Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 118 Starting the DM Business Project

Chapter 118 Starting the DM Business Project
On February 1th, the 17th of the twelfth lunar month.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang and Fang Jian left the provincial capital and took the bus back to Jinyang.

On the way, remembering that Gu Yawen contacted Wu Peng to find a car, Gao Yang felt that it would be much more convenient to have a car, so he called Wu Peng.

"Brother Peng, I'm on my way back to Jinyang, are you in Jinyang today?"

Wu Peng said: "Yes, you come to the local tax building to find me, and at night, you come to KTV."

Gao Yang said: "I'll be there in the morning, let's find you at work."

At 11 o'clock in the morning, when they arrived in Jinyang, Gao Yang and Fang Jian took a taxi to the local tax building, and Wu Peng got down soon.

Gao Yang passed a cigarette and said with a smile, "Brother Peng..."

Wu Peng interrupted: "You boy, you still call me Brother Peng."

Gao Yang chuckled: "I made a slip of the tongue, Second Brother."

Wu Peng took out a bunch of keys: "The car is in the yard, that is the Pajero from last time, and the keys of Shuangjiangyuan are also on this bunch."

Gao Yang said in surprise: "Second Brother, Pajero is your car."

Wu Peng said: "What are you talking about, Yawen asked me to find you a car, so I can find you a broken mulberry?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Then thank you, Second Brother, by the way, Fang Jian and I are going to play in the city for two days, and we have to go to Shuangjiang Garden to disturb us for two days."

Wu Peng nodded to Fang Jian, then glared at Gao Yang: "Can you stop playing this kind of fake courtesy, kid, I'm your second brother!"

Gao Yang cupped his fists and smiled: "Thanks, Second Brother, you will have time a few years ago, so let's have a meal together."

Wu Peng nodded: "By the way, if Ruohan comes back on the 20th, if you are still in Jinyang, you can pick her up. If you are not here, just call me."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, no problem."

Wu Peng waved his hand and went upstairs.

Gao Yang and the two went into the local tax court and found the Pajero. Gao Yang saw that there was only half of the gas left, so he simply drove out to fill it up.

Then, he drove straight to the supermarket in Jinyang Garden.

Fang Jian smiled and said, "Second brother, you are quite interesting."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Yes, outspoken and generous, such a person will make you feel very comfortable to get along with."

After driving to Jinyang Garden, Gao Yang dialed Gu Yawen's phone again: "Yawen, I have arrived in Jinyang, and my second brother's car has also started. Tell Ruohan, the day she returns to Jinyang, I will go to the airport Pick her up."

Gu Yawen said: "Well, I will ask Ruohan to send you the flight information. You should take care of yourself. It's a holiday, so just relax."

Fang Jian said with a smile: "This is reporting work anytime, anywhere."

Gao Yang said: "This is called communicating feelings at any time, Lao Fang, you have to learn, otherwise where can you find a girlfriend."

Fang Jian shook his head and smiled: "I can't learn it."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Old Fang, do you want me to teach you how to get along with men and women?"

Fang Jian said: "Okay, all ears."

Gao Yang said: "Remember, a woman's ears are very important, you should talk to her more often, even if you talk nonsense, don't think that one is one and the other is two. The most important thing is , A dull gourd who doesn't speak will never find a wife."

Fang Jian laughed aloud: "It makes sense."

[Jiajiahui] Supermarket, Gao Yue, who has been working for more than two months, saw a tall white off-road vehicle driving in front of the supermarket, and felt that this car looked familiar.

Just as he was thinking, he saw Gao Yang get out of the car.

Gao Yue hurried up to meet her: "It's a holiday so early this year."

Gao Yang said: "This year, we leave early and go to work early."

Yang Yong and Jiang Bing also greeted them.

Gao Yue asked again: "Where is Yawen?"

Gao Yang said: "She is still at work. I had a meeting in Shudu yesterday and just arrived in Jinyang."

Then, Gao Yang introduced Fang Jian to Gao Yue and his wife.

The business in the supermarket seemed to be going well, Zheng Xiaohong just poked her head out, said hello, and went back to work.

