Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 153 The stock doubled again, and the funds exceeded [-]

Chapter 153 The stock doubled again, and the capital exceeded [-] million (first order plus update)

On April 4th, Zhou Wenbin returned to Beijing. He returned by plane, but the car remained in Shudu. On May 27th, the second regional channel forum will be held in Shudu.

When Zhou Wenbin returned to the capital, he came to rest for a few days, and secondly, he wanted to meet the girlfriend Wu Ruohan introduced to him.

The girl introduced by Wu Ruohan is called Tong Hua, from Northwest Lan City, she is also 21 years old, she is fairly pretty, 165 cm tall, and has a good figure.

During this period of time, Gao Yang had met Tong Hua several times, and he praised Zhou Wenbin a lot to the girl.

Like Zhou Wenbin, Tong Hua's family is also in the provincial capital city. Although his family background is ordinary, he is rather shrewd.

Tong Hua has a very good impression of Gao Yang and Gu Yawen, and he agrees. If he meets Zhou Wenbin and has a good impression, he will agree to date.

Naturally, Gao Yang had already relayed this information to Zhou Wenbin.

In his previous life, Zhou Wenbin found a girl from Northeast China who was just about to graduate from university. She was pretty, but after getting married, Zhou Wenbin was very tired and under great pressure.

Gao Yang has a good impression of Tong Hua, and feels that this girl has a good personality.

As for Fang Jian and Zhang Yue, both of them succeeded in dating.

Both Fang Jian and Zhang Yue have mortgaged a second-hand house that has been built for four years. They are currently undergoing simple renovations and are planning to move around around August.

There are four days off for May Day this year. Taking advantage of this holiday, Gao Yang asked Fang Jian to arrange for the editorial department to organize a group building. He can bring his family members with him. The family members are responsible for their own expenses. The employees of the newspaper have 800 yuan for activities every year.

On May [-] this year, a large force from the capital branch went to Nandaihe.

There are also those arranged by the editorial department of the national edition.

Anyway, let's take advantage of this holiday to let everyone relax.

The destination of Gao Yang and his party is Bashang Grassland.

Gao Yang had two cars, Lin Yuan and Qin Ke's boyfriends had cars, and Zheng Hai also had cars.

5 cars and a team of more than 20 people are enough.

It is more than 300 kilometers from Beijing to Bashang Grassland. With the road conditions in this era, it takes about 6 hours to run.

A group of people spent three days in the Bashang Grassland, which is a great season with wild flowers everywhere and boundless spring.

In three days, Zhou Wenbin and Tong Hua really met each other, and even got to know each other. The progress was rapid.

After all, Zhou Wenbin has been Neptune, and he looks good, and he is very good at pleasing girls.

Zhou Wenbin smiled quietly at Gao Yang: "It feels very good, this is my wife."

Gao Yang chuckled: "Then you don't want to play anymore."

Zhou Wenbin said seriously: "I'm not playing anymore, I'm very busy now, besides, it's time to work hard for my future wife and children."

This holiday, Gao Yang also discussed with Zhou Wenbin that he must set aside a week to go to Lu Province to check the local solar water heater manufacturers carefully.

Zhou Wenbin decided to put it on the National Day holiday and bring Tong Hua with him, and consider it a trip.

On May 5th, the Channel Forum in the Southwest Area was held in Shudu. After all, this is the site of the CPI headquarters, and the event was still very successful.

Gao Yang only presided over the guest dialogue, and Fang Jian gave the channel training to Fang Jian, who gave a speech in the name of the vice president of the research institute, and the effect was not bad.

Fang Jian has worked in CPI for more than a year, and Fang Jian's accumulation is quite good.

The second issue of the regional channel forum special issue published on May 5, with a total advertising revenue of more than 21 million, was also very successful. After all, there are only three provinces in Southwest China, and the market size is small.

Moreover, the total cost of holding the forum in Shudu this time was only 16 yuan.

With the success of the second forum, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and so did Gao Yang.

Next, there are really not many things that Gao Yang needs to worry about.

On May 5, the Shanghai stock index fell slightly and closed at 28 points, which was 2194 points away from the 2245 point peak in Gao Yang's memory
This round of small bull market for A-shares, as well as the five-year trend bull market, is finally about to peak.

Gao Yang also started liquidation from today.

For the Yantai Wanhua stock, Gao Yang’s cost of opening a position in mid-February was 2 yuan. Now, after 29.5 transfers of 10 shares and 10 yuan dividend for every 10 shares, the stock price is already at 1 yuan.

The market value of positions held in Gaoyang's two accounts has increased by more than 2.6 times, and the total amount of funds has exceeded [-] million.

In this era, the turnover of A-shares is very small, and the daily turnover of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is only 60 billion, and it is still at the peak stage of the bull market, with a relatively high turnover.

