Chapter 136 Gentle as Water, White and Fumei (asking for votes and support)
Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, I was wondering if the channel forum could be dismantled and made into a touring forum.

You see, the national IT market is divided into seven regions, and the branches and channel agency systems of IT companies are basically set up according to the seven regions.

We will hold channel forums in six regions in turn, and finally at the end of the year, we will hold an annual general forum in Beijing, including the northern region of Beijing..."

After Gao Yang explained, Fang Jian and Zhang Yue's eyes lit up quickly.

Even Gu Yawen understood.

Fang Jian raised his thumb and was really convinced: "Gao Yang, your idea is too good, and it is also based on the unique national structure advantage of CPI, which cannot be imitated by other media, absolutely."

Zhang Yue also said: "Brother Yang, your brain is so easy to use, this idea will definitely be successful, why can't we think of it..."

Although Zhang Yue is young, he had worked as a branch reporter in the Yunnan branch for nearly three years, and he already has a very good understanding of CPI, so he naturally knows everything about it.

Gu Yawen is also full of admiration, her man is excellent, he can always think of plans that others can't think of, dare not think of.

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled again: "Creativity is not complicated. Just think about the advantages of CPI and how to use it. The key is to successfully hold a tour-style forum that spans the entire year. The organization and coordination, especially the implementation, are very fast-paced and very difficult. Big."

Fang Jian nodded: "It is very difficult and involves the coordination of the entire group's resources. However, it is really worth doing. If it is successful this year, it can be replicated next year, just like doing channel forums in Beijing in the past."

Zhang Yue also said: "What are you afraid of, Brother Yang, things are made by people, and CPI colleagues are still capable of fighting. Based on my understanding of the branch, the branch will also support it. Such activities are very important to the branch. There are benefits too."

Gao Yang said: "Looking at the time, it's actually very tense.

At the latest, the first regional forum must also be held in April, and then the second in June.

Next, it will be held every month from August to November, and the general forum in Beijing will have to be postponed to December.

The first forum in April must be well-prepared and a hit, otherwise, it will be difficult to succeed..."

Zhang Yue said curiously: "Brother Yang, it's just the beginning of February, we can also consider holding the first regional forum in March."

Gao Yang shook his head: "Impossible in March. Now it's just a preliminary idea. We need to come up with a specific plan, discuss and finalize it, then report it to the headquarters, and then coordinate the 3 local branches. These things are impossible to complete in February.

Secondly, it also involves organizational preparations. The most important thing is to leave time for sales promotion and invite IT companies to attend.

In short, before the first forum is held, too much preparatory work is involved.The second one is much easier..."

Fang Jiandao: "I agree that the first regional forum must have sufficient time for planning and preparation. It would be great if it can be held in mid-April."

Gao Yang said: "Well, Lao Fang, the task of planning this event will be entrusted to you, and you will draft the plan, and you will be given a week. When your plan comes out, we will spend another week discussing it, from plan to implementation, and various links Everything has to be discussed.”

Fang Jian smiled bitterly: "Okay, no problem."

Fang Jian didn't know that Gao Yang was giving him another chance to practice his skills this time, otherwise he would just plan it himself.

Gao Yang thought about it, and said: "If this plan is to be successfully implemented, a new position must be established, similar to the project executive manager or marketing manager. This person will be very hard. Strong communication and execution skills."

Fang Jian nodded: "Yes, such a person is indeed needed, do you have someone to choose?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "Not yet, I have to think about it."

In fact, Gao Yang had someone in mind, that is reporter Zhou Wenbin, Zhou Wenbin really has this ability.

It's just that Zhou Wenbin is a little lazy now, and I don't know if he can be persuaded to take up this matter.

I have to find a way to stimulate this guy.

In Gao Yang's memory, Zhou Wenbin once served as the marketing manager of CPI's Beijing branch, organized a channel forum, and was awarded by the group.

It was also because of the success of the channel forum this time that Zhou Wenbin was poached by a good public relations company to become the deputy general manager, and has since entered the public relations industry.

In the previous life, when Gao Yang left the capital, Zhou Wenbin had started his business for two or three years. He partnered with someone to open a public relations company, and it seemed to be doing well.

Fang Jian and Zhang Yue were very knowledgeable, and they got up to leave after 9 o'clock in the evening.

Gu Yawen called Wu Ruohan. Wu Ruohan didn't return to the capital until the eighteenth day of the first month, and school didn't start until the twentieth day of the first month.

In the past few days, Wu Ruohan has been accompanying the renamed Wu Xiaoyue, treating her like her younger sister.

Wu Xiaoyue has been living in Wu's house, accompanying the old man every day, and now she has basically adapted to the new environment.

Wu Lan would call Wu Xiaoyue every day, and Gu Wenlong would chat with each other with a smile.

Wu Xiaoyue's new life has really started, and she will be transferred to the best public junior high school in Jinyang City just waiting for the new semester to start.

Gu Yawen talked with Wu Xiaoyue on the phone, and asked Gao Yang to continue the conversation.

As soon as Gao Yang answered the phone, Wu Xiaoyue said "Hello brother-in-law".

Gao Yang suddenly became upset: "Xiaoyue, you have to call me Brother Yang, I will always be your Brother Yang."

Wu Xiaoyue was very obedient, and immediately changed her words: "Brother Yang..."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yawen asked curiously: "Xiaoyue called your brother-in-law, isn't it good?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "It doesn't feel good, there is a sense of distance, out of touch, not close enough."

It is impossible for Gu Yawen to think too much, so she said with a smile: "Then you can be your brother Yang."

Gao Yang sighed inwardly.

It is impossible to be a brother-in-law, not in this lifetime.

It's just that Gao Yang doesn't know how to deal with his relationship with his ex-wife in his life.

Besides, I can't face Bai Fumei in front of me.

Bai Fumei is a good woman, she is perfect.

There is no time to go out for a walk tonight, Gu Yawen put away the bath water, blushing a little on Gao Yang's face: "Honey, let's go take a bath."

Gao Yang was a little surprised: "Together?"

Gu Yawen was a little shy: "Well..."

Gao Yang rubbed his hands, a little excited: "My wife, you are so kind."

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and smiled: "Don't you always think about it..."

Gao Yang didn't know that during the two days before the Spring Festival when Gu Yawen was alone in the capital, she watched the film Wu Ruohan, a crazy girl, found, and then destroyed her body.

Although she was blushing for a while, Gu Yawen insisted on watching.

She wanted to learn, to learn more, to keep giving Gao Yang some fresh and warm feelings.

Gu Yawen wants to manage her relationship with Gao Yang well and manage it for the rest of her life...

(End of this chapter)

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