Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 139 You Are Capable of Carrying It

Chapter 139 You Are Capable of Carrying It

Gu Yawen used to go to the gym to work out, and then practice yoga at home.

Now, I have long been used to running with Gao Yang every morning. After 8 o'clock in the evening, I also go out for a run for half an hour to 40 minutes, and then go home to practice yoga.

On February 2th, before getting off work on Friday night, Gao Yang quietly said to Zhou Wenbin: "Tomorrow night, you bring Liu Ke to my house for dinner, don't drive, you want to drink, we have to have a few drinks."

Zhou Wenbin smiled and said, "I'm here alone, I'm separated from Liu Ke."

Gao Yang pretended to be surprised: "Why did you divide it, when did you divide it?"

Zhou Wenbin said: "It was genius yesterday, she mentioned it, and I don't want to talk to her anymore, what the hell, I have a mortgage and a car loan, she doesn't care at all, I have to go shopping every weekend, buying this and that, who cares?" How can I hold on..."

Gao Yang said: "It doesn't matter if they are separated, such a person can't grow up."

Zhou Wenbin said: "It's better to be Yawen from your family... Where do you live now?"

Gao Yang said: "It's very close, Weber's apartment, call when you arrive."

Zhou Wenbin's eyes widened: "Fuck, the house is ready in one step?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Yawen bought it, mortgaged it..."

Zhou Wenbin raised his thumb: "You are awesome!"

On Saturday morning, after breakfast, Gu Yawen said: "Let's go visit the Temple of Heaven today, and visit the old alleys in the afternoon. You haven't been to many places in the capital. Ruohan's plane arrives at 5:[-] p.m., pick her up , just to make dinner, or go out to a restaurant."

Gao Yang looked apologetic: "Yawen, I want to revise the planning of the channel forum, and try to rush out today. If I have time tomorrow, how about going to play again?"

"You..." Gu Yawen felt sorry for Gao Yang and worked overtime again, and said with a smile, "Okay, then go to Lufthansa tomorrow, you should buy two sets of spring clothes."

Gao Yang said: "I still have some clothes to wear... OK, let's buy them. By the way, I asked Zhou Wenbin to come to my house for a drink at night. He and Liu Ke are separated."

Gu Yawen was not surprised: "Liu Ke hasn't told me about this yet, but I guess it's time to share. She often complains that Zhou Wenbin is stingy."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Wen Bin is not a stingy person, he has a mortgage and a car loan to pay back, let alone, the two of them have no fate anyway."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "That's right, Liu Ke is too realistic. Then you should be busy, I'll go shopping."

Gao Yang said: "There is no need to complicate things, there are bacon sausages, just make two vegetarian dishes."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Just leave it alone, you are a busy person."

Gu Yawen made tea for Gao Yang and rushed to the vegetable market.

Gao Yang lit a cigarette and began to revise the plan for the itinerant channel forum activity drafted by Fang Jian.

After shopping for vegetables, Gu Yawen prepared the ingredients for noon and evening, then sat down to read a book and listen to music, not to disturb Gao Yang who was meditating for a while and typing again for a while.

At 4:[-] p.m., Gu Yawen went to the airport to pick up Wu Ruohan, and Gao Yang's plan was more than half revised.

At this time, Gao Yang's phone vibrated, and he picked it up to see that it was a text message from the bank.

In January, Wu Peng KTV received 1 yuan in dividends. It seems that the business during the Spring Festival is in a mess.

Gu Yawen's dividend in January should be 1 yuan, and the two of them shared 7 yuan a month.

After 6 o'clock in the evening, Zhou Wenbin came, Gao Yang went downstairs to pick him up, and it happened that Gu Yawen also picked up Wu Ruohan.

When we met, Wu Ruohan said at the first sentence: "Brother-in-law, Boss Peng gave another 20, and I can mortgage two houses again."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Okay, congratulations on your early training to become a landlady."

