Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 126 Large-Scale Son-in-Law Interview

Chapter 126 Large-Scale Son-in-Law Interview
The matter between Gu Yawen and Gao Yang is basically settled like this.

The elders of the Wu family also started to do some homework, chatting and laughing, and there was a New Year's atmosphere.

Wu Ruohan slipped out and was about to call Gu Yawen to share information, but she bumped into Wu Peng who was returning home.

Wu Ruohan stared at him immediately, and said angrily, "Boss Peng, you're such an asshole."

Wu Peng asked in surprise, "What happened to me?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Why did you slip away last night and turn off your phone?"

Wu Peng said: "I waited for my aunt and the others last night until it was past two o'clock. I don't need to sleep. The battery of my phone is dead."

Wu Ruohan just snorted.

Wu Peng asked with a smile: "How about Yawen and Gao Yang?"

Wu Ruohan didn't want to talk about it at first, but finally shared her joy: "It's passed the test, it's settled."

Wu Peng was surprised: "Auntie is so easy to talk to?"

Wu Ruohan snorted and said, "With my grandparents supporting my sister, my aunt doesn't dare to jump around."

Wu Peng smiled and said: "Interesting, Gao Yang is lucky, he doesn't need to mess with Yawen's stomach."

Wu Ruohan said with contempt: "As far as your ideas are thrown out, they all smell bad. Grandpa and grandma, I persuaded them today."

Wu Peng smiled and said, "Okay, you are amazing."

The corner of Wu Ruohan's mouth twitched, and said arrogantly: "That is."

Then, Wu Ruohan called Gu Yawen again: "Sister, congratulations to you and brother-in-law, the mountain that weighed on you is gone, you are completely liberated..."

Then, Wu Ruohan babbled again, talking about the matter that the old man made a final decision just now.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yawen looked at Gao Yang with a smile: "You don't have to be nervous, my grandpa is backing you up."

Gao Yang was a little curious: "Really?"

Gu Yawen relayed what Wu Ruohan relayed just now, what Mr. Wu said.

After hearing this, Gao Yang smiled and said, "The old man has positive energy."

The term positive energy is not popular in this era.

However, Gu Yawen naturally understood the meaning of these words and nodded: "Well, my grandfather is very decent and has a good reputation in Jinyang. Our family is greatly influenced by him. I didn't expect that some It's my mother's fault."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I told you, parents all over the world have the same heart. When we have children in the future, we must learn from your grandfather when we educate our children."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Then when will you marry me?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Whenever you want to marry, I will marry you at any time."

Gu Yawen laughed again: "Then... this year?"

Seeing that Bai Fumei didn't seem to be joking, Gao Yang thought about it seriously.

"This year may be busy at work, how about next year?"

Gu Yawen's eyes were tender like water: "I listen to you."

Gao Yang didn't expect to start talking about marriage just over a year after his rebirth.

On the second day of the first lunar month, the weather was fine.

Early in the morning, after 8 o'clock in the morning, the two set off for Jinyang City.Gu Yawen first found a barber shop and asked Gao Yang to wash his hair and have his hair blown.

Then, at less than 9:[-] in the morning, the two rushed to the villa area in the inner courtyard of the family courtyard of the municipal government.

Gao Yang is wearing a neat suit today, a thermal shirt without a tie, and a mid-length coat over it.

This outfit was naturally carefully selected by Gu Yawen, in order to highlight Gao Yang's handsome and sunny image.

After entering the house, Gu Yawen held Gao Yang's arm all the time, and introduced his family members with a smile.

First grandparents, then my parents, followed by my uncle and his wife.

As for Wu Peng and Wu Ruohan, there is no need to introduce them.

Gu Wenlong and Wu Lan, Gao Yang called him uncle and aunt.

Then for the others, Gao Yang will call them whatever Gu Yawen calls them, this is all discussed by the two of them.

Gao Yang kept a smile on his face all the time, he responded appropriately, neither humble nor overbearing, he left a good first impression on this family.

