Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 115 Record-breaking year-end bonus

Chapter 115 Record-breaking year-end bonus

On November 11, when the stock price of Zhongtian Real Estate exceeded 28 yuan, Gao Yang cleared his position with one click. He never thought that he would sell on the real top of the mountain.

Cash: 1748254 yuan

Principal: 243000 yuan

Profit: 619.44% (1505254 yuan)
After coming to the capital, for more than a year, Gao Yang kept earning money and saving money to invest in stocks. He made a net profit of 150 million, and his funds also rolled to more than 170 million.

Gao Yang was very satisfied.

In my memory, this round of small bull market in A shares will continue until May and June next year, and finally the stock index will reach the peak of 2245 points.

It is naturally uncomfortable not to let the funds continue to roll in the stock market.

After clearing Zhongtian Real Estate, Gao Yang studied for two or three days, but still failed to find a certain stock, so he simply shorted the position first.

Let the funds lie in the account first, and don't worry about the account opened with Zhongxin Securities.

When the time came to December, Gao Yang studied stocks several times, but he was still not sure, so he simply gave up and planned to wait until after the Spring Festival.

After finishing the first issue of the newspaper in December, the execution of the group of super topics "Towards the Third and Fourth Tier Markets", which lasted for more than half a year, was completed.

Gao Yang wrote a concluding frontispiece commentary, closing this group of topics with unprecedented influence.

In the first week of December, Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan both mortgaged to buy a house. Gu Yawen really mortgaged three houses, and Wu Ruohan also mortgaged two houses.

At the end of the month, after completing the formalities, we got all the houses, and we are going to put them all out for rent after the Spring Festival.

All the houses I buy are ready-made second-hand houses, and the rent will be relatively high within five years of completion.

This year's Spring Festival is relatively early, and January 1 is New Year's Eve.

From late December to mid-January, Gao Yang participated in networking activities of several IT companies, and all of them were doing lottery draws.

Gao Yang's luck is average this year, and he only won a mobile phone worth more than 2000 yuan. He plans to take it home and leave it for his sister Gao Yue's family to use.

Both Gao Yue and Jiang Bing have been in the city for more than two months, working and studying in the supermarket.

It's just that Jiang Xue transferred to the city to go to school. Although she made contact, the new semester will not start until after the Spring Festival.

Gao Yang's parents left the farming life and went to the street to take care of Jiang Xue.After the Spring Festival, I will go to the city to live.

Before the Spring Festival this year, Gao Yang's shopping card got soft again.

There are not many clients contacted by Gaoyang this year, only 5.

However, he is still insisting on writing the [Channel Academy] column, and is in daily contact with many IT companies and public relations companies.

As a result, a dozen or so shopping cards were received this year, totaling 3.6, all of which were handed over to Gu Yawen.

Gao Yang still has a good income this year. The general election topic "Towards the 68rd and 8th tier markets" and the special edition of the channel forum. These two times, Gao Yang planned to sell public relations manuscripts. Gao Yang signed a total of 5.4. According to the [-]-point commission, he got it. [-].

In addition, on December 12 and January 10, Wu Peng arranged to call KTV for dividends, all of which were 1 yuan, and the dividends for two months were 10 yuan.

And Gu Yawen's two-month dividend is 10. The landlady decided to continue to mortgage to buy a house after the Spring Festival.

Before the year-end bonus was issued, Gao Yang had already saved over 12 in his hands, all of which was temporarily stored in the bank card.

In 2000, the operating performance of CPI national version projects exploded, reaching a staggering 3160 million, nearly 700 million more than the previous year.

Everyone is smiling, knowing that this year will be a big fat year.

This year, the Spring Festival holiday of CPI is also relatively early, and the publication has been suspended since January 1, and the publication will resume in mid-February.

On January 1, the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, I will be the last issue of the newspaper before the Spring Festival.

Gao Yang discussed with Wan Hong that the editorial department’s provident fund first gave each person 6000 yuan, because there was no payment on New Year’s Day, and he saved 10,000+.

After finishing work in the evening, as usual, they waited collectively to receive the year-end bonus.

