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Chapter 174 Are you two sick?

Chapter 174 You two, are you sick (4 more requests)

Gao Yang asked Wu Peng for help, and drove the Lu Xun V4700 to the capital. Wu Peng's face was very dark, and He Yong's face became even darker after hearing about it.

Jinyang is more than 2000 kilometers away from the capital, and the Qinling Mountains have to be crossed to get out of Sichuan. This section of the road is difficult.

In this day and age, 40 hours may not be enough to drive from Jinyang to Beijing. The main reason is that if there is an accident with a vehicle on the Qinling Mountains, you may be stuck in the middle of the road.

These days, when driving over a mountain like the Qinling Mountains, it is very normal to encounter such a thing on the road, and it is possible that the traffic jam will last a whole day.

Wu Peng and He Yong decided that when they arrived in the capital, they would beat Gao Yang up first.

At noon on March 3, He Yong rushed from the provincial capital to Jinyang, and then set off in the afternoon. Wu Peng also found a man who drove a truck across the Qinling Mountains, and the three of them took turns driving on the road.

Wu Peng and He Yong arrived in the capital after 3:15 pm on March 6th.

It is impossible to drive all the time, and I have to find a place to sleep at night.

Wu Peng was familiar with the vicinity of the University of Finance and Economics. After entering the city, Gao Yang kept calling to give instructions, and the car drove to the south gate of the University of Finance and Economics first.

First, they had dinner nearby, and they settled Wu Peng in a nearby hotel with the person who helped drive the car. Afterwards, Gao Yang, Gu Yawen, and Wu Ruohan took them to Xiangshan's villa.

As soon as they entered the room, Wu Peng and He Yong first pressed Gao Yang on the sofa, ravished him, let out a bad breath, then laughed, and sat down to drink tea.

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Brother Yong, Second Brother, do you really want to vote?"

The two said together: "Isn't this nonsense, long-winded."

Gao Yang asked again: "Then how much did you two vote for?"

Wu Peng said: "Not much, one million per person, no matter how much, there will be none for now."

Gao Yang said: "Then let's go to the study to talk..."

Gao Yang took Wu Peng upstairs and went to the study.

Wu Ruohan complained: "Sister, they actually want to carry us behind their backs..."

Seeing that Wu Ruohan wanted to follow, Gu Yawen held her back: "Ruohan, these men are talking about things, so don't join in the fun."

Wu Ruohan muttered, "Sister, you are so virtuous."

Wu Ruohan was a little upset. Although Wu Peng promised to give her 20 yuan to invest in Gaoyang's new project, it has not yet been implemented. Wu Peng and He Yong chased after him to the capital to discuss the matter of investing money.

Gu Yawen stopped Wu Ruohan with a smile, and took her out for a walk.

Gu Yawen knew that Gao Yang must have his own reasons for doing so.

In the study, Gao Yang sat down and made tea first, passed a cigarette to the two, and said, "You two like making money so much, are you sick?"

Wu Peng and He Yong were a little dazed. After looking at each other, they immediately yelled: "You are sick, who doesn't like to make money?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I like to make money, it's normal, you two like to make money, but you are sick."

"You kid want to play, don't you..."

Seeing that Wu Peng and He Yong were going to fight, Gao Yang quickly waved his hands: "Stop...what I said is serious."

He Yong smiled and said: "If you don't tell the truth, I promise, I will beat you until your wife doesn't know her today."

"I'm sure I have something to say...".

Gao Yang looked at the two of them seriously: "Let's talk about my second brother first. Judging by your posture, you plan to spend your whole life in Jinyang's taxation department. In the future, you will be the director of the bureau until you retire?"

Wu Peng said unhappily: "What do I do as the chief of the bureau? I'm tired. I just need to be a deputy bureau."

Gao Yang looked at He Yong again: "Brother Yong, what about you?"

"Maybe I'm a county office or something." He Yong looked at Gao Yang, "Why are you mentioning these things?"

Gao Yang said: "It has something to do with making money with me."

"What's the relationship?" He Yong was curious.

He Yong didn't realize that what Gao Yang said just now was "I make money", not "We make money".

