Chapter 130
After having dinner at Wu Ruohan's house, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen went back to Renshui Village.

Tomorrow, Gao Yue's family of three, as well as his parents, will move into the city.

Wu Ruohan originally wanted to go and play with her, but Gao Yue's house couldn't accommodate her, so she had to give up.

On the morning of the third day of the first lunar month, Jiang Bing called a van and loaded it with TVs and some bedding.

Gao Yang drives Gu Yawen's Lu Xun V4700, which can hold a lot of things.

Gao Yue's house, including a small restaurant, was rented cheaply to the family of one of Jiang Bing's nephews, who continued to open the restaurant.

The house in Gaoyang’s hometown had already hired neighbors to help look after it, and the neighbors planted the land for free, but they still retained the contracting rights of their parents.

At home, there is nothing valuable.

Today, the [Jiajiahui] supermarket also resumed business, Yang Yong and his wife also went to the city, and Chen Sen also came.

Tomorrow, on the fourth day of the first lunar month, Xiao Jin, his wife, and Fang Jian will all go to the city. The old classmates get together once a year, and this year there will be more Fang Jian.

In addition to the dinner tomorrow, we will continue to discuss the opening of the [Sihai Culture Media] DM project.

Jiang Bing rented a three-bedroom apartment in Block B of Jinyang Garden. With limited conditions, he could only live there temporarily.

After Gao Yang's parents moved to the city, they helped cook in the supermarket. The two of them added up to a tentative salary of 600 yuan per month.

Both Yang Yong and Chen Sen offered to offer 1000 yuan, but Gao Yang refused. The main purpose was to find something for the old couple to do. After working hard for most of their lives, they couldn't suddenly relax.

Gao Yang explained to Yang Yong and Chen Sen that when the Spring Festival is over and the DM project is officially in operation, he will help take Gao Yingxue to the central hospital for a physical examination, especially the lungs to see if there is anything wrong Symptoms of disease.

In addition, Gao Yang plans to arrange a period of recuperation for his father every year, and usually take some health care products that prolong his life, such as asking a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to prescribe a prescription or something.

In addition, let him learn to do some simple fitness.

Try to prevent the terminal illness Gao Yingxue encountered in his previous life as much as possible.

Next year, Gao Yang plans to take his father to the capital for another targeted physical examination.

After setting up the rented room, Jiang Bing started to make lunch. Gu Yawen made tea for the old couple and talked with them, acting like a virtuous daughter-in-law.

The rented room is on the second floor, which is convenient for entry and exit. Gao Yue called Gao Yang, and the siblings walked downstairs together.

Gao Yue asked softly, "Have you seen Yawen's parents?"

Gao Yang said: "See you, they returned to Yuzhou yesterday afternoon, and Yawen's father is on duty today."

Gao Yue asked again: "How do Yawen's parents treat you?"

Gao Yang said: "Fortunately, the matter between me and Yawen is basically settled."

Gao Yue was relieved, and asked again: "Do you know what's going on at Yawen's house?"

Gao Yang nodded: "Yawen's father is a leader of the Yuzhou Public Security Department. Her mother owns a company with assets of [-] to [-] million yuan."

Gao Yue was so dazed that her eyes were full of stars: "This... the conditions are too good."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Sister, that's not all. Yawen's grandfather has been a leader in Jinyang for many years and has been retired for more than ten years. Her second uncle, Ruohan's father, is now the leader of the city, just like the mayor. level."

"Ah..." Gao Yue's mouth was wide open, completely dumbfounded.

It's too scary, I feel like my younger brother is like a poor scholar in a TV series, suddenly became a son-in-law.

Gao Yang naturally didn't mean to show off, but hoped that his family would gradually get used to these things.

Gao Yang said: "Yawen's parents are very busy during Chinese New Year this year. Yawen's mother invited our whole family to Yuzhou for next Spring Festival."

With Gao Yang's explanation, Gao Yue also understood, it's not that he looks down on his younger brother and doesn't want to see his parents, it's because he really doesn't have time.

Gao Yang said again: "Sister, you can learn to do business in Jinyang with peace of mind in the future, and take good care of your parents. It's enough for our family to know about these things in Yawen's house. Tell your parents and don't spread the word among relatives and friends. If you ask, you can just make up a few words to deal with it."

Gao Yue said: "I understand, Gao Yang, Yawen's family conditions are so good, she still follows you with peace of mind, treats you well, and has always been very warm to us, you have to treat Yawen well, don't let her down. "

Gao Yang said: "Sister, don't worry, what I like is Yawen, not her family's conditions. I have to create my own future, and I won't think about relying on Yawen's family."

Gao Yuedao: "You are right to think so. You still have to rely on yourself. Do Yang Yong and Chen Sen know these things?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "I didn't tell them..."

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, everyone gathered together. At noon, Gao Yue and Jiang Bing took two employees to guard the supermarket. Yang Yong and his wife were freed, and a group of classmates went to a dinner party. Naturally, Wu Ruohan also came to join in the fun.

In the afternoon, I found a teahouse and continued to arrange and discuss the opening of a second supermarket in the second half of the year, as well as a series of arrangements for the official operation of the DM project after the Spring Festival.

Now, in Jinyang City, a small supermarket imitating [Jiajiahui] has appeared, but it is more like a mom-and-pop store.

The task of [Jiajiahui] is to open a second store as soon as possible, explore the chain model, explore and establish a corresponding management model, and at the same time establish a brand image and establish a scale advantage.

In the evening, a group of people went to Wu Peng's KTV to sing K, the business was really booming, Wu Peng just came out to say hello, and went back to work.

In the KTV, Gao Yang asked Xiao Jin for a drink, and asked in a low voice, "Old Xiao, what do you plan for the future? Are you going to be an official career all the time, or do you find opportunities to come out and do things?"

Xiao Jin thought for a while: "I'd better work at the county party committee. In the future, see if there is a chance to go to a township or an enterprise."

Gao Yang leaned into Xiao Jin's ear: "Yawen's second uncle, brother Peng and Ruohan's father, is..."

Xiao Jin's jaw dropped in shock: "So it's Minister Wu, you boy, you're amazing."

Gao Yang said softly again: "You just know it, don't spread it, Yawen's grandpa's family is quite decent. Lao Xiao, you are capable. While you are young, work hard, learn more, and use your ability Show it. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. When the time comes, Yawen and I will naturally help you..."

Xiao Jin nodded: "I understand."

Xiao Jin, in Gao Yang's memory, has always been a capable and smart person, and Gao Yang's order is enough for today.

Gu Yawen's family background, Gao Yang is not going to tell Yang Yong and others now, there is no need for it.

Telling Xiao Jin is also to stimulate him to work harder.

When you get the chance, you have to be good enough.

If you really have the ability and work well, you can go further.

Otherwise, let Xiao Jin go to the village and town to practice for two years through some connections now, so that he can easily get into a regular course.

This matter can be done by asking Wu Peng to have a drink with someone.

Gao Yang hoped that Xiao Jin would still have to rely on himself to make progress, and when the time came, he would give him a hand and he would be able to account for all aspects.

To be an official is to serve the people, and it always depends on ability...

(End of this chapter)

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