Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 169 Chapter 162 DM Magazine with Revenue of 2 Million

Chapter 169 Chapter 162 DM Magazine with Revenue of 2 Million (for subscription)

On February 2th, the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, the construction officially started in 25.

Gao Yang sat in Feng Maonan's original office, and now has an independent office, the advantage is that he can close the door and smoke.

The main content of the first issue of the newspaper after the festival was arranged before the Spring Festival.

In the first week of work, I mainly discussed the planning of the national version and the SMB project this year, as well as the planning of major topic selection and so on.

During the Spring Festival, Fang Jian, Song Liangqiu, and Zhang Yue each made a plan. After discussing this week, Gao Yang felt that it was almost the same.

This year, SMB will also hold a small and medium-sized enterprise informatization forum, which is the key to the goal of SMB project revenue reaching 1500 million this year.

As for the national version, if you copy last year's itinerant IT channel forum, plan new attractive forum themes, implement them well, and the revenue will reach or approach 4000 million, and the problem will not be too big.

How to achieve a breakthrough in the operation of the CPI Research project this year, Gao Yang is still unable to take care of it.

Last year, the revenue of this project was only over 300 million, and the scale was very small. However, this year, the general manager of the project was changed. His name was Zheng Weiqiang. Gao Yang was familiar with him in his previous life, and he was capable.

This week, the appointment of cadres and personnel of various projects was announced on the first day of work.

The next step is to implement, prepare for customer promotion meetings, and just proceed step by step.

Gao Yang doesn't have to worry about these things like last year. The function of the vice president is to control the general direction and coordinate various resources.

On March 3, Gao Yang held a 2-table banquet in a five-star hotel, and invited many colleagues from the Beijing branch, as well as some of Gu Yawen's colleagues and some classmates. That's it.

October 3th, Sunday.

Gao Yang invited Wu Bo, Zhou Wenbin, Sun Chengyi, Fang Jian, Zhang Yue, Song Liangqiu and others, along with their family members or girlfriends, to the Xiangyi Villa as guests.

Of course there is also Wu Ruohan.

The girls like Wu Ruohan are in the second semester of their senior year this semester. They have already entered the internship period and will graduate in June.

Fang Jian's girlfriend, He Zifang, is going to work in Haidilao early in April.

Gao Yang turned a 40-square-meter leisure room on the top floor of the villa into a casual meeting room with a projector.

Today, Gao Yang is going to officially share with you his business media entrepreneurial plan.

In the first week of work, Gao Yang used his spare time to work overtime at night. According to the market situation Zhou Wenbin investigated last year, he made a venture capital plan for solar water heater DM Media.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang began to talk about the PPT he made.

"Everyone, I have been preparing for this media investment plan for the solar water heater industry for almost a year.

Before, I had a brief exchange with Teacher Wu, Cheng Yi and Wen Bin, mainly out of confidentiality.

Today I will talk about it in detail. After listening to it, everyone, no matter whether you are interested in participating or not, please keep it secret. Everyone is a worker and it is not easy.

The preparations for the past year were mainly based on Wen Bin's investigation last year.

Last year, I entrusted Wen Bin to take advantage of his business trips across the country to take the time to conduct a simple survey of the solar water heater market in various places.

Last year, during the Golden Week of November, Wen Bin also took advantage of the holiday to go to Lu Province, the main production area of ​​this industry, and inspected it in detail.

Summarizing Wenbin's investigations last year, I have roughly drawn the following conclusions:
In terms of market size, the current annual sales volume is about 300 million units, with sales of about 100 billion.

There are [-] or [-] brand manufacturers in Lu Province alone, and it is estimated that there are nearly [-] in the whole country.

In terms of channels, it is estimated that there are [-] to [-] merchants across the country, or even more. The agency distribution channel has developed to many prefecture-level cities, and terminal merchants have appeared in many counties.

The above is the general development of this industry. Of course, it is very inaccurate. It is just a calculation based on a simple survey. There is no relevant statistical data for this industry.

Then, let's look at the media advertising market in this industry.

First of all, the solar water heater market is still in the early development stage, and the profits of product sales are relatively huge.

The expensive ones cost four to five thousand or even more.The cheapest ones cost more than 3000 yuan.

Now, a computer costs only a few thousand yuan, and solar water heaters are not high-tech products.

Wenbin's investigation found that this industry does not currently have any industry media, that is, there are product brochures issued by some manufacturers or agents, and there are not many.

Then, there are not many advertisements for brand manufacturers, mainly some local TV stations or newspapers, because TV station and newspaper advertisements are very expensive.

Next, let's speculate about the opportunities for media in this industry.

This is a market with large potential consumption demand and fast growth.

Its users are mainly aimed at rural areas.Rural people don't like to take a bath as much as urban people. It's not that they don't want to take a bath, but because they don't have the conditions. Except in summer, many people may not take a bath for several months, because there is no gas, the voltage is unstable or the electricity bill is expensive, and they can't use electric water heaters.

In fact, during the Chinese New Year this year, I drove from Shudu to Jinyang, and from Jinyang to Yuzhou. On the road, I saw some farmers installed solar heaters on their roofs. Not many, but there are.

The Shuzhong Basin has many cloudy days and poor lighting conditions. In fact, it is not suitable for solar water heaters, but some farmers with good economic conditions have begun to use them.

In fact, this product has not been launched for a few years, and the market development is still relatively fast.

With the development of the economy, its market development should be faster, and it may become a consumer market with a scale of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions in the future.

Now, we speculate that this is already a tens of billions of market, so if we predict its overall advertising and marketing expenses at 3% of sales, that is 3 million.

The important thing is that this industry does not yet have an industry-based business media like IT media.

It also has hundreds of brand manufacturers, and the brands are extremely scattered, so there is a great need for publicity and promotion, because brands need to compete.

Now there are hundreds of big and small brands, and the industry is still in the early stage of development, which shows that this product is more profitable, so there is such capital to invest, and it can accommodate so many brand manufacturers to survive..."

Gao Yang analyzed the market status of many solar water heaters, publicity and promotion needs, and the huge potential of being a media in the solar water heater industry, etc.

Finally, Gao Yang came up with an astonishing conclusion:

"The solar water heater market is not as huge as the IT market, but it is not small, and it is developing very fast.

We predict that it will develop into a 10 billion-level industry within 500 years, and then calculate it based on 3% of media advertising costs, which is also 15 billion.

If we can successfully create an influential and even monopolistic industry media, within 5 years, we have the hope of achieving a revenue scale of about 2 million, and the hope is great.

It is very normal for a monopoly industry media to occupy 15% of the media advertising in this industry..."

(End of this chapter)

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