Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 160 The Miracle Created by Gao Yang

Chapter 160 The Miracle Created by Gao Yang

It is not so easy for Wu Lan to realize the company's assets now, and it will definitely take a lot of time.

It took more than ten years of hard work for Wu Lan to create such a family business. Naturally, it is impossible to transfer it at the price of cabbage.

Gao Yang doesn't regret not being able to invest in Boss Ma at this stage. In the future, he will just do it himself. Opportunities on the Internet are everywhere.

In 2001, the CPI National Edition project team led by Gao Yang was very busy, and time passed quickly.

On November 11th, the Northeast Regional Channel Forum was held in Shenzhou, Northeast China. The income of the special issue was 6 million, which is actually very good. After all, the Northeast economy bid farewell to the eldest son status and is on the decline.

On December 12th, the annual general channel forum was held in Beijing, setting a record again, and the total advertising revenue of the special issue exceeded 5 million.

This year, the national itinerant IT channel forum planned and organized by CPI was so successful that IT companies agreed with it.

The annual general forum held in Beijing this year and also the North China regional forum originally only invited less than 200 regional agents to participate, half of which were from the North China region.

As a result, more than 60 regional agents came here uninvited and at their own expense, and more than 30 of them were outside the North China region.

The general forum was held in early December, also for the timely payment of this year's sales.

The boss, Feng Jinsong, rarely attended the general forum and delivered an opening speech, which showed his strong support.

Originally, Boss Feng only attended the first channel forum that year, and after that, the CEO attended on behalf of the group.

This year, the itinerant IT channel forum planned by Gao Yang is too scary.

After organizing 7 forums, the total income of the activities reached about 2000 million, while the cost was less than 200 million.

This year, Gao Yang has become a god in CPI Group.

This is a media marketing miracle that was unimaginable in the past.

Now, the entire IT media circle knows that CPI has a Gao Yang, whose ability is incredible.

In fact, even Ji Shi, who is the most powerful in the IT media circle, came to dig Gao Yang ahead of time.

Gao Yang was given two options. One was to be the executive editor, with an annual salary of 70 yuan, excluding benefits.

The second is to be a marketing director, with higher income, but of course the pressure is also great.

Unexpectedly, Gao Yang has no interest at all and can't dig.

On December 12, the special issue of the annual general forum came out, with a total of 10 pages, dozens of pages more than last year's special issue.

In December, there were still 12 issues of the newspaper left. Now, the performance of the national edition in 3 can be roughly estimated. It must be around 2001 million, which is too scary.

However, Gao Yang is still working hard for the advertising department, and will continue to work hard to set an unsurpassable performance record this year, so that everyone can live the fattest year.

On January 2002, 1, the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the exact performance of the national version in 22 has also been calculated.

The total revenue is more than 5500 million, and the sales return rate is close to 96%, which is similar to previous years.

The tenth day of the twelfth lunar month is also the deadline for each CPI project to approve the performance of the previous year.

Therefore, in 2001, the total performance of the national version was just over 5280 million, and there were over 200 million. The performance that has not yet been paid is carried forward to 2002.

However, in 2000, more than 130 million yuan was also carried forward to 2001, and all the funds were returned in 2001.

Finally, in 2001, the total sales of the national version was 5420 million, a sharp increase of 2000 million over 2240.

Among them, the newly established SMB special issue contributed nearly 700 million sales.

Gao Yang's special performance this year has reached a little over 110 million, and the performance commission is 9, which has already been obtained.

After the channel forum ended, the group gave a big prize. Zhou Wenbin was awarded 10 yuan, and his face burst into smiles.

Gao Yang is the general manager of the project, and the focus is on year-end dividends, but he was only awarded 3 yuan.

This time, the group took out 40 yuan to reward the organization, planning and execution of this event.

Gao Yang became the general manager this year. Every month, he would see the financial statement of the project, and he could roughly calculate the profit of the project in 2001.

Around 3500 million, it will definitely not run away, and it is still the most conservative calculation.

However, Gao Yang also understands that it is definitely impossible for the headquarters to calculate in this way.

In the end, to be able to approve a net profit of 2500 million yuan is already a high point.

With a net profit of 2500 million, according to the system, the year-end dividend of the project is 750 million. Gao Yang, as the general manager of the project, will receive a dividend of 225 million.

too frightening.

how can that be possible?
Gao Yang knew that this must be impossible, unless the boss was drunk.

On January 1, it was Gao Yang and He Jin, the manager of the advertising department, who approached the finance department to obtain project operating data, and calculated the annual operating performance of 22 million by themselves.

On January 1th, the financial data approved by the group also came out, and the calculation with Gao Yang and He Jin was an error of tens of thousands of dollars.

The performance of 5420 million yuan did not run away.

Originally, this weekend, Gao Yang planned to organize the entire project team for a group building, but he received a notice at noon on the 24th, and went to the headquarters the next day to attend the group's board of directors.

Therefore, Fang Jian, He Jin and others strongly demanded that this group building should be held on the evening of the 24th, eating Haidilao hot pot together, and then singing K for two or three hours.

How could the team building work without Gao Yang's participation?

Tonight, many colleagues brought their families, nearly 40 people attended.

Haidilao's business is booming now. If Gao Yang hadn't called Yang Lili at noon to arrange a reserved seat, there might not be any vacant seats until after 8:[-] in the evening.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, after eating hot pot, Yang Lili respectfully sent Gao Yang and his party downstairs.

Everyone walked together and rushed to the KTV not far away.

On the way, Zhou Wenbin suddenly winked at He Jin, and then the two of them grabbed Gao Yang and threw him into the sky.

Gao Yang was carried by these guys, and he threw it seven or eight times before stopping. Gao Yang also deliberately pretended to scream strangely.

Everyone is so excited. Although this year is very tiring, it has really created incredible performance.

All this is because of the team spirit leader Gao Yang.

Seeing everyone so happy, Gu Yawen stood aside, smiling, and suddenly, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

Gu Yawen subconsciously took out her mobile phone and called her mother Wu Lan: "Mom..."

Hearing that her daughter seemed to be crying, Wu Lan was taken aback: "Yawen, what's wrong with you, did you quarrel with Gao Yang?"

Gu Yawen wiped the corners of her eyes, and hurriedly said:

"No, I'm happy for Gao Yang. Gao Yang is being carried by his colleagues, playing the game of throwing people in the air. He led the project to complete a performance of more than 5400 million this year, which is more than 2200 million more than last year. His colleagues are very grateful to him. admire him.

In addition, we just met at Haidilao and ate hot pot. The business is very good. The daily turnover of this store now exceeds 15. After the Spring Festival, it will soon open a second store in Beijing.

Tomorrow, Gao Yang is going on a business trip to the headquarters to attend the board meeting of their group company..."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Lan was stunned for a while, then rushed to the study:
"Old Gu, your son-in-law is promising again, and Yawen is crying with joy..."

(End of this chapter)

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