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Chapter 119 The Good Daughter Is Not Good

Chapter 119 Good Daughter Is Not Good

After 28 pm on the 3th of the twelfth lunar month, Gu Yawen called Gao Yang before boarding the plane in the capital.

After 6 o'clock, Gu Yawen called again, saying that she was already at Yuzhou Airport.

At almost 7 o'clock in the evening, Gao Yang received a text message from Gu Yawen, saying that he had arrived home.

Gao Yang also replied the text message, guessing that Bai Fumei was at home and it was inconvenient to call him.

It felt a bit sneaky, which made Gao Yang want to laugh.

Later, in a big villa in Yuzhou, Gu Yawen and her parents, Gu Wenlong and Wu Lan, a family of three began to have dinner.

After the meal, the family of three sat down, drank tea and chatted.

Gu Yawen said: "Dad, Mom, let's go to Grandpa's house earlier this year, how about starting on the first day of the first lunar month?"

Wu Lan said: "It won't be early this year, it will be one day later, and we can only leave on the third day of the first lunar month. I told your grandfather."

Gu Yawen asked in surprise, "Why?"

Gu Wenlong said: "I'm on duty from New Year's Eve to the second day of the first lunar month, and your mother said to go together on the third day."

Gu Yawen was a little speechless: "Dad, you have never been on duty so early in the past few years."

Wu Lan said: "A leader of their unit suddenly fell ill, and your father took the initiative to replace him.

It just so happened that Chen Wei came back from the United States. I have already discussed with you, Aunt Hu. On the second day of the first lunar month, I will take you to Chen’s house to play. You can meet Chen Wei and have a good chat.

Chen Wei is about to graduate with a Ph.D. He said that he will return to China in June. The work here has been arranged and he will work at Yuda University.

If you have a good talk, then you should go back to Yuzhou.If the negotiation fails, you have to come back..."

Gu Yawen frowned slightly: "Mom, why are you dragging me to meet people again? I won't go."

Wu Lan was surprised and said, "Didn't you promise to meet him?"

Gu Yawen said: "When did I agree?"

Wu Lan said: "Last year's Spring Festival, you forgot?"

Gu Yawen thought about it carefully: "I just said it out of politeness, and I just said it casually, so you take it seriously."

Wu Lan's complexion was a little ugly.

"Yawen, then you shouldn't have dealt with people casually in the first place. Your Aunt Hu took it seriously, and so did Mom."

Gu Yawen bit her lip: "Anyway, I just don't want to go."

Wu Lan got a little angry: "Then what do you think? Our two families have been in contact for so many years, and your Grandpa Chen is your father's old leader, and I have many business contacts with your Aunt Hu. Your father and I offended someone."

Gu Yawen was very speechless: "Mom, I really don't want to go. Since my junior year, every time I go home during the holidays, you let me see this and that. I'm tired of it. I want to find a boyfriend, I’ll just find it myself, there’s no need for such an arrangement.”

Wu Lan tried to reason: "Yawen, it's for your own good that Mom will help you make arrangements. Every time, I have asked for your opinion, and you have agreed. Besides, Mom's contacts for you are all excellent. The young man who knows everything..."

Gu Yawen shook her head: "Anyway, this time, I don't want to go, Mom, I will find my husband myself."

Wu Lan was really angry: "Then how do you ask your mother to explain to your Aunt Hu? Your Aunt Hu has discussed this matter with me several times."

Gu Wenlong said: "Yawen, you must be honest. If you agreed at the beginning, then you should meet someone. Whether you have a fate with Chen Wei is another matter. Your mother arranged this for you. Well, you didn't dislike these things before. After meeting this time, if you want to find it yourself, you can do as you like."

Wu Lan said: "As she likes? I have been working in the capital for more than two years, but I found one myself. There is no shadow."

Gu Yawen got up: "Dad, Mom, I'm tired, I'm going to rest."

Gu Wenlong and Wu Lan looked at each other and frowned slightly.

When Gu Yawen entered her room, Gu Wenlong said: "Look, I told you not to arrange these things before, but now it's fine, she's disgusted."

Wu Lan felt a little uncomfortable: "I'm not doing it for her own good. Yawen didn't dislike her before. She has always been obedient."

Gu Wenlong sighed: "Yawen has grown up a long time ago, she is no longer a little girl, you just don't listen to people's persuasion."

Wu Lan said: "Old Gu, what do you think we should do now? Mr. Chen mentioned to me about Chen Wei and Yawen a few days ago."

