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Chapter 142 Fragrant Hills Villa

Chapter 142 Fragrant Hills Villa
When it comes to buying a villa, Gu Yawen is a man of action. On Sunday morning, after breakfast, she called her mother Wu Lan.

When Wu Lan heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched. My mother agreed with you to apply for a marriage certificate now, but you are thinking about buying a villa and building a new nest.

This is really not going to go back to Yuzhou to settle down.

Gu Yawen also explained that it was her idea to buy a villa. In the future, when someone comes to the family, there will be a place to live. The apartment in Xidan is already ready to be rented out.

In addition, Gao Yang is unwilling to put his name on the villa.

Wu Lan was quite surprised, this brat's self-esteem is too strong, okay, you don't want to be named, this villa, my mother really bought it.

As a daughter's dowry.

Wu Lan thought that it was the capital city after all, and the house price was high, so she asked Gu Yawen to budget 500 million yuan and choose whatever she wanted.

Gu Yawen was naturally happy, and her mother was very easy to talk to.

Originally, she was still thinking that if her mother disagreed with buying a villa, then she would use Gao Yang's logic of investing in real estate and explain it all.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yawen took Gao Yang to see the villa.

Gao Yang was surprised, so fast?
If you have money, you can do whatever you want.

The two drove to several intermediary companies, and after inquiring, they realized that there were very few villas within the Fifth Ring Road, not to mention the vicinity of the Third Ring Road.

All Shunyi, Changping, Tongzhou, Airport Road, Daxing and other areas.

In the west direction of the city, there are only villas under construction at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain.

This era was still the era when the villas in the capital grew wildly, but almost all of them were near the Fifth Ring Road, or even outside the Sixth Ring Road.

Now, the Fourth Ring Road has not yet opened to traffic. Gao Yang remembered that the Fourth Ring Road was opened to traffic this year.

From Haidian, the closest one is Xiangshan.

The two simply ran to Xiangshan to look at the house.

When I came to the vicinity of Minzhuang Road at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain, I saw that there were two villa areas.

One is Xiangjing Garden, which was completed last year, and the other is Xiangyi Villa, which is under construction and will be handed over in the second half of the year.

In contrast, Xiangyi Villa has a better environment and a more comfortable house design.

When I asked about the price, it was really cheap, only 7500 yuan per square meter with fine decoration.

Gao Yang also knows that this location is a bit far away, beyond the fifth ring road, and there is not much room for appreciation in the future, it is estimated that it will not reach 20 times.

However, close to Xiangshan, the environment is really good.

Gu Yawen also likes the environment here, it's a bit far away, and it doesn't take long to drive, about 30 minutes.

In the end, a single-family three-story villa of more than 660 square meters was selected, with a garden of more than 200 square meters.

After bargaining, if you pay in full, you can get a discount of 7000 yuan per level.

Gao Yang took a closer look at the apartment layout and the developer's information. It is a state-owned developer and will be listed on the A-share market in the future.

Then, let Gu Yawen report to her mother.

When Wu Lan heard it, it wasn't too expensive, and it was near Xiangshan Mountain. Anyway, she agreed to a budget of 500 million.

Then why hesitate, buy it!

After paying a deposit of 1 yuan, I will wait for Wu Lan to send the money tomorrow, and pay in full in two days.

It would be appropriate to move in after the Spring Festival after the completion of the National Day.

To be rich is to be arrogant, and distance is not a problem.

In fact, it's not too far away. It's only 20 kilometers away from where I work in Gaoyang.

If there is no traffic jam, it will take about 20 minutes.

To book such a large villa, it took more than an hour from viewing the house to the deposit, and the total price was more than 460 million. In more than ten years, it will definitely be worth 6000 million.

Anyway, the mother-in-law pays in full, there is no pressure, and it is considered an investment and financial management.

After buying this big villa, Bai Fumei has really become a landlady.

Wu Lan still decided to make a payment of 500 million yuan, leaving more than 30 yuan to buy home appliances and furniture, which is enough in this era.

The family is rich, but their spending habits are not extravagant.