In the first week of work after the new year, Gu Yawen rented out all three apartments, and the rent added up to 9000 yuan a month, leaving only the good apartment in Xidan that has not been rented out, but someone has already asked.

Wu Ruohan's two apartments are rented out, and Gu Yawen and Gao Yang are helping to arrange them, and they are also rented out, with a monthly rent of [-].

Seeing Wu Ruohan's pure and beautiful appearance, Zhou Wenbin's eyes straightened.

Gao Yang couldn't help laughing secretly, what is this guy thinking.

After returning home, Gu Yawen dragged Wu Ruohan into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Gao Yang and Zhou Wenbin sat down to drink tea and smoke.

Zhou Wenbin praised in a low voice: "Your sister-in-law is so pure and beautiful! You are still a student, right?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I'm rich, she's a junior. Don't try to get her ideas, just be careful to spray your face or touch your nose, her innocence is just an illusion."

Zhou Wenbin was surprised: "What do you mean?"

Gao Yang didn't want this guy to imagine, so he whispered: "Ruohan's father is... don't spread the word about it."

Zhou Wenbin was stunned, and said embarrassingly, "That's really unattainable."

Gao Yang said: "It's not a matter of whether you are high or not. You are a flirtatious guy, and you are not suitable for her. If her brother finds out, he will hack you to death, and I will hack you to death."

Zhou Wenbin chuckled: "It's true, I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it."

Gao Yang said: "Wen Bin, when a man reaches our age, he should take care of himself. Stop playing around. Career is the most important thing. Find a good girl and start a family with peace of mind."

Zhou Wenbin sighed: "It's hard to find a good girl these days."

Gao Yang said: "If you really want to find someone to live in peace of mind, in the future, I will ask Ruohan to introduce classmates to you at the University of Finance and Economics. There will always be suitable ones. Yawen also has classmates who work in the capital."

Zhou Wenbin's eyes lit up: "It's good to be daring. I really want to ask about this matter. I also know that I can't play anymore. It's time to talk about it and consider starting a family."

Gao Yang nodded: "Just figure it out."

Tonight, Gao Yang wanted to talk to Zhou Wenbin, so he only opened a bottle of wine, half a catty of wine for both of them, which was enough.

After eating and drinking tea, Gao Yang turned on the computer and pushed in front of Zhou Wenbin: "Wenbin, take a look at this first."

Zhou Wenbin looked carefully at Gao Yang's improved planning plan, and slapped his thigh: "You have such a brain, this event planning is absolutely perfect!"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Whether this plan can be implemented and succeeded depends on you."

"Me?" Zhou Wenbin was very surprised.

Gao Yangdao: "These seven forum activities are distributed in seven regions across the country, spanning the entire year. An executive manager is needed to be in charge of communication, coordination, and preparation. I hope you can carry it."

Zhou Wenbin hesitated: "To be honest, it's too difficult."

Gao Yang said: "Wen Bin, you have the ability to carry it on. A man should not only focus on the present when doing a career. This task is indeed difficult, but it is also very training.

You need to run across the country for more than half a year. It is very hard and tiring. I will try my best to help you solve some worries.

In terms of income, I'll help you apply for the standard of treatment of a chief reporter, which is probably the only way to go.

Then, help you fight for a higher travel allowance to make up for some of your losses.

Finally, if the activity is successful, I will help you apply for a big prize.The year-end dividend will also be inclined to you, in short, it will not let you suffer. "

Zhou Wenbin lit a cigarette: "Gao Yang, I trust you in these things, but I'm afraid that I'm not capable enough to delay your big event."

Gao Yang said: "I believe in you, so I will find you. After running this year, you will definitely be reborn. Believe me, Wan Hong, I, and Mr. Nan will help you to coordinate matters at the group level. What you need to do is to execute firmly."

Zhou Wenbin smiled and said: "Okay, then I'll give it a try. You've already said that, if I push it again, it won't be enough brothers."

Gao Yang was satisfied, and said again: "Wen Bin, now, let me tell you one more important thing. If it is done, I will guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life..."

(End of this chapter)

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