Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 150 Dean Gao, Really Tall

Chapter 150 Dean Gao, Really High

On March 3th, the second issue of the SMB special issue was released, and there was still 12 in advertising revenue. Gao Yang felt very good, and this special issue was basically stable.

Ren Jing also transferred a reporter with a technical background from other projects. It is no problem for a reporter who has just graduated from university to be a SMB reporter for less than a year.

After the beginning of the new year, although it is in the off-season of advertising, the daily advertising revenue of the national version is still stable, and even has a steady increase.

The start of this year is indeed good, thanks to the increase in the influence of the CPI market last year.

Now, it depends on whether the first roving channel forum can be successfully held.

On March 3, Gao Yang went on a business trip, bringing almost half of the team members of the national edition with him.

Holding channel forums in regional markets can save some travel expenses similar to holding forums in Beijing and inviting agents from all over the country.

However, the travel expenses within the project have increased significantly.

In order to save costs, nearly 20 people took the train and set off on the morning of the 19th, rushing to Jinling City, Jiangsu Province.

IT reporters, every year there are many opportunities to go on business trips to other places, all of which are invited by IT companies, such as flying, staying in five-star hotels, traveling...

In the previous life, Gao Yang was like this, almost running all over the country.

Last year, Gao Yang almost gave up such business trip opportunities to other reporters.

This year, it was the first time for Gao Yang to leave Beijing for a business trip.

Tomorrow, the channel forum in East China will be held in Jinling. This is also the first touring channel forum of the national edition of CPI this year.

Gao Yang will not only host the guest dialogue, but also, as the dean of CPI [IT Channel Research Institute], give a channel training to the regional agents participating in the event.

After Gao Yang did a demonstration training, Fang Jian, Sun Chengyi and Zhang Yue took turns to give training speeches in the name of [IT Channel Research Institute] in the follow-up regional forum activities.

This business trip, I will not be able to return to Beijing until March 3, and then I will immediately prepare for the first issue of the Regional Channel Forum Special Issue to be published on March 21.

After Gao Yang's business trip, Gu Yawen came home from get off work feeling empty, so she went to the University of Finance to pick up Wu Ruohan and stayed with her for two days.

By the way, he also planned to introduce girlfriends to Gao Yang's brothers.

After 19 pm on the 4th, Gao Yang and his party rushed to the hotel to familiarize themselves with the venue.

When I saw Zhou Wenbin, I found that this guy was really working hard, and he was a little thinner.

Gao Yang directly gave a hug: "Brother, you have worked hard."

Zhou Wenbin said with a smile: "It's really hard work, but it's also a lot of training, and I feel that I learned a lot."

Gao Yang visited the layout of the venue, and felt that it was very good, well-organized, and there were no problems with the details.

Zhou Wenbin is the project executive manager, and he is the specific person in charge of these matters.

Zhou Wenbin whispered: "I also took the time to investigate the solar energy market. The specific situation is..."

Gao Yang raised his hand to stop him and said, "It's not urgent. After you go to a place for investigation, you can organize it into simple materials and write it down, and then make a summary at the end of the year. When the time comes, we will discuss it."

Zhou Wenbin said: "Okay, I made a record."

Gao Yang took out another 1 yuan gas card and handed it to Zhou Wenbin.

Zhou Wenbin smiled and said, "You really give it."

Gao Yang said: "Words must be practiced, say good things."

Later, CEO Yang Limin, Vice President Ren Jing and others arrived from the headquarters.

Zhou Wenbin's work has also been praised by everyone, and it is indeed not easy.

Liu Li, the general manager of Suzhou Branch, also came to say hello to everyone at this time.

Liu Li is also very tired recently. It took more than a month to mobilize all the staff of the branch. She just finished the city and county market surveys of the whole province. business invitation, and assist Zhou Wenbin in the preparations for the landing of the forum activities.

Fortunately, the Suzhou branch's forum activities are combined with the national edition's activities this time. The CPI Suzhou edition next week's newspaper will be a special issue of market research at the city and county level.

The national edition will hold a one-day forum today, and the Suzhou branch will hold a half-day forum tomorrow. The two projects each bear part of the common expenses, with the national edition accounting for the majority.

