Chapter 138 Keep People Attention

When I got home from get off work, Gu Yawen also arrived.

Gu Yawen cooks dinner, Gao Yang helps out, picking vegetables and so on, Gu Yawen doesn't drive him out of the kitchen either.

After dinner, the two went downstairs for a walk as usual.

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's a good start to the year. On the first day of work, the boss made an exception and gave me a raise."

Gu Yawen was surprised: "Really, how much will I add to you?"

After Gao Yang explained in detail, after the salary increase, it was actually not much different from last year's daily income.

Gu Yawen is very smart, and immediately reacted: "That is to say, CPI is worried that you will be poached?"

Gao Yang chuckled: "Probably so. In fact, I have been in the capital for less than two years. No big media will poach me, and neither will small media."

Gu Yawen blinked: "Someone really wants to poach you."

Gao Yang asked curiously, "Who thinks highly of me so much?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "Aomei, do you want to go?"

Gao Yang was surprised: "What are you Aomei digging me for?"

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and smiled: "Liu Ke's department manager has changed jobs. The manager of the planning department, the boss of our company is interested in you, so he talked to me. The annual income of this position is about 35. It's very busy. I don't think you will If you want to go, I promise to come back and ask your opinion.”

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I really think highly of me, but you are right, Aomei offers me an annual salary of 50, and I will not go, unless I always want to mix in the workplace."

Gu Yawen smiled: "I knew you would think so."

Gao Yang waved on Gu Yawen's face: "That's right, knowing your husband is more like a wife."

Such a simple compliment made Gu Yawen feel sweet in her heart.

Aomei wants to recruit Gao Yang to be a department manager, she is really proud of her man.

Starting from Tuesday, Gao Yang talked with the project staff one by one.

The preparation of the SMB special issue is left to Fang Jian from the editorial department.Advertising department, arrange for He Jin.

The first thing Gao Yang has to solve is the problem of people changing jobs and people's hearts fluctuating every year after the Spring Festival.

On the editorial department's side, the first person to look for was Sun Chengyi, a senior reporter and also an old reporter.

Gao Yang was very surprised by Sun Chengyi's words.

Sun Chengyi said frankly: "Originally, I planned to resign and go to the Special Economic Zone Computer City to do business with friends. However, the atmosphere in the national edition is very good now, and I also want to accumulate more. I will work for another one to two years."

Gao Yang said: "Chengyi, thank you for your support. You have the desire to start a business, and I understand it. However, the business prospects of the computer city are actually not optimistic, and the profits of IT products continue to decline. This is an inevitable trend.

You are a person who works hard, which I appreciate very much, and I have always regarded you as a friend.

From the perspective of a friend, I will also tell you the truth. I will not work in CPI for many years, and I will start a business in the future. At that time, I hope we can work together.

Until then, you stay with CPI. "

Sun Chengyi asked curiously, "Which direction would you choose to start a business?"

Gao Yangdao: "First, industry media like CPI is an emerging industry, and its scale can be two or three times that of CPI.

After that, there is the Internet, which is the long-term solution.If it succeeds, the start-up partners will be worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Now, I can only tell you this, because the time has not come.If you believe me, continue to accumulate in CPI first.

Believe it or not, we are also friends..."

Sun Chengyi said, "When do you plan to start your business?"

Gao Yang said: "One year at the earliest, a little later, maybe two years later."

Sun Chengyi thought for a while and said with a smile: "With your ability, I believe, then I will continue to work in CPI."

Next, several reporters who were about to change jobs in their previous life memories were beyond Gao Yang's expectation, and they all admitted frankly that no one would change jobs.

It is true that other media have come to dig, but they are unwilling to go.

The fundamental reason is that last year's revenue far exceeded expectations, and everyone is very optimistic about Gao Yang's appointment as general manager this year.

Since I can get the expected income in CPI and I am so familiar with the business, why bother to adapt to the new environment.

Gao Yang was very surprised and moved. He was preparing for the first team building this year, explaining the logic of buying and investing in real estate, and calling on everyone to get a mortgage early to buy a house.

With the mortgage pressure and the expectation of the continued development of the CPI, it will be able to retain people's hearts even more.

As a result, none of the dozen or so reporters in the editorial department wanted to change jobs.

The only exception is Zhang Tao, assistant editor in chief. Gao Yang really forgot about this matter.

Zhang Tao didn't change jobs, but resigned, and he was going to concentrate on studying for the postgraduate entrance examination.

Zhang Tao's family is in Harbin, and his father works in the Public Security Bureau. Zhang Tao has a clear plan. He is a full-time graduate student, and he will return to Harbin to work after graduation.

Gao Yang knew that Zhang Tao would soon get a girlfriend after resigning and reviewing, and his money would gradually become tight.

Then he persuaded: "Zhang Tao, you can work and prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination at the same time."

Zhang Tao shook his head and smiled: "I just graduated from college, so I have to go all out. This was originally planned."

Gao Yang knew that he couldn't be persuaded, so he said: "Zhang Tao, I came to the capital, and you helped me a lot. We are friends for life, if you need anything in the future, just ask."

Zhang Tao said with a smile: "One day, I will."

The situation of the advertising department is not bad. It had the best performance last year. Everyone has a high income. Just like what Gao Yang remembered from his previous life, no salesman jumped ship.

He Jin actually changed jobs in his previous life, and went to the marketing department of a small IT company, but this year, He Jin did not change jobs anymore.

After this lap, Gao Yang is also determined, at least the team has really stabilized.

After Gao Yang reported the situation to Wan Hong and Feng Maonan, the two vice presidents were very surprised. Except for Zhang Tao's resignation, no one from the editorial department and the advertising department quit. This was unimaginable in the first two years.

Feng Maonan praised: "Gao Yang, you have done a very detailed job, and the team of this year's national edition is also very stable, everyone is united, and there is a lot to do."

Zhang Tao resigned, and someone needs to take over the position of editor-in-chief assistant immediately.

Gao Yang still recommended the person in charge of the SMB special issue, and Song Liangqiu, the executive deputy editor, served concurrently.

Originally, after Zhang Tao resigned in his previous life, Zhou Wenbin took over as his successor.

Now, Gao Yang did not want Zhou Wenbin to take this position.

I have to push him to be the executive manager of this year's roving channel forum.

Of course, this matter can only be mentioned after the event planning plan is finalized.

On Friday, February 2th, the first week of work after the year ended.

Before getting off work in the evening, the draft of the touring channel forum activity planned by Fang Jian was finally rushed out.

After Gao Yang took a closer look, Fang Jian's plan this time was much more mature than the plan for the SMB special issue.

However, it is still not in place, Gao Yang has to modify it by himself.

This weekend, I can only work overtime...

(End of this chapter)

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