Gao Yue and Jiang Bing rented a three-bedroom apartment in the community, which was requested by Gao Yang. The monthly rent was 400 yuan, which was not too expensive.

Yang Yong and his wife shared a two-bedroom apartment with Chen Sen.

After Gao Yue and Jiang Bing arrived, they started cooking. Every day, Yang Yong and Jiang Bing cook, and they go shopping, so they have more free time.

At noon, Chen Sen also came over. According to the plan, Chen Sen has recently started preparing for the DM project, the DM issue has been applied for, the company has also been registered with Wu Peng's help, and the office space has also been rented.

Now I only need to buy office equipment, and start recruiting staff after the Spring Festival. Phototypesetting personnel and editors have been implemented, mainly salesmen.

Gao Yang, Fang Jian, Chen Sen, and Yang Yong discussed the details of starting [Sihai Culture Media] from the afternoon to the evening, including the company's rules and regulations, etc., one by one.

In the next two or three days, Fang Jian will assist Chen Sen in purchasing phototypesetting and other equipment.

The next day, we went to Jinyang Computer City to see it together. Fang Jian thought it was too expensive, so he suggested to visit Shudu Computer City.

This is also the suggestion of a friend of Fang Jian who is in the computer business.

On January 1th, the 19th of the twelfth lunar month, Gao Yang drove again, took Fang Jian and Chen Sen on a trip to Shudu, and finally got the phototypesetting equipment.

On January 1th, I bought desks and other office supplies at the Jinyang Wholesale Market again. The office in the company was roughly furnished, and the rest was to go to work after the Spring Festival. Chen Sen and Yang Yong were responsible for solving it.

After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Yang picked up Wu Ruohan who was going home at the airport.

In the first sentence they met, Wu Ruohan said, "Brother-in-law, my sister said she misses you."

Gao Yang also understood Bai Fumei's mood of guarding the capital alone, and said, "I miss her too, we talk on the phone for about an hour every day."

Wu Ruohan said again: "You have to treat my sister better."

Gao Yang was a little confused: "Sure."

Gu Yawen flew from the capital to Yuzhou on the afternoon of the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. According to the agreement between the two, they will meet in Jinyang on the second day of the first lunar month.

After sending Wu Ruohan home, Gao Yang went to the supermarket to say hello to Gao Yue, planning to send Fang Jian home first, and then he went back to his hometown.

The supermarket will be open until noon on New Year's Eve. At that time, Gao Yang will come to pick Gao Yue and Jiang Bing back to their hometown and have a reunion dinner in the evening.

Originally, Gao Yang wanted to bring his parents and Jiang Xue into the city, and they would celebrate the New Year in the city, but Gao Yue rented a house anyway.

As a result, both Gao Yue and Jiang Bing said that they hadn't moved yet, and they would return to their hometown for the New Year this year.

Gao Yang had already given Jiang Bing the mobile phone in the lottery, opened a card, and charged 1000 yuan into it, which was enough for them to use for more than half a year.

Before Gao Yang left, he was pulled aside by Gao Yue.

Gao Yue asked, "When will Yawen come?"

Gao Yang said: "She came over on the second day of the first lunar month."

Gao Yue asked strangely, "Aren't you going to her house for the New Year?"

Gao Yang said: "If I don't go this year, she only has a few days off, so I want to stay at home with my parents."

Gao Yue asked again: "Then how is your relationship now?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's good, we live together."

Gao Yue felt relieved, but after Gao Yang left, after thinking about it, she felt weird again.

The two of them have established a relationship, but they are not together during the Chinese New Year. No matter how they think about it, it doesn't feel right.

If two people go to any house to celebrate the New Year, that is also called celebrating the New Year together.

After Gao Yang hurried back to Renshui Township, Li Xiuzhen asked similar words again and again, so Gao Yang had to explain in the same words again.

Li Xiuzhen also felt weird.

Gao Yang was also a little helpless.

It can't be said that the father-in-law and mother-in-law don't know their existence yet.

In the past few days, Gao Yang has been talking on the phone with Gu Yawen.

Although Gu Yawen forced a smile on her face, Gao Yang also felt her loneliness in the capital.

Bai Fumei has someone she cares about all the time, Gao Yang herself, why not?
(End of this chapter)

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