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Chapter 129 Why did it get out of control?

Chapter 129 Why did it get out of control?

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen left arm in arm, and returned the same way. In the evening, they had to go to Gu Yawen's grandfather's house for dinner.

After walking for a while, Gao Yang couldn't help but look back, and saw Jiang Xiaoyue was still standing there, looking at their backs.

Gao Yang waved again from afar, and Jiang Xiaoyue also waved over there, before she wiped away her tears and walked towards the gymnasium.

Gao Yang and the two turned around and continued to walk.

Gu Yawen said: "Gao Yang, how much do you know about Xiaoyue's family?"

Gao Yang sighed: "Xiaoyue was abandoned in the public toilet at the bus station in the city just after she was born..."

Listening to Gao Yang's detailed account of what he [knows], Jiang Xiaoyue was abandoned by her biological parents and adopted by her adoptive father, Gu Yawen's eyes also turned red.

"Really, there are such people who can't treat others well, why should they adopt..."

"Worldly affairs, worldly people, such things, in fact, there are quite a few..."

Gao Yang sighed, now, he is really in a bad mood.

Jiang Xiaoyue still has no way to leave this family. What Gao Yang can protect is actually to give her money so that she can live a better life secretly, and then study hard so that she can be admitted to university in the future and be completely independent.

In the previous life, because her adoptive mother did not give her money to let Jiang Xiaoyue go to high school, Jiang Xiaoyue graduated from middle school and only took the entrance examination to the middle school, and she couldn't make it to graduation, so she entered the society and started working to support herself.

Gu Yawen asked again: "Then how can we help Xiaoyue?"

Gao Yang said: "I plan to get a bank card for her, and give her 500 yuan every month. At this stage, 500 yuan is enough."

Gu Yawen was a little worried: "What if her adoptive mother finds out and snatches her away?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "I will introduce Chen Sen and Yang Yong to Xiaoyue so that they can take care of them in the future. Now, Xiaoyue is only 14 years old, and her adoptive parents are her guardians. She can't live independently yet. It’s impossible to endure it.”

Gu Yawen was silent, thinking of Jiang Xiaoyue's helpless eyes just now, she felt a little distressed.

If I have such a life experience, living in such a family since I was a child, it would be terrible.

After thinking for a while, Gu Yawen suddenly said: "Gao Yang, Xiaoyue living such a life is equivalent to being abused by her adoptive mother. If she wants to completely liberate Xiaoyue and come out, there is no way out."

Gao Yang asked curiously, "What way?"

Gu Yawen said: "I just want to find a way to change the relationship between her and her adoptive parents and leave this family."

Gao Yang understood that this method, which he had considered after his rebirth, was too difficult.

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, it's not that I haven't thought about it, it's just that the possibility is too small and it's very difficult. To convince Xiaoyue, I have to convince her adoptive parents."

Gu Yawen said: "Actually, it shouldn't be difficult. Xiaoyue's adoptive mother treats her so badly and is so picky. She probably cares about money. We can give her a sum of money..."

Gao Yang said: "What if they still don't agree?"

Gu Yawen said: "That's easy too. As you said just now, the teachers at the school know what Xiaoyue's life is like. There are always many people who know the neighbors near her home and the cadres in the village. It's a big deal, I advise Xiaoyue to hire a lawyer Sue, or find a government department like the Women's Federation to negotiate a solution, there will always be a solution."

Gao Yang understood, there is a way, of course, it is very troublesome.

Gao Yang asked again: "It's a way, but in what name are we doing these things?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "When you saw Xiaoyue at that time, you almost shed tears. You are very kind and love her dearly, then you should really recognize her as a younger sister. This way, you have a name."

Recognize your ex-wife as your sister?

Gao Yang was a little confused.

No, not in this lifetime!

Gao Yang pretended to be contemplative, then shook his head later and said, "It's not appropriate for me to recognize Xiaoyue as my younger sister. After all, Xiaoyue is so old, this man and woman are different..."