Fortunately, the Yantai Wanhua ticket has gone very well this year. The turnover rate in the past two days has been very high, with a daily turnover of about 2 million.

Gao Yang also realized that the price of this ticket should have risen to its peak.

On May 5, Yantai Wanhua surged +28%.

On May 5, taking advantage of the early trading of this ticket, Gao Yang sold it for two consecutive days, and finally cleared all the positions.

For an account under my own name, the average clearance price is 39.20 yuan.

For an account under Gu Yawen's name, the average liquidation price is 39.50 yuan.

Cash: 5769820 yuan

Principal: 2237013 yuan

Profit: 157.92% (3532807 yuan)
This is the income of the account under Gao Yang's name. After liquidation, it took three and a half months to make a net profit of 353 million.

Since March, Gao Yang has used his KTV dividends, salary and a little income from participating in IT company activities to add a total of 3 yuan to his position.

Now after the liquidation, the amount of funds has increased to 576 million, and the total income from stocks in the past two years should be about 10 times.

Cash: 5223854 yuan

Principal: 2000000 yuan

Profit: 161.11% (3223854 yuan)
This is the account under Gu Yawen's name, mother-in-law Wu Lan's 200 million mission funds, the amount of funds reached 522 million, and the net profit was 322 million in two and a half months.

The two accounts add up to close to 1100 million funds now.

On the evening of May 5, Gu Yawen took Gao Yang to take a bath with mandarin ducks.

The love between the two, Gu Yawen has now unlocked a lot.

Gao Yang felt very good, and Bai Fumei was so kind and considerate.

In the bathtub, Gu Yawen thought of her mother's investment task of 200 million yuan, and said worriedly: "Husband, it will be June soon, did you earn the 6 million yuan?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, it has already become more than 500 million."

Gu Yawen was shocked: "Really?"

Gao Yang said: "Really, I will open the account later, you can take a look."

Gu Yawen's heart was burning hot, she urged Gao Yang to wash off quickly, wrapped in a bathrobe, and went to look at the stock account.

Gao Yang opened the account under Gu Yawen's name, and said with a smile: "Look, I bought the whole position in mid-February, and I sold it all today."

Gu Yawen's eyes were wide open, and after seeing it clearly, she said in surprise: "It turns out that stocks are so profitable, so if you choose another stock, will you be able to make 1000 million soon?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Impossible. I guess this round of bull market is about to peak. I'm lucky this time. Next, stocks may fall across the board. Within two or three years, there will be no chance."

"That's it..." Gu Yawen didn't understand stocks, and suddenly asked, "Then, have you earned your own money?"

"I made it." Gao Yang nodded. Now that he has more than 500 million funds, he should give his wife the money.

With this confidence, although it is still far from the wealth of the mother-in-law.

Gu Yawen said again: "Honey, can I have a look?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Of course."

When Gao Yang opened her account, Gu Yawen was stunned: "My God, you actually earned more than 500 million."

"more or less……"

Gao Yang explained with a smile that since he first came to work in Beijing the year before last, he has been saving money to invest in stocks, and his profit has probably been 10 times.

"Honey, you are amazing!"

Gu Yawen praised her, and rolled her eyes: "How about transferring the money from my account to your account, and then tell my mother that the task is completed."

Gao Yang laughed happily: "How can I lie to my mother-in-law?"

Gu Yawen said: "What I said is true, my mother doesn't understand stocks anyway."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "You have to be honest, if you even lie to your mother-in-law, then what kind of person is your husband?"

Gao Yang didn't want to, Gu Yawen just smiled, and asked again: "There is still a shortfall of 480 million, what are you going to do next?"

Gao Yang rubbed his forehead: "There is no chance for stocks for the time being, but it's still early, I will think about it carefully, and see if I can find an opportunity to lay eggs."


Gu Yawen said affectionately, "Honey, I believe, it's very simple for you."

In fact, Gao Yang still doesn't have any good ideas to quickly turn the 500 million to 1000 million...

 Report the results of the first day of release to the reader: as of 22:40 just now, the 9th of the first day is exactly 24 hours.The first order looks like 700, and the average order is close to 500.In fact, the Junshu was over 500 this morning, and under the editor's suggestion in the afternoon, it turned V down to 30 chapters, so the Junbu was pulled down.

  Of course, this result is actually very average, and great gods or high V's don't like it.However, judging from the subscription ratio, Eggplant is still satisfied. I am very grateful to the readers for their support, and please continue to support it.

  The average booking can be maintained at more than 500. In the future, Eggplant can at least get the perfect attendance award of 1000 yuan per month on the platform, and rely on this to let the family have a sip of porridge.

  Of course, Eggplant will continue to work hard to write a good story and make more.What is promised will be added, and it will definitely be added.

  Thank you everyone, please continue to support, what if you can follow up and get higher and higher average subscriptions...

(End of this chapter)

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