Even Gu Wenlong, who had always wanted to smash Gao Yang's dog's head, felt that this brat was not bad, and there was no trace of nervous expression on his face.

Wu Lan observed very carefully today.

Gao Yang looks really good, worthy of his precious daughter.

As soon as the two of them entered the room, Wu Lan noticed that her daughter looked even more beautiful, her rosy face was tender and tender, her eyes were full of tenderness, especially the corners of her eyes were slightly charming.

In Wu Lan's eyes, Gu Yawen's temperament has undergone some obvious changes.

Wu Lan's chest tightened, knowing that it was broken, the two actually lived together.

Now, it really cannot be dismantled.

My good daughter is so beautiful and sensible, it's really cheap for this brat.

Two days ago, when Gu Yawen came home, Wu Lan never thought that her daughter already had a boyfriend, so she didn't observe so carefully, she couldn't think of this level.

After getting to know each other, they sat down to drink tea and chat. Gao Yang also knew that what awaited him would be a collective interview with his son-in-law.

Sure enough, the old lady of the Wu family spoke first: "Xiao Gao, Ruohan said that you are the editor-in-chief of a newspaper in the capital?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Grandma, I'm not the editor-in-chief, but the editor-in-chief. Our newspaper office has more than 20 newspapers, sharing one issue number. I only work in one of the newspapers that is distributed nationwide. The job content is similar to that of the editor-in-chief of other newspaper offices. make up."

Gu Yawen hurriedly said: "Grandma, Gao Yang has been promoted again this year. After the Spring Festival last year, he was promoted from a reporter to an executive editor after just four months at the newspaper office. This Spring Festival, he was promoted to the project general manager of the newspaper office. He is also the editor-in-chief, and now, the project he manages has an annual income of more than 4 million."

The old lady smiled and said, "Hey, you are young, and you can manage more than 3000 million things, not bad. Xiao Gao, you are 26 years old this year, 74 years old?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, I will turn 8 in August."

Mr. Wu asked again: "Xiao Gao, which department is in charge of your newspaper office?"

Gao Yang said: "Grandpa, our newspaper is called CPI Group. Its revenue last year was 1.3 million yuan. It has published nearly 20 IT newspapers and periodicals in more than 30 provincial capital cities across the country. CPI Group is a private enterprise affiliated with the Provincial Science and Technology Association. There is a publication number of IT industry newspapers and periodicals, and in terms of operation and management, it is independent."

Wu Lan frowned slightly: "Private enterprises are not necessarily stable."

Gu Yawen said: "Mom, the CPI Group has achieved good results in the past few years. Gao Yang also took this opportunity to transition. In the future, he will start his own business."

Wu Lan gave her a blank look: "Mom didn't ask you again, Gao Yang, tell yourself, do you have any plans for the future, and how?"

Gao Yang smiled slightly:
"Auntie, I have a plan.

Working at CPI can be regarded as a kind of experience, mainly to use this job to accumulate some funds, and more importantly, to get to know some contacts in the circle.

The IT circle has gathered a lot of smart people, many of whom have an international vision and can get in touch with the latest global industry development trends.

At this stage, my plan is about three to five years.

After that, I will officially start my own business..."

Wu Lan asked again: "Then, have you thought about your entrepreneurial direction?"

Gao Yangdao: "The general direction is to be media, mainly in the Internet field. Informatization construction and Internet applications will greatly change the way of life of the entire society. This is the biggest technological trend in the next ten or twenty years.

At this stage, a few friends and I have invested in a small business in Jinyang, which can be regarded as experience, mainly because they are operating, and I am only responsible for some project planning. "

Wu Guangrong nodded and said: "Xiao Gao's thinking is clear, he has a plan, he has a plan, and he has a good vision. The Internet industry does have a very good prospect."

Wu Lan thought about it and said, "Gao Yang, I won't go around with you. Yawen chose you. Although you are not bad, it is not enough to marry her now. Our family only has such a daughter……"

(End of this chapter)

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