Gu Yawen thought for a while: "Well, what you said is also reasonable, then... I will recognize Xiaoyue as my younger sister. Yes, that's it."

Gao Yang opened his mouth, speechless.

In the future, will my ex-wife call me brother-in-law?
What is this called.

Gu Yawen got excited: "I think so, Xiaoyue said something just now, she will remember your kindness for the rest of her life, she is only 14 years old, and being able to say such words shows that her heart is relatively pure.

We work in the capital, and we may only go home once or twice a year. My parents are at home, staring at each other all day long, and sometimes it is quite boring.

If Xiaoyue's matter is resolved, I can send her to Yuzhou to live with my parents, and Xiaoyue can also go to a better school..."

Gu Yawen talked about it, and Gao Yang was convinced. Bai Fumei was really careful, and arranged everything for Jiang Xiaoyue.

Gao Yang tried to save it: "Your parents may not agree, right?"

Gu Yawen said: "No, they can't ask for it.

My mother sometimes looks a bit sophisticated, but she is actually quite kind.Needless to say, my dad, who has been a soldier for more than ten years, is inherently jealous of evil.

After my mother gave birth to me, she had a miscarriage, and because of physical reasons, she couldn't have another child.

When I was young, my parents almost adopted a little girl, but they failed in the end. Later, my mother went to sea to do business, so there was no time to think about it.

Xiaoyue is now 14 years old, there are not many things that my parents need to worry about, they should agree..."

Gao Yang was speechless.

After thinking about it, perhaps, for Jiang Xiaoyue, this is the best arrangement.

It seems that my brother-in-law is determined.

So sad to rush.

Gao Yang had carefully planned Jiang Xiaoyue's matter, but he didn't expect such a chance meeting today, and felt that the plan suddenly got out of control.

Some of that... I can't laugh or cry.

The two returned to the municipal family home, unexpectedly Wu Ruohan also went home.

Gu Yawen murmured with Wu Ruohan for a while, only to see Wu Ruohan jumping up against the case: "There is such a adoptive mother, it's too disgusting, I want to be this sister, I'll accept this sister!"

Gao Yang smiled wryly, with this crazy girl involved, his plan really got out of control.

Sure enough, Wu Ruohan pulled Gu Yawen to find Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu, and he was excited for a while.

The old lady was also kind-hearted, she frowned and said: "This child is pitiful, how can there be such a foster mother, her heart is too cruel."

The old lady heard that Gao Yang had interviewed her, so she asked her again.

Gao Yang can only tell what he learned in his previous life, Jiang Xiaoyue's experience, in detail.

In fact, Jiang Xiaoyue fell ill when she was five or six years old, and her adoptive mother refused to treat her, and almost died. In the end, her adoptive father's younger sister looked pitiful and sent her to the hospital for rescue.

Hearing this, the corners of the old lady's eyes were wet: "This is too cruel."

Mr. Wu thought about it and said, "Wu Lan and Wen Long thought about adopting a child in the early years. If this child named Xiaoyue is good, you can tell Wu Lan."

Wu Ruohan said: "Grandpa, grandma, aunt and the others are far away, why don't my parents adopt Xiaoyue, and Xiaoyue can also be with grandpa and grandma, so you can be happy."

The old man thought for a while, then shook his head: "Your father is the leader of the city after all, so it's not suitable."

Wu Ruohan was a little disappointed, so she had no choice but to say: "Anyway, I want to be Xiaoyue's older sister."

The old lady asked: "Xiao Gao, this child named Xiaoyue, can you bring the family to play?"

The old lady wanted to investigate Jiang Xiaoyue.

Gao Yang had no choice but to say: "Grandma, let me try, it should work."

It's over, the old lady wants to intervene, and Jiang Xiaoyue's leaving the adoptive parents' family is extremely easy.

As long as she wants to, that's fine.

There are still many kind-hearted people in this world...

(End of this chapter)

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