Gao Yang said: "I'm not bragging, as long as I want to make money, it's easy to earn billions of dollars in 10 years."

Wu Peng smiled and said, "Although I think you're a brat, it's a possibility..."

Gao Yang said: "This is the problem. If I earn this money by then, someone will be jealous, want to mess with me, want to rob me, just relying on the pitiful ranks of you two, can it be useful?"

He Yong frowned and said, "You want dirty money?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "No, I promise, every penny is clean and earned with my blood and sweat."

He Yong said: "That's it. If you don't steal or rob, and don't violate laws and regulations, who can mess with you?"

Gao Yang said: "This is the capital city, maybe a young master will come out at random, and he will trample me to death. He can't grab it by force. If he wants to make me go bankrupt, it will be easy, right? Unless I let others take advantage of me, but I Human character, it is impossible for this kind of person to take advantage."

Wu Peng said: "Gao Yang, I understand what you mean. The level of Yonger and I is not good. Isn't there a generation before? Your father-in-law's level will be raised soon."

Gao Yang said: "I don't know the situation of Brother Yong's family. Second brother, let's talk about our family. When the second uncle and my father retire, what will we do in the future?"

He Yong said: "Our family's situation is similar to that of Pengzi's. I also have a younger sister who has graduated from university for a year and works in a law firm in Beijing. Gao Yang, I also understand what you mean."

Gao Yang said: "It's good that you understand.

To be honest, it is really easy to earn money, hundreds of millions are small money in my eyes.

There are billions to tens of billions. At this level of wealth, it is easy to earn, but it is not easy to keep it. If you mess with some young master, you will be in trouble.

Also, what should we do when the previous generation grows old and the next generation grows up?
In the case of our family, the eldest brothers and sisters are all engaged in academics, education and scientific research.Yawen doesn't want to be a civil servant, and Ruohan probably doesn't want to be either.

Second brother, I'm not saying you're a dude, besides you like doing business to make money, you also have two more girlfriends, so there's nothing wrong with you.

The problem is, you and Brother Yong, both of you are cadres trained by the state. It is the business to work hard and serve the people wholeheartedly. What do you two earn so much money for? Just enough. "

He Yong laughed angrily: "You boy, who thinks there is too much money?"

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yong, if you and my second brother want to make progress, more money is the problem. In fact, you just rely on the 10% equity you own in Haidao. I can guarantee that after more than ten years, this The equity income will be so much that you can't spend it all in your lifetime."

He Yong and Wu Peng can't even imagine now that the 10% of Haidilao's equity in their hands will be worth billions, or even tens of billions, in more than ten years.

Wu Peng said: "What do you mean, you won't let us invest in the project you are going to do now?"

Gao Yang said: "It's not that you are not allowed to vote, but you can't vote in your own name. For the second brother, you can vote in the name of Ruohan. Brother Yong, you can vote in the name of brother Yong and sister. Brother Yong, What's our sister's name?"

He Yong said: "Her name is He Shan, Shan Shan from Shanhu. According to you, you must force Yonger and me to work hard for official careers?"

Gao Yang said: "That's what I mean. Since you have become national officials, you should work hard and have a bit of professionalism. What are you doing? I can guarantee that I will make a lot of money in the future. You need to do something to serve the people. I am absolutely capable of supporting the results.

It's just that when the wealth reaches a certain level, even if our generation can keep it, the next generation may not be able to keep it.

If I had a family background like yours, I would have stayed in the town and worked hard to make progress, so why bother to work so hard like I am now.

I grew up in the countryside eating bran and swallowing vegetables, and I was born at the bottom of society. I have experienced these years, the kind of life that looks at other people's faces, you can't understand. "

He Yong smiled and said, "If you want to be a cadre, it's easy. I'll just help you go back."

Gao Yang chuckled: "Now, I prefer making money."

He Yong was a little speechless: "Do you have to force us to make progress and pursue levels?"

Gao Yang said: "The career I want to do is very big, very big, you will understand after listening to it tomorrow..."

 Heinous piracy, no good death, chapters can be stolen as soon as they are posted on the platform, a bunch of blood-sucking ghosts...

(End of this chapter)

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