The large villa of more than 660 square meters actually has a basement. The basement is free, but it is not decorated.

Gao Yang thought that in the future it would just be used to install a basement to store wine.

Gu Yawen has seen the decoration of the model house, but she is not satisfied. She wants to apply for another 100 million with her mother to redecorate.

Gao Yang persuaded him that the decoration conditions are actually good. If you find a decoration company by yourself, you still have to spend 50 yuan, and the developer probably spent more than 30 yuan to install it. It has the advantage of scale and low cost.

Now, it was early 2001 after all, and half a million was a lot of money.

After leaving Xiangshan, Gao Yang was actually a little dizzy, he could live in a big villa so soon.

In the future, after moving in, you will have to hire a nanny.

Only after Gu Yawen gave birth to a child can she go to live for a year or two.

In fact, this big villa is equivalent to an investment. It is impossible to live in it every day. Most of the time, I only live in it on weekends.

In the future, you will have to buy a villa or a big house in the urban area.

Anyway, it will appreciate in value, so you can't lose money.

Came back from Xiangshan, had lunch, after the lunch break, Gu Yawen was in a good mood today, woke up from the lunch break and took the initiative to make out.

After resting, she dragged Gao Yang to get up, went shopping in Lufthansa, and bought spring clothes for Gao Yang.

In fact, there is still a month before the heating is turned off.

Gu Yawen was just happy and wanted to prepare for Gao Yang.

Because tomorrow, Monday morning, Gu Yawen will ask for leave to apply for a marriage certificate with Gao Yang.

Gu Yawen's household registration is in Haidian, so she handles it at Haidian Civil Affairs Bureau.

Gao Yang didn't want to buy too expensive clothes, but he still spent more than 5000 yuan on two sets of spring clothes. Of course, it was a shopping card received before the Spring Festival.

Gu Yawen also bought two clothes and a pair of boots, but only spent more than 2000 yuan.

This girl dresses up, but the clothes are really not expensive, they cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, and she never buys luxury brands.

It's just that people are beautiful, no matter how they dress, they look good.

Gu Yawen also wanted to buy Gao Yang a watch worth more than 2 yuan, but Gao Yang was unwilling and didn't like wearing watches.

Walking out of the shopping mall, Gao Yang suddenly slapped him on the head:
"Yawen, we will apply for a certificate tomorrow, and we didn't buy a wedding ring for you, nor did we propose."

Gu Yawen chuckled: "Do you still need to propose marriage?"

Gao Yang chuckled: "Then I will consider you agree."

Gu Yawen thought about it: "The wedding will only be held during the Spring Festival, and there is no need to rush to buy a wedding ring. You can choose it at that time. You don't need to buy expensive ones, as long as you have something interesting."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Well, you have the final say."

Bai Fumei is naturally beautiful, and she doesn't like to wear jewelry, and she rarely even wears earrings.

She doesn't wear heavy makeup, she only wears light makeup, because her skin is so good that she doesn't need too much decoration on her face.

Such a wife is really easy to raise.

Gu Yawen only turned 23 on May Day this year, but she is actually quite young.

Gao Yang also liked her youthful and natural appearance very much.

Going to work on Monday, Gao Yang went to the office to clock in first, then drove a car with Gu Yawen, rushed to the Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for a certificate, and it was done in half an hour.

Then, they went to work separately.

Gao Yang returned to the office and slapped the marriage certificate on the table:
"Brothers and sisters, I got married today."

Everyone gathered around at once, and after verification, they all shouted: "Where is the wedding candy, where is the wedding candy..."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "The wedding is only held during the Spring Festival, buy the ticket first, and then get on the bus."


Everyone despises you, you got on the bus a long time ago.

Lin Yuan asked again: "Gao Yang, is the wedding room ready?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I just booked a villa today, the mother-in-law bought it."

Everyone was in an uproar, wanting to beat this lucky guy to death.

Gao Yang hid.

Now, Gao Yang wants to properly show off his wealth in front of his colleagues, demonstrate his strength, and let everyone have confidence in him...

(End of this chapter)

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