Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 135 Running 2001, Inspired

Chapter 135 Running 2001, Inspired

Fang Jian returned to the capital on February 2, that is, yesterday.

Fang Jian participated in the group's annual meeting last year and was eligible for reimbursement of air tickets, so naturally he returned to Beijing by plane.

After moving things back in the afternoon, Gao Yang called Fang Jian, and heard that Zhang Yue, who shared the rent with him, had also returned, so he asked the two of them to have dinner at home.

After 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Jian and Zhang Yue came to the door, Gu Yawen was already preparing dinner, greeted with a smile, and went to work again.

It was Zhang Yue's first visit, but he was taken aback by the conditions of Gao Yang's house.

A mansion, a beautiful wife, for Zhang Yue, life dreams are nothing more than this.

The ebony tea tray was brought over and placed in a corner of the living room, and the three of them drank tea and smoked around the tea tray.

Gao Yang turned on the computer, and let Fang Jian read the [Small and Medium Enterprise Informatization Special Issue] project plan written by himself.

Fang Jian looked at it carefully and praised: "You are much more thoughtful than me."

Gao Yang said: "Tomorrow when we go to work, we will report to Wan Hong and Mr. Nan, and apply to the group for project approval as soon as possible. If it can be officially launched in early March and can make 3 million this year, it will be considered a success."

Zhang Yue took a closer look at Gao Yang's proposal, and immediately admired it: "Brother Yang, your idea is so good, it fills the gap in the IT media, and the special issue for small and medium-sized enterprises will definitely succeed."

Gao Yang said: "Zhang Yue, I will be very busy this year, and I won't have the energy to do [Channel Academy]. Fang Jian will be the executive editor, and with this special issue on small and medium-sized enterprises, he will also be very busy.

So, [Channel Academy] you take over and do it, the model has matured, what you have to do is to conduct solid interviews, write manuscripts carefully, and write a good manuscript..."

Zhang Yue was surprised: "It turns out that Brother Jian is going to be promoted, but what about you, Brother Yang?"

Fang Jian laughed and said, "You are so stupid, Gao Yang is going to be promoted to general manager, and Wan Hong is going to be promoted to vice president, who will be in charge of the national edition."

Zhang Yue said: "Great, you two partners, together with Wan Hong, the national edition will be stable this year, and I absolutely support you."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "How can you think so simply, if you do your own thing well, it is the greatest support for us, [Channel Academy], do you have the confidence to do well?"

Zhang Yue said: "Thank you Brother Yang for giving me this opportunity, I have confidence."

Gao Yang nodded: "In addition, the group is going to set up an IT channel research institute. Apart from me, I consider Fang Jian and Sun Chengyi to join. In addition, Zhang Yue, you can also join as a researcher. You have to borrow the [Channel Institute] column, as soon as possible Fully familiar with IT channels. In the future, you all have to go to the activities held by the branch to train regional agents..."

Gao Yang then detailed about the IT Channel Research Institute.

This year, Gao Yang hopes to promote Zhang Yue as the chief reporter. This guy is just 23 years old. His biggest advantage is hard work. His hometown is a remote rural area in Yunnan Province, and he works hard.

Although I just graduated from a technical secondary school, I was still a technical secondary school student who took the junior high school graduation exam. I am hardworking and hardworking enough, so I am not bad at writing manuscripts so far.

Polish it well, just like the previous life, it is also a talent.

Lecture to regional agents?

Zhang Yue suddenly felt a lot of pressure, and knew that Gao Yang was supporting him, so he patted his chest, promising to complete the task.

Gao Yang didn't tell Zhang Yue about the matter of the chief reporter today. Whether this matter will come to fruition is another matter. The key lies in Zhang Yue himself, who really wants to grow up quickly.

On Sun Chengyi's side, if the trajectory remains the same, he will resign soon after he officially returns to work tomorrow, and go south to the Special Economic Zone to do business.

Gao Yang had a headache and had to find a way to stay.

In the DM project envisaged by Gao Yang, a reporter like Sun Chengyi was needed to start his own business.Even Zhou Wenbin, who will not change jobs for the time being, also needs it.

In addition, according to previous life memories, after going to work, four or five reporters, including Sun Chengyi, would change jobs.

This is also a headache for Gao Yang.

They are all skilled journalists, and losing one would be a loss, and this year's performance pressure is so great.

What a hassle.

Gu Yawen greeted the meal with a smile, and after sitting down, she blamed again: "You guys, discuss work when you get together, and you don't see a time to relax."

Zhang Yue chuckled: "Sister-in-law, you really should criticize Brother Yang, he is a workaholic."

Gu Yawen glanced at Gao Yang, smiled and said: "That's it!"

Gao Yang pretended to be helpless: "What can I do, so many brothers and sisters are looking at me, everyone wants to eat."

Fang Jian said with a smile: "Without Gao Yang's efforts, the National Edition could not achieve more than 3000 million sales last year. Brothers and sisters are all grateful to him and convinced."

Gu Yawen smiled and didn't say anything, she knew that Gao Yang was under a lot of pressure this year, so she didn't really want to say anything, but she felt very sorry.

What Gu Yawen thinks is that she should love him well, so that Gao Yang can relax more when they are together so that he can devote himself to work.

Unsurprisingly, the three of Gao Yang didn't even finish a bottle of wine tonight.

After dinner, they got together again to discuss work.

Gao Yang asked: "Old Fang, do you have any ideas for planning this year's topic and cooperating with the management?"

Fang Jian smiled wryly: "I'm at home during the Spring Festival, I'm thinking about it when I have time, it's hard.

Planning small selection questions is very simple, but it has little effect on promoting business.

Like the group of topics you planned for the third and fourth tier markets last year, I thought it over and over again, and I felt that it was impossible to replicate.

The national version focuses on IT channels. Before last year, the most important planning every year was the channel forum at the end of the year.

Last year, with the promotion of this group of topic selection in the third and fourth tier markets, the channel forum special issue achieved an income of more than 300 million, and I think it has reached the peak..."

"It's really difficult, so I have to brainstorm..."

Gao Yang lit a cigarette, frowned, and remembered that at the group's annual meeting before the Spring Festival, many branch general managers had mentioned in their summary reports that they would work hard to produce a special issue of market research at the city and county levels this year.

At that time, I felt like I was vaguely grasping something.

Is there any possibility of innovation in the annual channel forum?

These things were connected together, and slowly, Gao Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Suddenly, Gao Yang nodded subconsciously: "Well... I have a little idea."

Both Fang Jian and Zhang Yue looked at Gao Yang.

Gu Yawen cleaned up the dining table and came over to make tea for everyone. At this time, she also looked at Gao Yang curiously.

What big idea is this guy thinking?
Having been with Gao Yang for so long, Gu Yawen also has a considerable understanding of the national version of the CPI.

Knowing that the biggest pressure Gao Yang faces this year is the major topic selection and planning of the newspaper.

Fang Jian still lacks the ability to plan major topic selections.

Gao Yang thought for a while, took a puff of cigarette, and took another breath:

"I'm wondering if there is room for innovation in this annual CPI channel forum..."

"Channel forum innovation?" Fang Jian and Zhang Yue were very curious.

The CPI Channel Forum is about to be held for the fifth time this year, and the model is already very mature. How can this be innovative?

(End of this chapter)

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