Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 143 This Brain Is Worth Gold

Chapter 143 This Brain Is Worth Thousands of Gold

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang invited Wan Hong and Feng Maonan to the conference room, and then the backbone of the editorial department headed by Fang Jian.

Officially opened the lecture [CPI National Edition 2001 Channel Forum Activity Planning Plan].

Looking at the PPT homepage, people who don't know are all dumbfounded.

It's just the beginning of the year, and you're starting to plan the channel forum plan for the end of the year?
"Everyone, this event plan was discussed in a small group with Fang Jian, Zhang Yue and Zhou Wenbin. Fang Jian drafted it, and I will make revisions..."

Fang Jian immediately smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, Gao Yang proposed the idea of ​​the plan, and the role of the few of us is very limited."

Gao Yang said: "Old Fang, don't talk about these things, the work is done by everyone, and one is indispensable..."

Then, Gao Yang introduced the planning background of the plan, the specific planning ideas of the plan, market demand, customer demand, event organization form, special issue planning form, advertising and soft article promotion mode, and so on.

Last year, Gao Yang created a model of directly selling promotional pages to public relations companies in two major plans, and achieved success.

Originally, according to the CPI system, journalists were not allowed to directly receive commissions from sales.

However, the PR company is a resource that reporters can contact, and the salesperson of the advertising department cannot get in touch with it. Moreover, this aspect is an increase in sales for the company.

Therefore, the reporter can get a commission from the performance of the promotion and public relations page, and the income has increased, and everyone is motivated.

Because it does not directly conflict with the performance of the salesmen in the advertising department, the group also recognizes it, and this model also stimulates the salesmen to run more orders.

This time, Gao Yang talked in detail about the plan for the itinerant channel forum for more than an hour, and everyone's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Many people realized that Gao Yang had planned another super plan, the value of which was not inferior to the third and fourth level market research topics planned last year, or even better.

Because, if this kind of activity plan is successful this year, it can be replicated in the future.

It is completely tailored based on the resource advantages of CPI.

The idea of ​​the plan is actually not complicated. Gao Yang has such a point of view, and everyone agrees.

Come to think of it, it's not complicated.

But, except for Gao Yang, who would have imagined it.

Both Feng Maonan and Wan Hong were a little shocked. Gao Yang came up with two major plans as soon as he went to work after the Spring Festival, worth at least over ten million.

This guy is such a treasure.

Finally, Gao Yang concluded:
"As I said just now, the planning of the event plan is really not complicated, and everyone agrees.

However, this kind of itinerant regional channel forum activity is very difficult from organization and coordination to implementation, and the difficulty is really great.

Therefore, I suggest setting up a project execution manager to coordinate the implementation of this activity that spans a year.

This person will work very hard. If the activity is successful, the contribution will be great. It is recommended to make targeted compensation.

Of course, this is something for later. Now, the focus is on discussing whether this activity plan is feasible, whether it can be done, and how to do it.

In addition, it is to brainstorm and strive to finalize the plan within this week, and discuss all possible difficulties and details that may be encountered, especially in the implementation process.

The next step is to report to the group immediately. If you can do it, you have to do it right away, and you have to leave time for sales promotion.

Time is really tight..."

Wan Hong said: "Then let me talk about it first, to be honest, Gao Yang and Fang Jian jointly planned this event plan, my first reaction was shock, absolutely, and convinced.

With the foundation of last year, it is impossible for the national edition to have a better planning plan than this event this year.

Very atmospheric and bold.

I think it can be done at all, it is indeed difficult, but last year, the combat effectiveness of the brothers and sisters in the national version was also tested.

It is difficult to do, but it must be done. As long as we work together, this activity will definitely be successful.

From my personal point of view, I definitely support it strongly. If I want to visit customers, I will do the same. If I need to visit, I will come to the door. I am also a member of the team..."

Feng Maonan said: "I think Gao Yang's plan is very good. The customer's needs have been basically understood through a group of third- and fourth-tier market selections last year, so there is no big problem.

The planning of this plan has been very detailed, and there is not much room for discussion and supplementation, and the implementability is very good.

I personally agree with it very much and will strongly support it.

The board of directors of the group should support it. It is impossible not to support such a plan.

Therefore, I don't think it takes a week to discuss and optimize the plan. It should be completed today, and then reported to the board of directors immediately.

This year, the National Edition has already planned a special SMB issue, as well as this touring channel forum activity plan.

With these two plans, if they are successful, the National Edition should be able to complete the performance tasks this year, and there should be no problem. "

He Jin smiled and said: "Boss Nan, Wan Hong, and Gao Yang are really ingenious and worth a thousand dollars. If these two plans can be successfully implemented, the sales of the national edition will hit a new high this year. I am very confident."

Everyone laughed and agreed with He Jin's statement.

These two plans have really come true, and the incremental income will definitely exceed 1000 million. The national version already had a base performance of about 2200 in the first two years.

Next, everyone seriously discussed the plan. Everyone has put forward some opinions, some of which can be adopted, and some of which are actually meaningless.

Gao Yang's plan is really detailed. As long as the group agrees and then coordinates resources, it can really start to promote to customers and enter the implementation stage.

Therefore, the discussion ended at noon, and the plan was basically finalized.

At noon, Gao Yang invited the two vice presidents, Feng Maonan and Wan Hong, to have a simple working meal near the newspaper office.

The problem of drawing Zhou Wenbin out as the project executive manager must be resolved.

Otherwise, Gao Yang has no confidence in the implementation of this event plan.

After sitting down to eat, Gao Yang went straight to the point:

"Mr. Nan, Wan Hong, if the activity form of the circuit channel forum is to be successful, execution is crucial.

I have roughly convinced Zhou Wenbin that he has this ability, and Wenbin has strong communication skills and good execution ability, so he is the most suitable for the special post of executive manager.

However, there is one biggest problem, that is, his worries must be resolved.

Wenbin should spend most of this year running around the country, and there are too many and complicated tasks to coordinate and implement.

You all know the composition of the income of the national edition reporters. The daily income includes manuscript fees and conference interviews. Wenbin is equivalent to full-time executive forum activities this year, and these incomes will be gone.

At the same time, he will work very hard, no less than Fang Jian and Sun Chengyi went on a business trip last year to do third and fourth level market research.

So, I have the following suggestion..."

Wan Hong thought about it: "Gao Yang, I have no problem with your suggestion. It is also necessary to set up a full-time event executive manager. However, according to your idea, Zhou Wenbin ran away this year, and his business trip plus allowance costs nothing. It’s all 8 to 10. Now, you are the general manager of the project, and controlling operating costs is your business.”

Gao Yang was taken aback, he had never been the general manager of a project in his previous life, so he forgot about it...

 There are 9 updates today, and 8 updates in the VIP chapter. You can always see the last update at 10 pm.Thank you readers for your support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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