Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 149 The SMB Special Issue has a lot to offer

Chapter 149 The SMB Special Issue has a lot to do (9 more)
Gao Yang was really drunk tonight, he was almost half a catty, which exceeded Gao Yang's limit.

After being helped home by Zhou Wenbin and Fang Jian, he fell asleep.

In front of Zhou Wenbin and Fang Jian, Gu Yawen also became angry for the first time.

You are all good brothers of Gao Yang, how can you still watch him being drunk.

Zhou Wenbin and Fang Jian also smiled awkwardly and apologized repeatedly.

Zhou Wenbin knew that Gao Yang could drink about a catty, and he had never been seen drunk before.

Then he explained that maybe Gao Yang was too busy recently, and he was not in a good state tonight.

The two of them couldn't say that it was mainly CEO Yang Limin who gave Gao Yang a drink tonight.

Yang Limin can really drink, even a catty and a half of liquor.

Yang Limin is also very happy tonight. Gao Yang is a lucky general, even a handsome talent, who keeps creating miracles.

Seeing that Gao Yang was so drunk tonight, after Zhou Wenbin and Fang Jian left, Gu Yawen shed tears guarding Gao Yang.

She even wavered, thinking whether she should persuade Gao Yang to go back to Yuzhou with her, inherit the family business, and live a life of ease.

With Gao Yang's ability, it's no problem to make his mother's company go public.

It's a pity that Gu Yawen also knows that Gao Yang can't be persuaded.

This man had big dreams in his heart.

I also want to lead a group of brothers to the pinnacle of life.

I can only love him more.

Gao Yang didn't wake up until after 6:[-] in the morning. Feeling that his mouth was full of alcohol, he secretly felt ashamed, got up quietly to wash up, and then took a hot shower.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yawen was alarmed, Gu Yawen was worried about Gao Yang, so she came into the bathroom to help.

So, in the bathroom on the lingering.

Gao Yang didn't know that Gu Yawen was worried about him last night and didn't fall asleep until after one o'clock in the morning.

After the lingering, Gu Yawen was really tired and slept until 8 o'clock in the morning.

Then, without discussing with Gao Yang, he called Wan Hong directly and asked him to give Gao Yang half a day off.

Wan Hong was also a little confused. In fact, in Gaoyang's position, it doesn't matter whether he clocks in or not at work every day, and the office will not register.

Gu Yawen immediately made breakfast for Gao Yang, and then told him to rest at home for half a day, and go to work later in the afternoon, and then hurried to work.

In fact, Gao Yang had a good rest, so he simply watched the stocks at home for a day, and then read the news and so on. At the same time, he contacted Yang Yong and Chen Sen to ask about the launch of the DM business project.

Next Tuesday, "Jinyang Urban Business" will start its publication, and the results turned out to be quite good, attracting an advertisement of 2 yuan.

For such a small project that has just started, there are advertisements in the first issue, which is really good.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the stock market closed, and Yantai Wanhua, which had a total position of more than 13 shares, closed at 30.99 yuan. It broke through the consolidation pattern during this period and finally started to make money.

Afterwards, Gao Yang rushed to the office.

The SMB special issue was launched on Monday, and the first issue of the newspaper is going to be edited today.

Unexpectedly, the advertisement exceeded the original expectation, with 26.

There are still 10 months left in this year. If we can achieve an average of 60 advertisements a month, then we can make 600 million in revenue this year, which is definitely a great success.

This issue of the newspaper, Gao Yang had to watch carefully.

This year, it was Gao Yang's job to finally sign the proof version of the national edition of the newspaper, and he was the final judge.

If it is really busy, Wan Hong will sign the review page for him.

The regular news page of the SMB special issue is currently designed to have 32 pages, because with the executive editor-in-chief Song Liangqiu, there are only three reporters now, and Song Liangqiu is also the assistant to the editor-in-chief.

Journalists have a heavy job.

Today's inaugural issue has been prepared for nearly two weeks, so 40 news pages have been made.

The inaugural issue of this issue claims to have a circulation of 5 copies, but in fact only 1.5 copies will be printed to test the waters.In the future, it will be increased to 3 copies.

First, the editor himself reviewed the version, then Song Liangqiu reviewed the version, then Fang Jian reviewed it for the second review, and finally Gao Yang reviewed it for the third review.

After carefully reviewing all the pages, Gao Yang thought it was not bad, and Fang Jian also thought it was not bad.

The four versions of evaluation articles in this issue are a 2-way PC server and a workstation.

Fang Jian and female reporter Ren Hua are each in charge of an evaluation.

For these two reviews, 4 yuan was collected.

Gao Yang doesn't understand technology, but he has also read some evaluation manuscripts from the media, and feels that the two evaluation articles of the first issue of the SMB special issue are good, reflecting the application characteristics of informatization for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Spring is here, and it is the season for outings.

On Saturday, Gu Yawen refused to let Gao Yang stay at home, and made an appointment with Wu Ruohan to climb the Great Wall, so that Gao Yang could relax for a day.

Gao Yang simply called Fang Jian, Zhang Yue, and Song Liangqiu, drove two cars, and ran to Badaling to play.

As a result, the four men got together and talked a lot about work, which made Gu Yawen quite helpless.

Back home at night, at 9:[-], Gu Yawen dragged Gao Yang to rest, and took the initiative to attack, and finally tired the guy from tossing around, and hugged him for a good night's sleep.

In fact, Gao Yang's sleep has always been quite good.

The CPI headquarters, including Boss Feng, have been looking forward to the effect of the first issue of the SMB special issue.

On Monday, March 3th, after going to work, Boss Feng got the newspaper, read it immediately, and then immediately held a leadership meeting to ask everyone to comment on the new newspaper.

As a result, everyone praised it.

The column design, as well as the layout content, all reflect the positioning and characteristics of the SMB special issue, and the income of the first issue of the newspaper is 26, which is definitely a hit.

Ren Jingchu admired Gao Yang very much, and praised: "Gao Yang is simply a genius, even a ghost, if he plans one, he will succeed."

Boss Feng smiled slightly: "Mr. Ren's evaluation is not very appropriate. Gao Yang's planning idea is indeed novel, but it can be said that he sought the novelty and took the correctness, and it was done in a dignified manner.

Judging from the first issue of SMB, this special issue is promising, and it is expected to reach the order of tens of millions in the future, and it may be realized next year.

At that time, you can consider setting it up as an independent project to operate. "

Ren Jing continued: "President Feng, Gao Yang proposed that there are only three editors and reporters for the SMB special issue including Song Liangqiu. The manpower is too tight. He suggested adding another reporter."

CEO Yang Limin said: "The first issue has been considered a success, and it is time to increase the number of people."

Boss Feng said: "See if there are any suitable reporters within the group. If not, let Gao Yang recruit."

Next, everyone began to discuss the first regional channel forum to be held in Jiangsu Province on March 3.

Boss Feng requested that success must be ensured. If there is a problem of poor coordination between the group and the branch, when the time comes, the penalty will be punished, and the dismissal will be dismissed. There will be no tolerance.

All high-level executives understand that if both the SMB special issue and the touring channel forum are successful, the national edition under the leadership of Gao Yang this year will create a miracle that no one dared to imagine at last year's annual meeting.

Such a miracle, in Gao Yang's continuous planning and implementation, is very promising.

To be a media company requires not only creative planning, but also a very capable executive team.

In fact, CPI does not lack combat power, what it lacks is Gao Yang, who has strong planning and command ability...

(End of this chapter)

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