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Chapter 124 Grandpa Supports You

Chapter 124 Grandpa Supports You

The Wu family has a family tradition, such as filial piety and respect for the elders.

Wu Ruohan is usually eccentric and can run the train with his mouth full, but at this time, she dare not.

Aunt and uncle only have one daughter, Gu Yawen. Gu Yawen has been liked and loved by the whole family since she was a child. Her marriage is naturally very important in the eyes of the Wu family.

Now that it's Chinese New Year, Gu Yawen actually plays peek-a-boo with her parents, it's really not a trivial matter.

Now the elders are all concerned and serious. Wu Ruohan knows that Gao Yang's home address and other circumstances cannot be concealed.

Wu Ruohan laughed awkwardly for a moment, then began to recruit:
"Well, I admit, my brother-in-law... Hehe, I made a slip of the tongue, it should be my future brother-in-law..."

Seeing his younger sister Wu Lan's ugly face, Wu Guanghua glared, "Ruohan, be serious!"

Wu Ruohan pouted:
"Well, it's my brother Yang. Brother Yang's home is in the countryside of Anhe County, not far from the county seat, about 10 kilometers away, and it is a small town.

I can't remember the name clearly, but I only remember their village, Shimen Village.

Brother Yang's family is indeed very ordinary. There are only two parents in his family, and his sister who runs a small restaurant in the township is a family of three.

Hmm... Brother Yang said that several generations of their family's ancestors were poor enough to eat dirt. When his father was fourteen or fifteen years old, he almost starved to death.

I have met Brother Yang's family, they are all very nice, they are very warm and down-to-earth..."

Wu Lan interrupted: "Ruohan, when did you and Yawen go to Gao's house?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Well...I went there on National Day holiday last year."

Did your daughter secretly come to Jinyang during the National Day holiday last year?
Wu Lan realized that she had been deceived, and snorted coldly, such a sensible daughter has learned to deceive others.

Mr. Wu and his wife were also a little surprised. They didn't know that their granddaughter came to Jinyang during the National Day holiday last year.

Wu Lan asked again: "Ruohan, how did your sister meet Gao Yang? How long have you known each other? How long have you been dating?"

Wu Ruohan said: "They met at work. It's been more than a year. At that time, my brother Yang just jumped to work at the Beijing newspaper. They officially started dating last year during the National Day holiday."

Wu Lan asked again: "What did Gao Yang do before?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother Yang used to work in Jinyang. First he was a civil servant in Anhe County. I heard that he was the deputy director of the Finance Office. Later, he went to a newspaper in Jinyang to apply for a reporter. seems to be Jinyang Metropolis Daily."

Wu Lan snorted, "It's a pretty frequent job change."

Wu Ruohan said: "Aunt, my Brother Yang is fine, really fine.

Let’s talk about looks first. I told my grandparents last night that Brother Yang is 178 centimeters tall. He is very handsome, much more pleasing to the eye than my brother.

Then, Brother Yang worked very hard. Before I formally dated my sister, he basically didn't go out on weekends. He was working overtime or studying.

My sister said that what she likes most about Brother Yang is the way he works hard.

Brother Yang is very smart and hardworking. Last year, his annual income was 40 yuan, and his year-end bonus was 18 yuan. Their newspapers have commended him several times.

My sister said that Brother Yang's income last year was higher than that of the department managers of their Aomei company. Aomei is a foreign company and it is difficult to enter.

Also, Brother Yang is very business-minded. He partnered with his classmates and opened a small supermarket in Jinyang. The business is very good. He plans to develop it into a chain brand and even go public in the future.

They are in Jinyang, and they will start a project soon, which is advertising media. Brother Yang said that if this project is implemented, it can earn millions a year.

My brother and a friend opened the first KTV in Jinyang, and the business is very good. This golden idea was created by my brother Yang.

My brother said that Brother Yang's brains are very good, and he also admires it..."

Mr. Wu smiled heartily: "It sounds like this young man is very good."

The old lady also said: "It's not bad, Xiaopeng is very proud."

Wu Lan asked again: "Ruohan, do you know how this Gao Yang got close to your sister?"

Wu Ruohan smiled: "Auntie, you're thinking the opposite, it was my sister who fell in love with Brother Yang first, and she has been in love with Brother Yang for more than half a year, and I discovered it in April and May last year.

