazy, but she is quite smart, and she can reveal many things at a glance.

Now, the landlady has changed from one to two.

Gao Yang took his two daughters with him, and mainly inspected properties near the Northwest Third Ring Road, as well as before the East Third Ring Road and East Fourth Ring Road.

What I see now is mainly second-hand houses that have been built within 5 years. After buying them, they don’t need to be renovated, and they can be used directly for rent.

As for the new house, you can wait until next year to consider.

Since it is used for rental, of course it is necessary to choose a small apartment, even a one-bedroom apartment of about 30 square meters.In fact, one-bedroom units are used for rental, and the yield is the best, because the rent per unit area is the most expensive.

Of course, considering that the house will always be sold for cash in the future, the house type of 60 to 80 square meters is the best.

Next year, we have to consider a house type of about 100 square meters, which is also quite good.

During these two weekends, we mainly inspected houses, inquired about prices, explored the differences in house prices in different locations, and rent prices.

In this way, Gao Yang brought his two daughters to familiarize himself with the property market in the capital, and he did the same.

It wasn't until next month that I considered making a real move.

Wu Ruohan is still a student, it is not easy to get a mortgage loan, but there is an intermediary company, it is not troublesome, the current property market is still not hot, and it is far from the time to queue up for mortgage.

Going down this circle, the three of Gao Yang discovered that the housing prices in the capital are really cheap now, especially the second-hand housing.

Near the Northwest Third Ring Road, ordinary second-hand houses are even less than 4000 yuan per square meter, and ordinary new houses are only around 4600 yuan per square meter.

The 7200 yuan per square meter Weber apartment that Gu Yawen bought is actually a boutique mansion...

 I am very grateful to the readers for their strong support for this book. Tomorrow, this book will be strongly promoted in the categories of APP and website. It is the best recommended position on the platform since Eggplant wrote the article.

  Without the support of the readers, it would be impossible to have such a recommendation. Thank you very much.

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(End of this chapter)

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