Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 151 1 forum, income over 300 million

Chapter 151 A forum with an income exceeding 300 million

Before boarding the plane, Gao Yang called Gu Yawen, saying that today's itinerary had changed, and he was flying back to Beijing by himself, and expected to arrive after 5 pm.

Gu Yawen participated in an event today, and it happened to end after 4 o'clock, so she said to pick up Gao Yang at the airport.

After receiving Gao Yang, Gu Yawen had to go back to the company.

After getting in the car, Gu Yawen asked why she changed her itinerary suddenly.

Gao Yang said with a smile: "The boss of Tongfang District insisted on treating me to a meal, but in the end, he wanted to recruit me to be the channel director."

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "Tongfang Company is not too small, how much will it cost you?"

Gao Yang said: "He hasn't mentioned this yet, so I declined."

Gu Yawen smiled, such a company, such a position, is estimated to be at most 60 million a year.

Even with a salary of one million a year, Gao Yang probably wouldn't go. His man's ambition is not in the workplace.

Rushing to the downstairs of Aomei Company, there are still more than ten minutes until the time to get off work. Gu Yawen said: "Many colleagues in the company have never seen you, and they all told me to bring you over to meet. Today is just right, do you want to go?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Go, I don't usually have time to come here."

Gu Yawen led Gao Yang into the office, and many colleagues were ready to clock out of get off work.

When Liu Ke saw it, he immediately booed: "Wow, our Aomei son-in-law is finally here."

Afterwards, many beauties gathered around laughing.

Gu Yawen smiled and introduced Gao Yang one by one. Gao Yang was all smiles, but for a while, he didn't remember coming.

Liu Ke booed again, asking Gao Yang to treat everyone to dinner.

Gu Yawen said: "I'll invite you tomorrow. He just came back from a business trip and is quite tired."

The girls laughed for a while, and when they knew that Gu Yawen was protecting her husband, they left.

At this time, it happened that the boss of Aomei was off work and met, so Gu Yawen introduced Gao Yang.

As a result, Gao Yang was invited to sit in the office for a few minutes, and the other party sincerely invited Gao Yang to join Aomei as the planning director.

Gao Yang naturally declined quickly.

The two left Aomei and went home together, Gao Yang smiled and said, "Am I so popular now?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Yes, recently, reporters from other IT media often ask about you..."

Gu Yawen is very proud that her husband is so good.

Gao Yang said again: "You have a lot of beauties in Australia and America."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Why, which one is eye-catching?"

Gao Yang couldn't help laughing: "I remembered that Liu Ke had suggested that CPI have a friendship with the beauties in your company, but it didn't work out."

Gu Yawen said euphemistically: "In our company, there are quite a lot of people like Liu Ke."

Gao Yang understood: "Then there is really no need for friendship."

Brothers of CPI, if you meet someone like Liu Ke, you will only suffer. Such a girl is not a wife.

It's still beautiful to be rich, because the family has money, but the desire for material things is very weak.

On March 3, the reporters began to rush to write the manuscript for this special issue of the regional channel forum. According to Gao Yang's request, the manuscript must be submitted on Thursday night, and the editing and typesetting began on Friday morning.

On Friday morning, Gao Yang approached He Jinyi, the manager of the advertising department, and found that this first channel forum exceeded expectations. There were nearly 150 copperplate advertisements, plus special soft articles, and the overall revenue was expected to be in the early 300 million. The effect of the channel forum is almost the same.

When they were in Jinling, Zhou Wenbin, CEO Yang Limin and others roughly calculated that the overall cost of the national version of the first regional channel forum was more than 30.

It is mainly the travel and board and lodging expenses of participating agents and customers. Because of Gao Yang's requirements, the first regional forum must ensure the quality of participating agents and not mix water. The East China area is actually widely distributed, and the north and south are far apart.

The next five regional forums are expected to keep the cost within 20.

Then, the annual general forum held in Beijing at the end of the year is expected to cost 40 yuan.

In this way, after doing the whole process, the total cost of the activity is about 170 million.

This year, this group of touring channel forums, the advertising department has sponsored three IT companies as joint title sponsors, namely Intel, network equipment manufacturer 3COM and display brand AOC.

The total of title sponsorship is 150 million, which has basically covered the cost of organizing the event.

On Friday night, Gao Yang was so busy that he didn’t go home until one o’clock in the morning. There are more than 260 editions of this first regional forum special issue, of which more than 100 are text editions.

It must be done well, without any mistakes or omissions, and Wan Hong has been keeping it tonight to help review the layout.

All editors and reporters are very tired, including the salesman who has been running orders like crazy recently.

Now that it is successful, everyone is full of joy.

After signing a contract with an IT company and a public relations company, and implementing it, it is only when it is implemented on the page that it counts.

Early on Saturday morning, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen each drove a car, took Fang Jian and Zhang Yue with them, and Wu Ruohan brought two female classmates, this is according to the plan, to help Fang Jian and Zhang Yue introduce girlfriends .

I plan to go to Miyun Reservoir for two days and stay for one night, creating an opportunity for Fang Jian and Zhang Yue.

Fang Jian looks average, and Zhang Yue also looks average. Zhang Yue is a little shorter, only 166 cm.

However, Zhang Yue's advantages are also obvious. He has a lively personality and can speak well.

The two female classmates brought by Wu Ruohan are not very beautiful, they can be called handsome and attractive.

The point is that the two girls are both graduated from rural areas. They have good personalities, are simple, and work hard.

When they arrived in Miyun, Gao Yang naturally took Fang Jian and Zhang Yue, interested in Versailles, deliberately chatting about work, saying that this year is done well, it is normal for the two of them to earn more than 30 yuan, and it is not a big problem to reach 40 yuan.

Then, let Zhang Yue work hard and apply for him as the chief reporter in the second half of the year.

In addition, it is about buying a house. Fang Jian and Zhang Yue are both planning to look at the house for a mortgage, and plan to buy a car next year.

This is to show strength, let the girl see the future, and also see the excellence of the person in front of her.

Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan naturally understood what Gao Yang meant and cooperated.

Before leaving, I also told Fang Jian and Zhang Yueming about this matter. She is only 21 years old, a girl in her third year of college, and she has never been in a relationship. She is as innocent as a piece of white paper.

The opportunity is given, if you can't attack, then you have no ability.

The two girls are not tall, just over 160 centimeters, one from Lu Province and the other from Sichuan.

Zhang Yue is a good guy, and he soon got together with the girl from Lu Province. Fortunately, Fang Jian is now a little enlightened, and he is a fellow from Shuchuan, so he can still talk about it.

On Sunday afternoon, when he left Miyun and went back to the city, from the eyes of the two female college students, Gao Yang felt that everything was basically done.

Next, it's up to Fang Jian and Zhang Yue themselves.

These days, people in their 20s, even if Fang Jian will turn 27 this year, can earn 40 to [-] yuan a year. In the eyes of the two female college students, they are really capable.

After working hard all the way in the countryside, they are still a key university like the University of Finance and Economics. Both girls are smart people, and they know what they want and what kind of man they can rely on.

(End of this chapter)

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