As for my Brother Yang, he has always pretended to be confused, he is also quite stupid.

My sister fell in love with it, but she was too embarrassed to break it. During those few months, she suffered a lot. She couldn't sleep well, eat well, and she lost a lot of weight.

I am also anxious, I feel sorry for my sister.

During the National Day holiday last year, my brother Yang wanted to go back to Jinyang to visit relatives, but my sister dragged me back.

Seeing my Brother Yang deliberately pretending to be a fool made me angry, so I forced him to pierce my sister.

If it wasn't for me, hehe...

Now, my sister is probably still 'weaking up because of Yixiao'..."

Hearing this, both Gu Wenlong and Wu Lan were a little upset.

This stinky boy is quite good at handling people. He played hard to get and tortured our precious daughter.

The old lady was a little curious: "Ruohan, your sister is so attractive, this young man knows that Yawen is interested in him, why is he pretending to be stupid, doesn't it mean he doesn't like Yawen?"

Wu Ruohan said: "No, grandma, that's why my sister came to Jinyang alone yesterday, and she didn't want to tell the family that she was in love with Brother Yang.

My sister was worried that with Brother Yang's family background, my aunt and uncle might not agree and would make Brother Yang look bad.

As for Brother Yang, he must have guessed that my sister's family is in good condition, so he has been hesitating. I didn't force him, he might still be pretending to be stupid.

However, after they fell in love, Brother Yang treated my sister very well. My sister always smiled every day, very happy. "

Wu Lan snorted coldly, if such a guy is not really stupid, then he is not just cunning.

The old lady asked again: "Ruohan, didn't Yawen tell Gao Yang about our family's situation?"

Wu Ruohan shook her head: "I really didn't before. My sister didn't want to put pressure on him. Now, I probably know it. My sister said last night that it's time to talk to Brother Yang about the family affairs."

The old lady nodded: "In our family's situation, it's normal for Yawen and this young man to have these concerns."

After understanding the general situation, Wu Lan said, "Ruohan, lead the way, and we will pick up Yawen."

Wu Ruohan was surprised: "Auntie, this is not good, my brother Yang is really good, and he will definitely have great promise in the future."

Wu Lan said: "Now is not the time to talk about these things. Yawen's phone is turned off and she hides from people. What kind of talk does that sound like?"

At this time, Wu Lan's cell phone rang suddenly, seeing that it was Gu Yawen calling, she opened her mouth and said:
"Yawen, why don't you come back quickly, do you know what you are doing, is it reasonable..."

On the other side of the phone, Gu Yawen was a little disappointed: "Mom, I know what I'm doing."

Wu Lan suddenly became angry: "You let mom down so much, will you come back?"

Gu Yawen was silent, and then said slowly: "Mom, this is my own choice, and it is also the happiness I want."

"You..." Wu Lan was speechless for a while.

Girls are not allowed to stay in college, good girl, you have changed, and mom almost doesn't know you anymore.

Mr. Wu waved his hands: "Wu Lan, let me say a few words to Yawen."

Wu Lan could only say: "Yawen, your grandfather is talking to you."

Mr. Wu took the phone and said with a smile, "Yawen, where are you?"

Gu Yawen said: "Grandpa, happy Chinese New Year, I'm at Gao Yang's house in the countryside of Anhe County."

Mr. Wu said again, "Yawen, it's a good thing for you to fall in love and have a partner. It's just that you are hiding like this, and it's the Chinese New Year. Isn't it bad? Look, can you bring your boyfriend with you?" Come home and let grandpa and grandma take a look?"

Gu Yawen hesitated: "But, my mother..."

Mr. Wu said: "Don't worry. Grandpa will help you with this matter. You have to make sense of everything."

Gu Yawen said: "Grandpa, then I'll discuss it with Gao Yang and get back to you right away."

Mr. Wu smiled and said, "Okay, grandpa is waiting."

Later, Gu Yawen replied: "Grandpa, let's do it tomorrow. Tomorrow, Gao Yang and I will go to the city to pay New Year's greetings to Grandpa and Grandma."

Mr. Wu smiled and said, "Okay, okay, then it's settled..."

(End of this chapter)

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