Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 170 This is a Big Pot of Chicken Blood

Chapter 170 This is a Big Pot of Chicken Blood (4 more tickets for tickets)

Regarding Gao Yang's analysis, Wu Bo was puzzled at first: "Gao Yang, you calculated just now that this industry may develop into a 10 billion-level market within 500 years, and then the annual advertising expenses of the entire industry are only 15 billion.

Why do you think that as an industry media, we can achieve a performance of about 2 million a year?
The IT market is so big, CCW Group, which is doing the best now, is worth [-] to [-] million yuan a year. "

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mr. Wu, it is precisely because the IT market is huge that it supports hundreds of IT media across the country.

Jishi was founded very early in the 80s, and the CPI, which was only launched in the 90s, can still reach 1.6 million today.

For some monthly IT magazines, the annual advertising revenue may only be a few million, but its magazines can sell thousands of copies, and they can still survive.

The solar water heater market is different. Compared with the IT market, its scale is small, but it is now a tens of billions market. It is a normal guess that there is about 3 million advertising needs a year.

Moreover, there is currently no industry-specific professional media, which is completely blank.

In such a market, if we make a professional media first and gain influence quickly, it will be difficult for latecomers to catch up.

More importantly, an industry market of this size cannot accommodate a few industry media, because it cannot support several media.

Now, the entire industry spends 3 million yuan a year on advertising and promotion. Maybe the industry media can get it, which is 4000 million yuan. As long as we do well, we can quickly reach 3000 to [-] million yuan.

If the second family comes in, you can still live, but if the third family comes in, you can't live..."

"That's right, it makes sense." Wu Bo, who has worked in the media for more than ten years, immediately understood.

For brand advertising in a consumer industry, in this era, TV stations, radio stations and mass newspapers are the first choice, and then there are outdoor, wall, bus, terminal merchant store signs, and so on.

For a professional industry like IT, IT media can also account for about 40% of the advertising placed by IT companies.

Because of the strong technological attributes of IT products, more professional knowledge is required, and the market is large enough, so there are so many IT professional media.

Fang Jian and the others also quickly realized that this was the case.

Wu Bo asked again: "Gao Yang, how are you going to be a media player in this industry?"

Gao Yangdao: "Actually, it's very simple. It is to copy the model of the national version of CPI and make a channel media for merchants selling solar water heaters.

In an emerging and fast-growing industry, and it is a single product, the first thing brand manufacturers compete for is not users, but channel merchants.

Now, Wenbin's investigation found that there are only a few thousand solar water heater businesses across the country, and I estimate that there may be tens of thousands soon.

In the whole country including county-level cities, there are five to six hundred cities, more than 1600 counties, and about 4 townships.

Because the product of solar water heaters is aimed at rural users, after a few years, it is estimated that about half of the towns and villages in the country may have businesses selling solar water heaters.

At that time, there may be tens of thousands of merchants across the country.

At this stage, as long as we make a media for solar water heater businesses, print 5000 copies, and deliver it in place, brand manufacturers will definitely be willing to advertise.

It is impossible for us to make an industry media that targets readers as farmers-based product users.

Solar water heaters are not as complicated as IT products, the merchants install them for users, and users use them directly..."

Zhou Wenbin suddenly realized: "Yes, Gao Yang's analysis is very correct. When I visited some merchants selling solar water heaters, I once asked if there was a media that published information on solar energy products, would they read it.

The answer I got was that businesses want such media.In fact, there are too many brands of solar water heaters, and businesses do not know how many manufacturers are producing..."

With Zhou Wenbin's addition, everyone understands. After all, everyone is an IT channel media.

Sun Chengyi said: "Gao Yang, that is to say, we want to make a newspaper similar to the national edition of CPI, and then deliver it to solar water heater channel merchants for free?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, as long as we make such a media, print [-] to [-] copies, and deliver it accurately to merchants and brand manufacturers, then it will be very easy to attract advertisements.

This is the first step.

The second step is that this channel media reaches a certain stage, and you can also create another magazine. The main content is industry development trends, hot spots in product research and development, technology development trends, etc. It is more professional, similar to an industry authority. periodicals.

But the main body is still this publication for channel merchants, and it should be published once a week.

The magazine can be published once a month and made into a monthly magazine. If the situation is even better, it can be made into a semi-monthly magazine.

The third step is that solar water heaters have a single product and low-tech attributes, so there is no industry hypermarket like the Computer City. As a media, we can organize channel forums, industry forums, and even trade fairs and other activities.

This activity has great potential.

When the terminal merchants in this industry develop to the extent that they are popular in towns and villages, it will not be a big problem for us to make a performance of [-] million or [-] million yuan a year in the field of activities.

In other words, as long as we have enough influence in this industry, our annual revenue can even reach [-] to [-] million in five to ten years, because we are the only one, and it is almost impossible to have competitors .

At that time, brand manufacturers in this industry, including upstream agents, will rely on us in terms of channel promotion and even marketing..."

Hearing Gao Yang's analysis, everyone was both surprised and excited.

Gao Yangduan had a lot of chicken blood.

Everyone is in the media, and when they think about it, they all feel that there is nothing wrong with Gao Yang's analysis logic.

The potential of this industry is really great, it depends on how it is done and how it is implemented.

Gao Yang is really not bragging when he talks about this.

In his previous life, he had seen such a media in the solar water heater industry, and it was absolutely dominant.

The boss originally sold solar water heaters, but later, on a whim, he began to print product leaflets for the industry and deliver them to merchants, and started to do it slowly.

This media started in 2004. In 2009, the media’s advertising revenue reached nearly [-] million yuan, and the income from holding exhibitions and other activities was more than [-] million yuan. In five years, it reached more than [-] million yuan. .

Gao Yang is now the first to do this project, and there are a group of professional media professionals around him. If he can't do it to his level, then he can just find a piece of tofu and kill him.

CPI Group, this September is the 9th anniversary of its publication. When Boss Feng started his business, he started by collecting business information from the computer city, making it into a business yellow page, and then distributing it to merchants for free.

The solar energy industry media planned by Hi Sun is easier to start and succeed quickly than when CPI started a business.

Because there is no shortage of capital and talents...

(End of this chapter)

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