Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 112 is about to be released, let me say a few words...

Chapter 112 is about to be released, let me say a few words...

Consult with the editor today, when will this book be scheduled to be on the shelves.

Editor Wu Xingda said that he felt that he was still close to Sanjiang, and there was little hope of going to Sanjiang, so he said that it was scheduled to be released on March 3st.

Wuhan University has not yet clarified when it will be on the shelves tomorrow, and it is estimated that a declaration needs to be arranged.

This book has 30 words so far, and it really should be put on the shelves to earn a living.

Along the way, Eggplant wrote very hard, and it used to be very bitter. On the thirtieth year, he locked himself in a rented house alone, writing, and almost collapsed.

Once, I couldn't sleep for three or four days in a row, had a splitting headache, and almost couldn't bear it...

Up to now, I still rely on drugs to assist sleep, but it has improved a lot.

Along the way, I am very grateful. I am very grateful to so many readers for their strong support, so that this book has always been recommended by the platform.

Of course, the current score is far from good, and it might have been cut off long ago by a great master or a high-V writer.

Eggplant will keep on writing and write a complete story.

To speak from the bottom of my heart, Eggplant has been reading articles for more than ten years. After trying to write articles, I realized that it is really difficult, very difficult.

As a newbie, Eggplant is not yet able to write a story that satisfies all readers. Unfortunately, I also saw some readers complaining, especially some plots on the emotional line.

How should I put it, Eggplant was powerless to refute, and had no time to respond, so he just buried himself in writing.

In this book, the main line is the career line, and the emotional line is just embellishment, which is the taste of life.

After the story has a framework and characters, it also has its own internal logic and plot driving force.

Some of the narrative logic in the story may be more recognized or resonated by readers who are around 40 years old.

Eggplant doesn't have the ability to write stories that satisfy everyone's appetite.

Therefore, the focus of this book is on the background of the media business line, the sense of age, a certain professional nature, and YY based on the reality of the age and people, and on the basis of reality.

Finally, let me talk about the update after it was put on the shelves.

Eggplant is not a tentacle monster. Even if I am writing full-time now, I will be very tired if I can write about 8000 words a day, and it will take more than ten hours to search for information and ideas...etc.

After being put on the shelves, based on the three chapters of the daily update, we will work hard to update more.

On the day of its release, we also strive to explode.

With the patronage of big bosses like the lord, Eggplant really dare not imagine that if there is such a great luck book, Eggplant guarantees to add three more, or even five more.

Then, I implore readers to continue to subscribe and support.

The first order is very important. Readers who have no conditions, please spend 1 cents to support a first order.

The first subscription is based on 500 subscriptions, and after that, Eggplant promises to add 100 chapter for every additional 1 subscriptions.

Monthly tickets, every 200 tickets, will also add 1 chapter.

In short, readers, please continue and strongly support this book.

Eggplant is very much appreciated, thanks!
Along the way, Eggplant has always been grateful and moved.

There is nothing to repay, but to work hard to code, to spare all the time, to code...

(End of this chapter)

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