In the evening, Gao Yang accompanied Yang Limin, Wan Hong, Ren Jing and others to visit the IT company speakers who came from the capital one by one.

At 3 am on March 20, the forum officially opened. The process was similar to that of the CPI annual channel forum held in Beijing last year, except that there were nearly 9 participating agents from five provinces and one city in East China. Lord, Suzhou Province accounted for half of it.

8 guest speakers from IT companies, plus Gao Yang's channel research institute training, and CPI Research's East China market research and analysis, the time is very tight.

After the speeches of the 8 guests, CPI Research made a 20-minute research and analysis report, and then Gao Yang took the stage to conduct channel research institute training.

In the last link, Gao Yang hosted the dialogue between the guest and the agent.

The topic of Gao Yang's training report speech today is "There is no way out of moving boxes".

Gao Yang spent 25 minutes, under the background of the general trend of channel flattening, combined with the previous decade of IT channel cognition and related accumulation, combined with the accumulation of more than one year of interviews with [Channel Academy], he clearly pointed out that the first-level The pure box-carrying model of agents and the second generation will have no way out in almost all IT product lines in the future.

Otherwise, you have the strength to be the general manager of the country, and at the same time, you must have the ability to develop and serve terminal channels.

Or, you have to be a terminal, have customer resources, and have value-added service capabilities.

Merchants with customer resources and value-added service capabilities such as SI and ISV will become more and more popular, and they will be the key channel resources for IT brand manufacturers to compete for.

Gao Yang cited many typical examples, including that even if you are a minicomputer, as long as you are dedicated, professional enough, and have the corresponding value-added service capabilities such as application development, then IT manufacturers cannot do without you...

After Gao Yang's training speech, the audience applauded thunderously, and even representatives of IT manufacturers who attended the event, many people nodded frequently.

Gao Yang really got the point across, and he also knows IT channels very well. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an expert.

Finally, in the guest dialogue session, Gao Yang also continued to expand on this topic, guiding IT companies to communicate with agents in depth, and the effect was very good.

The forum lasted until almost 6 pm, and as a result, many agents left behind.

Gao Yang was surrounded by crowds, and many people wanted to ask face-to-face about some problems encountered in business or the company's development and transformation.

Dean Gao, he is really tall.

Gao Yang couldn't handle it for a while, so after answering two questions, he had to tell everyone that he could sort out the questions and send them to the national edition [Channel Academy] column mailbox. In the future, in the column manuscript, he would talk to the IT company or the general representative through the reporter's interview, to come Specific analysis, answer.

At dinner in the evening, Liu Li, the general manager of the Suzhou branch, found Gao Yang: "Gao Yang, Mr. Chen from the East China Region of the same party, I have something to do tonight, and I want to invite you to dinner tomorrow at noon, so I can communicate with you."

Gao Yang was a little embarrassed: "I'm on the train tomorrow morning."

Liu Li said: "I mentioned this situation to Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen said that he is in charge of your air ticket. He will take you to the airport after lunch tomorrow. Gao Yang, please help. This is a major customer of our branch. In addition, I would also like to invite you to talk for 20 minutes at our branch forum tomorrow morning, and treat it as an agent training, I can pay for the training fee, but it’s not much.”

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mr. Liu, we are supporting each other, so don't mention any training fees. Please tell Mr. Chen that I can go to the appointment. Please help me book the ticket early."

At noon on March 3, Gao Yang had dinner with Chen Tong, the general manager of Tongfang's East China region. Just the two of them exchanged a lot of topics about channels.

Chen Tong suddenly asked with a smile: "Mr. Gao, are you interested in working in East China? Our company is short of a channel director."

Gao Yang was stunned, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Chen, for being so respectful. My family is in the capital. Besides, my interest is in the media. I'm really sorry."

Chen Tong never expected that before he even talked about the issue of remuneration, he would be explicitly and politely rejected by Gao Yang.

It seemed that he was really not interested, so he simply stopped mentioning it and continued to chat about things in the circle.

It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and Chen Tong drove Gao Yang directly to the airport to catch the flight at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The ticket was booked last night...

(End of this chapter)

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