Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 148 Patrol Channel Forum, Explosion

Chapter 148 Itinerant channel forum, about to explode (8 more)
In Gao Yang's previous life memories, the CPI's SMB special issue was only launched in 2002, and it was first launched as a new column in the national edition.

The form is not good, and the promotion is not in place. After more than half a year, there is no effect.

It wasn't until it was made into an independent publication that it started to pick up.A year later, it was changed to an independent accounting project and finally started.

Therefore, this year, Gao Yang directly plans to make it a formally independent publication, not to be mixed with the national edition positioned on the IT channel.

This year, if the new project of SMB Special Issue is successful, next year, the boss will probably make this project completely independent.

At that time, it is equivalent to cutting out the flesh from the national version.

However, it doesn't matter to Gao Yang, whether he will be the general manager of this project next year is still up for debate.

In any case, the project of the SMB special issue will be of great benefit to the Group.

After this project is independent, if the national version of the touring channel forum can be successfully implemented this year, it can be replicated next year. It is not a big problem to keep the sales of about 3000 million in the national version.

Now, Gao Yang no longer needs to earn money from CPI to support his family. The purpose is to use the platform of CPI to lead a team and accumulate resources.

On March 3, Thursday, the most important event planning of the national version in 1, the customer promotion activity of the itinerant IT channel forum started again.

As usual, it is in the hotel in the morning to promote to IT companies and advertising agencies, and to promote to public relations companies in the afternoon.

Today's customer promotion meeting is on a larger scale. Most of the IT companies that have cooperated with third- and fourth-level market research topics last year have been invited.

In addition, there are several IT companies that have newly included CPI as a partner media this year, and have also been invited.

The sales profit of IT products continues to decline this year. IT companies also hope to find more regional agents and new market growth points through media promotion.

As Gao Yang once predicted, the trend of IT companies to implement channel flattening is already a general trend, and they all hope to have more contact with regional agents and terminal distributors who are directly facing customers.

During this period of time, after Zhou Wenbin became the marketing manager, he has already started to travel frequently. At this stage, he is going to the headquarters first to communicate and coordinate with the headquarters to coordinate the details of the implementation of activities in various regions. CEO Yang Limin even recalled 6 people who will assist in organizing activities The general manager of the regional branch went to the headquarters for a one-day coordination meeting.

Yesterday, Zhou Wenbin returned to the capital again. For today's customer promotion meeting, he will also introduce the specific implementation plan of the forum activities.

For today's promotion meeting, CEO Yang Limin rushed over from the headquarters to give a short speech to let customers feel the strong support and determination of CPI Group for this event.

There are more than 30 IT companies present today, including advertising agencies, nearly 70 people have come, which is already a large communication meeting.

At 9:[-] in the morning, the communication promotion meeting began. Firstly, CEO Yang Limin gave a short speech, and then Vice President Wan Hong explained the resource structure advantages of CPI by taking last year's third- and fourth-tier market survey topics as an example.

Vice President Feng Maonan was naturally also present, but he didn't arrange a speech because he didn't need it.

Next, it was Gao Yang who gave the keynote speech.

The content of Gao Yang's speech still focused on the background of event planning, how to meet the urgent needs of IT companies and top national general agents to expand regional markets and develop terminal agents with customer resources.

Based on Hi Yang's understanding of the ten-year development trend of IT channels, various cases are readily available.

Many of the IT company managers invited today were already familiar with Gao Yang in the interview last year, and they quite agree with Gao Yang's views.

Next, Fang Jian, the executive editor-in-chief, introduced the content planning of the event special issue.

Zhou Wenbin, the executive manager of the event, introduced how the event landed, how to invite regional agents to participate in the event, what are the characteristics and composition, what is the value, and so on.

Finally, Long Ping, project manager of CPI Research, introduced CPI's research capabilities for regional markets, related research product projects, and resource advantages.

In short, this time the promotion meeting is based on the national version of the project as the main body, and the entire group's coordinated operations.

At noon, another meal was arranged for the guests. Gao Yang had a separate communication with the two channel directors of COMPAQ, the PC and the server.

