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Chapter 125 1 hammer

Chapter 125 The final word (ask for votes and support)
After Mr. Wu hung up the phone, Wu Lan said, "Dad, you spoil Yawen too much."

Mr. Wu looked serious: "Wu Lan, Wenlong, I have to tell you a few words about Yawen's dating."

Wu Lan and Gu Wenlong said in unison: "Dad, tell me."

Mr. Wu is over 70 years old, and he is also the highest authority of the Wu family.

The old man was about to talk about the matter, and Wu Lan and his wife naturally wanted to listen attentively.

But I heard the old man say:

"In this marriage, there has been a concept of marriage and marriage since ancient times, which is quite normal.

However, if you cling to such a concept, you are dead-brained.

Our Wu family, counting from your grandfather's generation up, has been poor for several generations, living a hard life of eating chaff and swallowing vegetables.

In my generation, the family tightened their belts and sent their children to private schools, new schools, and some education.

Knowledge can change destiny. This is almost the only chance for the children of hard-working families to get ahead. That's how I got out.

In the past feudal era, the imperial examinations were used to obtain official positions, so that the children of poor families had the opportunity to show their prominence.

Over the years, Wenlong kept improving, performed well, and was promoted to the head of the deputy department.Wu Lan, you went to the sea, worked hard in the business world, and made a career out of it.

This is all the result of your own hard work. It is right to do things cleanly and be a clean person without running away from home.

Just like the children of Wu Peng’s generation, some people in their families are keen to engage in relationships, run around for approval, buy and sell.

Wu Peng used to be mischievous when he was in school, not to learn that material. After going to work, he used his spare time to start a small business with others, and the money he earned was clean money, and he did not do anything illegal.

Otherwise, my old man will break his leg by doing it himself.

The other children in the family, the two in Guangrong's family, one is abroad and the other is in Shanghai, are all doing well.

Ruohan is sometimes a little mischievous, but her nature is still good, and she studies hard.

If you want to say that the best performer is your family's Yawen, Yawen is a well-behaved and sensible child since she was a child. When she grows up, she is filial and considerate to her elders. Very good, a good boy.

Now, the two of you have social status, and the family's finances are more than enough for the family to live a prosperous life.

You don't need anything but a good son-in-law.

When you choose a son-in-law, if you rely on your family's status and wealth, you must choose the right one. The concept of dislike the poor and love the rich is unacceptable.

We must respect Yawen's own choice and the children's emotions.

Yawen has her own opinions. When her child grows up, she has made her own decisions. Parents, don't forcefully interfere or make arrangements.

Just now I heard Ruohan talk about Yawen's boyfriend. This young man named Gao Yang is capable, intelligent, and stable in dealing with others. He also treats Yawen with sincerity. I think he is very good..."

The old man has been a leader for many years, and when he speaks, if he thinks about it seriously, he can't stop talking.

After Wu Lan listened patiently, she just said, "Dad, we didn't say we should dislike the poor and love the rich, but we wanted to forcibly interfere with Yawen's choice and arrange her future. She was sneaking around with Wenlong and me behind my back. Yesterday It must be wrong for a thirty-year-old to make such a fuss."

The old lady said: "Let me see, Yawen did this because you forced her to do so."

Wu Lan was surprised and said, "Mom, when did we force her? We didn't even force her to stay and work in the capital after graduating from university."

The old lady said again: "Wu Lan, in the past few years, I heard that you have arranged many blind dates for Yawen?"

Wu Lan nodded: "Yes, Yawen is a likable child. Some relatives and friends came to our door. Firstly, they couldn't help but secondly, the boys they introduced were also good. We never forced Yawen to go on a blind date. It's all her own consent."

The old lady smiled and said: "I see, Yawen agrees with her mouth, but she doesn't want to in her heart. This child has been obedient since she was a child, and she doesn't want to touch your face."

