Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 114 I might be promoted

Chapter 114 I might be promoted

At the summary commendation meeting, Gao Yang received a 4 cash prize awarded on the spot.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, after the stock market closed, Gao Yang took another look at the account information.

Position: 49148 shares (Zhongtian Real Estate)

Market value: 1671032 yuan

Cash: 158 yuan

Principal: 243000 yuan

Profit: 587.73% (1428190 yuan)
Today, Zhongtian Real Estate closed at an integer of 34 yuan, an increase of about 13 points since this month.

There are 142 million floating profits, including 11 shares that were added on November 10.

After being with Gu Yawen, Gao Yang basically didn't work overtime on Saturdays, and turned down writing manuscripts for the PR company.

Fortunately, KTV's dividend income is very good. On November 11, the October dividends arrived in the account. Gao Yang's 10 shares of gold dividends were as high as 10, and Gu Yawen's was 5.

Compared with the initial investment, this profit is already terrifying.

Gao Yang looked at the K-line of this stock and felt that this stock had almost peaked, and he should consider clearing positions in the next few days.

It has risen nearly 10 times from the bottom, and it should be in place.

Now it is just a small bull market, not a big bull market, and the bull market is coming to an end.

Big bull stocks like this kind of year are usually closed in advance.

Gao Yang has more than 7000 yuan in cash in his wallet, and on his salary card, there is a little over 1 yuan in salary surcharges for last month.

On the way home from get off work, I simply took 1 from my salary card.

After returning home, cook rice in the rice cooker first, and half an hour later, Gu Yawen also arrived home.

Gu Yawen is in charge of cooking, which is the division of labor between the two.

Now, at night and in the morning, I almost cook and eat at home, and my life is no different from the life of a young couple.

It's not that she is reluctant to spend money on restaurants, Gu Yawen likes the warmth of eating at home.

Bai Fumei is very virtuous.

After eating, I packed up and went downstairs for a walk as usual.

Gao Yang opened the computer bag and took out the 5.2 cash he had prepared.

"Yawen, I can pay you back the money for the supermarket."

Gu Yawen scolded: "Do we still have to distinguish so clearly now?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I'm a man, I'm in charge of earning money to support the family, you are in charge of being beautiful, this is your private money."

Gu Yawen had never heard such sweet and witty love words, and she laughed so hard that her branches trembled.

Gu Yawen thought for a while: "Well, next month, I can mortgage to buy three houses."

When Gao Yang heard it, he thought it was good, the road of landlady wife was about to start galloping.

After mortgaging three more suites, under Gu Yawen's name, there will be 5 suites in the capital.

Now, if you have some money in your hand, if you save it in the bank and don't invest it, you will suffer the most.

Gu Yawen collected the money and prepared to deposit it in the bank tomorrow.

Gao Yang asked again with a smile: "Where is the IOU I typed?"

"No," Gu Yawen giggled, "I want you to owe me a lifetime."

Gao Yang rubbed his forehead: "Okay, then I owe you a lifetime."

Where did I get the IOU? It was burned to ashes by Gu Yawen.

Gu Yawen waved on Gao Yang's face: "Let's go for a walk."

Downstairs, the two walked arm in arm.

Gu Yawen asked: "The 5 yuan, is it you who saved the KTV dividend in October?"

Gao Yang said: "No, the money I usually use is put into the stock market, which is equivalent to saving money."

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "Then where did you get the money?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "The newspaper office gave me a big prize today, a big prize of 4."

Gu Yawen became even more curious: "Why?"

When Gao Yang talked about the cause and effect, Gu Yawen was very happy: "You are really amazing."

And a sense of pride.

The man I found was just that good.

Gu Yawen asked again: "Then how much money have you saved in stocks?"

Gao Yang said: "There are more than 20."

No lie, the principal is indeed more than 20.

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Then you can save money, you have only been working in the capital for a year."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "At the beginning, I didn't expect that this year's income would be so much."

Gu Yawen thought about it and said: "Well, then I will save some money in the future, and if I save more money, I can buy an extra house."

Gao Yang chuckled: "I'm becoming more and more like a landlady."

Gu Yawen giggled: "Well, it's good to be a landlady."

Gao Yang asked: "Yawen, how much money do you earn a year in Australia and the United States?"

Gu Yawen thought about it: "I haven't calculated it specifically, maybe I can earn 20 yuan, I can't compare with you."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "20 is not a lot. Next year, I may be promoted."

Gu Yawen asked curiously, "Sheng, what are you doing?"

Gao Yang said: "Our capital city has been vacant for a vice president this year, Wan Hong is likely to be promoted, and then I may be asked to replace him."

Gu Yawen said: "It's good to promote you to be the general manager of the project."

Gao Yang shook his head: "I don't want to take this position."

Gu Yawen was surprised: "Why, this is a big project to manage your CPI, a rare opportunity."

Gao Yang explained: "The sales of the national version are likely to be around 3000 million this year, and the general manager of the project has to memorize the performance. This year's situation is special. Next year, even if you work hard, you may not be able to achieve 3000 million sales."

Gu Yawen said: "I don't quite understand, your ability is very strong."

Gao Yang said again: "The sales of the national version can increase by about 600 million this year, mainly because of the big selection questions I planned for the third and fourth tier markets. Next year, there will be no such opportunities."

Gu Yawen said: "Then you continue to plan new topics next year."

Gao Yang said: "It's too difficult, very difficult. This year's plan is designed according to the structure of more than 20 branches of CPI across the country. This kind of plan can only be done once. If you do it again, it will be invalid. Therefore, the whole country If we want to stabilize our performance next year, we will be under great pressure."

Gu Yawen tiptoed and kissed Gao Yang's face lightly: "If the pressure is too much, then you can push it away, I don't want you to be too tired."

Gao Yang said: "Let's see when the time comes, try to push him away, and then see if he can push Fang Jian to be the general manager."

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "Even you feel too much pressure, does Fang Jian have this ability?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Fang Jian is still capable. If he can be promoted, he may not be able to complete the performance of 3000 million yuan. This position is of great value to his training."

Gu Yawen said with a smile: "I don't understand the matter of your newspaper office. We are like this now. We are happy together. It's good. I'm very satisfied. I also hope that you can relax a little and don't be too tired."

Gao Yang said: "The newspaper office is just the place where I started and transitioned. I can't do this for the rest of my life."

Gu Yawen asked curiously, "Then what do you want to do in the future?"

Gao Yang said: "It should be starting a business. Of course, it may take two or three years to prepare."

Gu Yawen said: "Then what project would you consider?"

Gao Yang said: "It should be the Internet, don't strive to become the richest person, let our family achieve financial freedom."

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "How much money do you earn to be financially free?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Different eras have different standards, like now, there must be a billion or so."

Gu Yawen giggled: "Then I wish you success as soon as possible."

Gao Yang pretended to be serious: "Why, you still don't believe it?"

Gu Yawen also got serious, looked up at Gao Yang: "I believe, this is your dream, right?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, I hope that my wife and children will never worry about money."

Gu Yawen was very sweet in her heart.

It is enough for Gao Yang to have such a heart.

The Gu family is not short of money, so there is no need for him to work so hard...

(End of this chapter)

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