Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 113 4 Grand Prize

Chapter 113 4 grand prize (please ask for support)
On November 11, Xiaoxue solar term.

Today is the opening day of the [-]th CPI Channel Forum.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen had already had breakfast at home, packed up and were ready to go.

Gao Yang is wearing a woolen suit today, with a mid-length woolen coat over it, all picked out by Gu Yawen herself.

Gu Yawen straightened Gao Yang's tie, smiled and said, "Well, he's handsome enough."

Gao Yang waved at Gu Yawen's delicate and pretty face: "You are also beautiful today."

The current Gu Yawen looks like a bride, really attractive.

The two have been living together for more than a month. These days, they are naturally like newlyweds, eating their marrow and knowing their taste.

Gao Yang was very satisfied, and Gu Yawen was also very satisfied.

"Let's go, you leader, be more active."

"I've always been active at work..."

The two went downstairs arm in arm, Gu Yawen drove Gao Yang to the hotel, and then went to work.

This year's CPI Channel Forum was held at the Shangri-La Hotel.

When Gao Yang rushed to the hotel, some colleagues from the editorial department, as well as CEO Yang Limin, vice president Ren Jing and Feng Maonan, just got off the car at the entrance of the hotel.

Gu Yawen is now very familiar with colleagues in the editorial department like Gao Yang, and has also seen Feng Maonan, so she got out of the car and greeted with a smile.

Gu Yawen is very good at handling such situations.

Feng Maonan smiled and introduced to Yang Limin and Ren Jing: "Gao Yang's girlfriend, this is a flower of Aomei Company."

Gao Yang immediately introduced Yang Limin and Ren Jing to Gu Yawen.

Gu Yawen gave a salute: "Mr. Yang, Mr. Ren."

"Hello", Yang Limin and Ren Jing both laughed, "Gao Yang is really lucky, his girlfriend is so beautiful."

A silver-gray Sail parked in front of the hotel, and Liu Ke jumped out of the car.

This is Zhou Wenbin's new 10-class family car, which is a hit in the auto market this year, and the plan to buy a car with a mortgage has been implemented ahead of schedule.

Recently, Zhou Wenbin and Liu Ke are also like glue, but Gao Yang guessed that the two of them still can't get together in the end, it's a bit of a game.

Feng Maonan introduced again: "Zhou Wenbin's girlfriend is also from Aomei."

After Zhou Wenbin introduced Liu Ke to Yang Limin and Ren Jing, Liu Ke took Gu Yawen's car and went to work together.

Today, Gu Yawen and Liu Ke also made an appointment to meet here.

Everyone walked to the hotel conference hall together. Gao Yang called the reporters from the editorial department and 10 regional reporters together, and once again told them about today's interview tasks.

For this year's forum, 10 regional reporters from the national edition also came to Beijing along with agents invited by the branch.

This is also Gao Yang's suggestion. Regional reporters need to come to the editorial department to communicate face-to-face and get acquainted, so as to enhance team spirit.

"Editor-in-Chief, this is Mr. Chen, Chen Xiangdong, from our Lu Province branch." Wang Lin, a regional female reporter stationed in Lu Province, introduced Gao Yang.

Chen Xiangdong warmly hugged Gao Yang, and said heartily: "Editor Gao, thank you for your suggestion. We have successfully produced a special survey of 108 cities and counties in Shandong Province, and the advertising revenue of the special issue has exceeded one million."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Suggestions are nothing, it's Mr. Chen who has courage, and your team has strong execution ability."

Chen Xiangdong is 185 centimeters tall. He patted Gao Yang on the shoulder: "Without your idea, we would not have thought of it. Tonight, I must buy you a drink."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Okay, respect is worse than obedience."

In his previous life, Gao Yang naturally knew Chen Xiangdong. He was quite capable, and later became the vice president of the group, in charge of the operation of the regional division.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the forum officially started, and the moderators were still Zhou Wenbin and female reporter Shen Xin.

Gao Yang's task today is to host the forum guests' dialogue.

Today, Gao Yang doesn't need to interview and write articles, and is only responsible for writing a front-page commentary for a special issue of the forum.

The cover report of the special issue is the task of chief reporter Fang Jian.

The interviews on other pages have their own arrangements, and this special issue of the forum also has 10 more regional reporters to help.

This year's Channel Forum was more successful than last year.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, when Gao Yang announced the end of the dialogue between the forum guests, there was a roar of applause from the audience, and most of the agents stayed until the end.

In the evening, Chen Xiangdong was unable to invite Gao Yang to drink, because both of them were notified to have dinner with Yang Limin and other leaders.

Naturally, Chen Xiangdong borrowed flowers to present Buddha, and drank a lot of wine with Gao Yang.

After 8 o'clock in the evening, Gao Yang called Gu Yawen in advance: "Yawen, I have to trouble you to pick me up, I might have drunk too much."

Gu Yawen drove over quickly, took Gao Yang home, and said with pity: "Aren't you good at drinking?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "When I met Mr. Chen from the Lu Province branch, the man from Lu Province was so enthusiastic that he forced me to drink a lot."

Gao Yang lay down on the bed, Gu Yawen made tea, wiped Gao Yang's face with a hot towel, rested until after 10 o'clock in the evening, and the alcohol passed away.

Gao Yang got up to wash and took a hot shower, Gu Yawen had already lay down.

Seeing that Gao Yang was dishonest, Gu Yawen smiled coquettishly: "Honey, you still have energy when you're drunk."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "With such a considerate wife, I'm already drunk, and now is the time to live like a dragon and a tiger."

Gu Yawen giggled, considerate and docile.

At times like this, Gu Yawen likes to call her husband...

On the morning of November 11th, Gao Yang organized 24 regional reporters to hold a one-hour communication meeting. Both Wan Hong and Zhang Tao participated. The regional reporters shared some difficulties in working in the branch. If they are coordinated, they will naturally find a way to coordinate.

Gao Yang analyzed some advantages and disadvantages of regional journalists in daily topic selection interviews, and told everyone some precautions.

On Saturday, the editorial department had a dinner with 10 regional reporters. Gu Yawen and Liu Ke both came, as well as two reporters' new girlfriends.

On Sunday, it was time for regional reporters to head back to work at the bureau.

On the morning of November 11, the Channel Forum Summary and Commendation Meeting was held again.

Leaders such as Yang Limin praised the success of this forum, and the advertising revenue of the special issue exceeded 300 million. Among them, they also specifically mentioned that the topic of "Towards the third and fourth tier markets" directly promoted the channel forum.

In planning the special issue of this forum, Gao Yang also planned the plan of selling public relations page manuscripts, and more than 40 editions were sold in the end.

This year's special issue, including advertisements, has a total of more than 300 editions, which is as thick as a book.

Vice President Feng Maonan announced that the topic selection planning and implementation of the third and fourth tier markets will be combined with the channel forums for heavy rewards.

Among them, Gao Yang rewarded 4 yuan, which shocked many people.

Fang Jian and Sun Chengyi will be awarded 2 yuan.

Others, such as Zhou Wenbin and Shen Xin, all rewarded 1 yuan.

A total of 16 people will be rewarded, and the lowest standard is 5000 yuan.

This year, the national edition has performed very well, and the company has also offered a record-setting bonus.

Gao Yang was awarded 4 yuan, although it was shocking, no one said anything.

Everyone knows that Gao Yang has contributed too much to this project this year...

(End of this chapter)

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