Gu Wenlong was surprised: "Mr. Chen also asks about this kind of thing?"

Wu Landao: "The old man watched Yawen grow up. Yawen has been well-behaved and sensible since she was a child. The old man has always liked it. The whole family likes our Yawen.

Chen Wei went to the United States to study. He originally planned to stay abroad, but last year he said he might come back.

Hu Wenyu suggested it during the Spring Festival last year, and I also thought it was good. At that time, Hu Wenyu asked Yawen, and Yawen also agreed to wait for Chen Wei to come back, to meet and chat.

Chen Wei came back a few days ago, and the family talked about it, so Mr. Chen naturally paid attention.

You see, she is fine now, saying that she is perfunctory.

It's just perfunctory, you should meet someone.

Yawen used to be quite obedient, but now she doesn't listen to me more and more.

Old Gu, Yawen listens to you, please persuade her well..."

Gu Wenlong nodded: "Yawen is resting, tomorrow."

Gu Yawen locked herself in the sleeping room, sat on the bed with her knees hugged, with a depressed expression on her face.

I wanted to call Gao Yang, but I didn't know what to say, so I was a little upset for a while.

The proud third generation of the Chen family, who studied in the United States, only said that they might come back during the Spring Festival last year.

Gu Yawen agreed casually at that time, and they can meet and chat during the Spring Festival this year.

If she didn't like Gao Yang, didn't get together with Gao Yang, and deal with it, Gu Yawen wouldn't care.

In the past few years, among relatives and friends, there have been many excellent young people recommended to Wu Lan. Wu Lan picks a few every year and asks Gu Yawen to meet them. Gu Yawen can't bear to ignore her mother's concern.

Since childhood, Gu Yawen has always been a good girl, the kind of child from someone else's family.

It's just that after seeing these so-called elites too much, Gu Yawen began to feel disgusted.

Eloquent talk, self-righteousness, and some people's eyes even made Gu Yawen feel disgusted.

It's just that Gu Yawen is a well-bred girl, and she won't show it on her face.

Now, it's a little tricky.

Gu Yawen is still unwilling to mention Gao Yang's matter to her parents, feeling that the time is not yet ripe, and the family background gap is too big, if parents, especially mother, don't give Gao Yang a good face, it will hurt Gao Yang's self-esteem.

And the Chen family has a special relationship with the Gu family.

Naturally, it was impossible for Gu Yawen to meet the third generation of the Chen family, who already had a boyfriend, so how could she deal with such boring things again.

Even if he loses face, he will also lose face to Gao Yang.

Gu Yawen suddenly missed Gao Yang very much, very much.

The 29th of the twelfth lunar month is also the New Year's Eve of this year, and Gu Wenlong will be on duty today.

Before going out to work, Gu Wenlong still found his daughter and persuaded her, even if he went to Chen's house on the second day of the first lunar month to deal with it.

Gu Yawen couldn't bear to directly reject her father who was still working at the age of [-], so she agreed and thought about it again.

After noon, Gu Yawen and Wu Lan began to prepare the ingredients for the New Year's Eve dinner.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Lan went out. As usual, she was going to visit the company's employees who stayed on duty.

Gu Yawen was a little restless, so she called Gao Yang: "Gao Yang, what are you doing?"

Gao Yang said: "I just went to the city to pick up my sister and brother-in-law. I went back to my hometown and had a reunion dinner in the evening. Yawen, are you okay?"

Gu Yawen said: "Well, I am also preparing the New Year's Eve dinner at home."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Happy Chinese New Year, these days, my mother and my sister are talking about you, come here soon."

Gu Yawen said: "I know, you can say hello to my aunt and sister for me..."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yawen suddenly felt an urge to see Gao Yang as soon as possible and give him a surprise.

As soon as this thought popped up, it couldn't be stopped.

Check the time. If you leave now, if you drive faster, you should be able to reach Gaoyang's hometown after 8:[-] p.m.

Gu Yawen didn't hesitate anymore, found a pen and paper, wrote a few messages, and pressed them on the coffee table in the living room:

"Dad, Mom, forgive me for not spending the New Year with you this year, I'm going to grandpa's house first.

I really don't want to go to Chen's house, and I can't.

Because, I have a boyfriend..."

Gu Yawen simply packed her luggage, went to the garage to drive the Luxun V4700, left the city, and drove towards Jinyang...

(End of this chapter)

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