Gu Wenlong said: "Mom is right. I have persuaded Wu Lan before, don't always arrange for Yawen to go on blind dates. Yawen will be disgusted if you arrange too many..."

Gu Wenlong didn't want to take the blame, so Wu Lan quietly stared at him, shook his head and smiled, and shut up.

Mr. Wu asked again: "Wu Lan, have you arranged a blind date for Yawen again this time?"

Wu Landao: "It's Mr. Chen's grandson. He is studying for a Ph.D. in the United States. He plans to return to Yuzhou to work after graduation..."

Mr. Wu interrupted: "So that's how it is. If I were Yawen, I would run away too. I already have a boyfriend, so what's the point of going on a blind date?"

Wu Lan said: "She didn't mention that she already found a boyfriend before. What's annoying is that she left a note at home. At the age of [-], we can drive so far alone. Can we not be in a hurry. Now, Wen and I Long still doesn't know how to explain to Chen's family."

Mr. Wu sighed: "You can't do what happened last night according to Yawen's previous temperament. What does that mean? It means that the two of you don't understand children.

Even your usual way of dealing with people has given the child a bad impression, thinking that you must dislike the poor and love the rich, and will interfere with her choice.

It's your parents' fault for this matter, not Yawen's fault.

Old Chen, let me explain to him..."

Gu Wenlong was blamed, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, thinking of Gao Yang, he wanted to smash his dog's head.

Let you secretly abduct my good daughter!
Wu Lan felt a little helpless: "Dad, you... spoiled her too much."

Mr. Wu directly blew his beard and stared: "Then this time, my grandfather will be spoiled. Tomorrow Yawen will bring her boyfriend to the door for the first time, and when he comes, he is just a guest. Remember, if people look at you, my old man will Show your faces!"

Wu Lan smiled wryly: "Dad, how could we..."

The old lady persuaded: "Wu Lan, you used to want Yawen to go back to work in Yuzhou, and you wanted to stay by your side. It was a good idea. But now that Yawen has a boyfriend, and both of them work in the capital, don't go there anymore." Interfering with Yawen's work."

Wu Lan said helplessly: "Mom, the girl is not allowed to stay in the college. The matter has come to this. What else can I do?"

The old lady smiled and said, "You knew Wenlong when you were young, and it's not the same. You insist on staying in Yuzhou..."

Gu Yawen and Gao Yang's love affair was forcibly finalized by the old man, and Wu Ruohan was also very happy.

He ran to rub his shoulders hard for the second elder, with a flattering look on his face: "Grandpa and grandma, you are so kind, I thank you on my sister's behalf."

The old lady grabbed Wu Ruohan's hand: "You bastard girl, you always lied to your grandparents, so don't lie to others in the future."

Wu Ruohan stuck out her tongue: "Grandma, I can't help it, my sister won't let me talk."

At this time, in the field beside the street in Renshui Township, the rapeseed flowers had begun to bloom. Gu Yawen walked along a small path in the field with Gao Yang on her arm.

Gu Yawen originally wanted to wait until the phone was fully charged before calling Wu Lan at noon, but Gao Yang persuaded her to call Wu Lan immediately when the phone was ready to use.

In the previous life, Gao Yang was the father of two children, so he naturally understood his parents' feelings.

Gao Yang asked: "Yawen, I'm going to your grandpa's house to celebrate the New Year tomorrow. Giving cigarettes and alcohol is too tacky. I don't know your grandpa's hobbies. Tell me, what should I buy?"

Gu Yawen giggled: "Why, are you starting to get nervous?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's okay to be nervous. This is the first time we meet, and your parents. I have to try my best to make a good impression."

Gu Yawen waved on Gao Yang's face: "Forget it, I'm ready. My grandfather likes to drink tea. I bought it in the capital with the shopping card you gave..."

Gao Yang smiled slightly.

Bai Fumei is careful and considerate, she is a good wife.

(End of this chapter)

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