Gao Yang already knew in advance that the headquarter approved a net profit of 760 million for the national version this year, and will allocate 228 million for project dividends, and the whole project is still the same as last year, with only 36 people participating in dividends.

In principle, the per capita dividend will exceed 6, which is very scary.

After 10 o'clock in the night, it was finally the turn of the national version project to receive the year-end award. Everyone was called to the financial office, all smiling.

When it was Gao Yang's turn to go to the financial office to collect the money, he was immediately taken aback.

18 million!
It is 3 higher than last year's general manager Wu Bo.

It stands to reason that, as the general manager of the project, Wan Hong's dividend this year will be as high as 45.

Only Gao Yang knew that this was impossible.

He guessed that Wan Hong estimated at 25 to [-].

Of course, this is already high.

Gao Yang, as the executive editor-in-chief, can get a bonus of 18 yuan, and Wan Hong is the general manager of the project, so it is impossible to only get around 20 yuan.

Around 30 is a bit high, so Gao Yang guessed it could only be 25 to [-].

After getting the money, it was time to go home, so Gao Yang quietly asked Wan Hong: "Is it enough for you?"

Wan Hong smiled and said, "How is that possible."

After comparing a number with his fingers, Gao Yang immediately understood that he had guessed right.

Wan Hong's mood is still very happy: "Gao Yang, all the employees of this year's project should thank you."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's all the result of everyone's hard work."

Everyone is very happy. Gao Yang estimates that the new reporters this year will not be less than 4 in dividends.

The 10 regional reporters will not be less than 4.

Of course, the advertising department will be lower, because their performance commission is already very high.

Including manager He Jin, ten people in the advertising department, this year's per capita performance commission will exceed 10.

The advertising department has completed a performance of nearly 3000 million. The commission points for new and old customers are different. The comprehensive commission is about 4 points, which is almost 120 million, or 12 per capita.

When Gao Yang returned home, it was almost 11 o'clock at night.

Gu Yawen hasn't slept yet, she's waiting.

After Gao Yang entered the room, Gu Yawen said: "I have packed all your luggage, you go to wash and go to bed early."

Gao Yang threw a bag of cash on the coffee table, and took out his salary card: "Yawen, I will leave at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. I will go directly to the airport on the afternoon of the 14th, and go to the headquarters for the annual meeting. I don't have time to go to the bank to deposit money." Money, save it for me, you also know the password of this card."

Gu Yawen glanced at the paper bag and asked with a smile, "How much?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "This year's profit is good, and the boss is also generous. I divided 18."

Gu Yawen exclaimed: "My God, there are so many!"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "It's okay. By the way, you must be careful when you go to the bank to deposit money tomorrow. There will always be some bold desperadoes during the Chinese New Year. Don't let people see you with so many money. money."

Gu Yawen said seriously: "I know, I will be careful."

Gao Yang went to take a shower, Gu Yawen hurriedly collected the money.Gao Yang's bank card password is easy to remember. After the two got together, they changed it to the combination of their birthday numbers.

It was late at night, but Gu Yawen took the initiative to make out tonight.

After the lingering, Gu Yawen suddenly burst into tears.

Gao Yang asked in surprise, "What's wrong with you?"

Gu Yawen said: "I really don't want you to leave."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Just a few days apart, we will meet again during the Spring Festival. By the way, Ruohan hasn't come home yet, right?"

Gu Yawen said: "Well, if Ruohan stays with me, she will fly to Jinyang on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month."

Gao Yang said: "Then you all have to be good, and you must check the doors and windows at night."

Gu Yawen said: "Got it, go to sleep."

In the morning, Gu Yawen got up early to cook, and before Gao Yang left, she cried again.

After warmly kissing for a while, Gu Yawen cried: "Gao Yang, I'm sorry, I can't take you to my house this year, and I haven't told my parents yet."

Gao Yang smiled and comforted: "Hey, I'm fine. When you feel comfortable, it's not too late for me to see your parents, right?"

Gu Yawen nodded vigorously, helped Gao Yang tidy up his clothes, watched him walk towards the elevator, and waved...

(End of this chapter)

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