As a result, COMPAQ Company confirmed that it would participate in the whole process. The two product lines decided to spend a total of 100 million yuan in advertising expenses and invest in CPI's creative event planning.

Mr. Lu, who owns 30 million computers, even said that he would participate in the activities in the three northern regions. For Gao Yang's sake, he budgeted [-] yuan for advertising.

In the afternoon, I promoted the public relations company in the office again, that is, like Gao Yang's planning last year, I directly sold the special page of the event.

Gu Yawen came again, and introduced to Gao Yang the account directors of the IBM and COMPAQ project teams in the company. The communication was very pleasant.

An account director even joked with Gao Yang, saying that if Gao Yang is willing to join Aomei, it is estimated that he can get an annual salary of 60 yuan.

Australia and the United States promised to participate in the whole process of the two projects. The IBM project strives to achieve about 40 editions, and the COMPAQ project strives to achieve about 30 editions.

These are all Gao Yang's own achievements, and of course Gu Yawen is behind it.

In the company, Gu Yawen has always been called a little fairy by her colleagues, and she is very popular.

In addition, 30 million computers, 10 yuan in advertising expenses, including [-] editions of special soft articles, this is also Gao Yang's performance.

There is also Shenma Company, an old friend Wen Liang said that he will strive to apply for 30 special editions, which is also Gao Yang's performance.

In this way, if all of them are implemented, Gao Yang's personal special performance this year will exceed 100 million.

This is allowed by the group, and it is also the model that Gao Yang innovated for reporters last year, directly doing business.

After the promotion meeting in the afternoon, Huang Xu, a salesman in the advertising department, made a big deal out of summarizing the initial intentions of cooperation with customers.

For the CPI event, the IBM server was put into use throughout the whole process, with a budget of 200 million.

Huang Xu also took over the PC area, with a budget of 100 million.

This is a big surprise. Huang Xu is likely to achieve a performance of more than 500 million in IBM this year.

What surprised Gao Yang the most was that Lenovo also planned to participate, and the current intention was to invest 150 million yuan.

These are all aimed at Gao Yang's plan to launch this tour channel forum, and in a sense, most of them mean incremental income.

Gao Yang realizes that the roving channel forum innovatively launched this year is too innovative for IT companies, and only CPI can organize such an event.

It is almost inevitable that the activity income will exceed 1000 million.

CEO Yang Limin was also very surprised when he heard this situation, which far exceeded expectations.

This is just the beginning. If the East China Regional Channel Forum held in Jiangsu Province, that is, the first forum, can be a great success, other customers will definitely participate in the future.

The advertising revenue boosted by this event planned by Gao Yang is going to explode.

If coupled with the success of the SMB special issue, this year's performance will reach more than 500 million.

Then the performance of the national version this year will almost certainly exceed 4000 million, and may even be close to 5000 million.

Terrible performance.

Excited, Yang Limin arranged a dinner party at night, with Gao Yang as the leader, all the middle managers of the national edition, Zhou Wenbin, CPI Research manager Long Ping, and then the two vice presidents Feng Maonan and Wan Hong.

Tonight, Gao Yang was almost forced to party, everyone was so excited.

This guy Gao Yang is so capable, his judgment on the market and customer needs is amazing.

In the end, when Gu Yawen came to pick Gao Yang home, she saw that Gao Yang was about to fall when he stood up, and his heart ached.

Yang Limin and the others could only say haha ​​and apologize.

Then he praised Gao Yang severely.

In the end, it was Zhou Wenbin and Fang Jian who helped Gu Yawen to send Gao Yang home.

After the beginning of the new year, Gao Yang's two major planning and organizational skills, the ability demonstrated by everyone is unconvinced.

Yang Limin was so excited that he called Boss Feng and reported the big surprise.

Zhou Wenbin was both excited and a little helpless. Next, he was really busy.

However, Gao Yang also quietly told Zhou Wenbin that if this year's forum activities are a big success, he will definitely apply for a heavy reward for Zhou Wenbin. If 10 is not enough, he will definitely guarantee 8...

(End of this chapter)

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