Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 173 Want to get rich?

Chapter 173 Do you want to get rich? (ask for tickets)
On March 3, Tuesday, the second week of work after the Spring Festival, CPI Beijing Branch held another new year's customer promotion meeting.

The customer association before the Spring Festival is to communicate feelings, and the current promotion meeting is to officially promote this year's cooperation projects.

The SMB special issue has been independently operated this year.

Last week, after Fang Jian, Zhang Yue and Song Liangqiu came up with the activities and topic selection plans for the Spring Festival thinking and planning respectively, they found Gao Yang and Wan Hong to discuss together.

For the national edition project, there are two major plans this year, one is to continue to do touring channel forums, and the other is to do a special issue on the 9th anniversary of CPI in September.

The 2002 itinerant channel forum held by Fang Jian and Zhang Yue focused on IT companies and upstream general agents continuing to promote channel flattening, and how to boost regional agents, especially terminal merchants, to become customers.

Among them, we also focus on merchants with customer resources such as SI and ISV.

At the same time, a large number of regional agents also need to transform.

Generally speaking, these logics have deepened the theme and content of the event planned by Gao Yang last year, and Gao Yang feels that it is still good.

However, I always feel that something is missing.

Next, discuss the topic selection and activities of the SMB special issue planned by Song Liangqiu in 2002. SMB will organize a small and medium-sized enterprise informatization forum this year, which is the key breakthrough direction in operation.

Gao Yang slapped his forehead and found inspiration!
Combine the national version of the touring channel forum with the SMB's small and medium-sized enterprise informatization forum.

The two projects, a total of one activity, are touring in various regions of the country, and finally ending in the capital.

Everyone thinks this idea is very good, creative and new.

So I immediately revised the plan and reported it to the headquarters. The headquarters also felt that this idea was good and very creative.

After the event is completed, the two projects will each have their own special issues and each client. There will be no major conflicts, but there will be mutual promotion, which will better reflect the advantages of CPI's resource structure.

Therefore, Zhou Wenbin's marketing department needed to set up a new executive manager to carry out the SMB forum activities, and the headquarters arranged for a capable person to be transferred from the local branch.

In addition, for the SMB project, recruitment is also imminent. One is to transfer personnel from the headquarters and local branches, and the other is to recruit externally.

At the customer promotion meeting on March 3, the national version and the SMB project were promoted together. Gao Yang introduced the background on behalf of the CPI Group, and then Fang Jian, Zhang Yue, Song Liangqiu, and the new general manager of CPI Research Zheng Weiqiang spoke PPT.

The effect is still very good. The IT company feels that CPI's activities this year are very creative and the content is quite attractive.

In the afternoon of the same day, I introduced it to the public relations company again, and the public relations company was also very interested.

In the past two years, the public relations company has cooperated with CPI on special pages, but has earned a lot of incremental business money.

With the bottom line of this customer promotion meeting, Gao Yang and Wan Hong have a solid foundation in their hearts, and Fang Jian and Song Liangqiu also have confidence.

In 2002, the combination of the two projects could really reach the miraculous performance of 5500 million that Gao Yang achieved last year.

The promotion is successful, and the next step is to implement it. Starting from April this year, there will be three regional forums in four, five, six and three months. One will be held in August, and September will be the 4th anniversary special issue of CPI, followed by October and November. Do it, in December at the end of the year, and finish it in the capital again.

In terms of rhythm, it is more tense than last year, but with last year's event execution experience, there is no problem.

On the evening of March 3, He Jin, the advertising manager of the National Edition, suddenly asked Gao Yang to have dinner alone.

At the dinner table, He Jin drank two glasses of wine with Gao Yang, and said with a smile: "Gao Yang, the two years I have worked with you, to be honest, I have been very happy, but I am also very tired. I am going to resign. I am sorry, brother... "

Gao Yang sighed in his heart, this guy really wants to change jobs.

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Why, do you think you earn too much from CPI?"

He Jinjin's annual income should be around 35, which is very high.

He Jin shook his head and smiled: "With you here, everyone earns a lot in CPI, but it is indeed very tiring and a lot of pressure. This year, I plan to get married, so..."

Gao Yang asked again with a smile: "Where are you going, the marketing department of the IT company?"

He Jin smiled and said: "Yes, go to Huaqi, it's much easier to be Party A. However, the income is not high, and it will definitely not keep up with the CPI."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "You are a small landlord in the capital, and you don't care if you earn less than one hundred thousand a year, but you are only 27 years old, so you plan to lie down like this?"

He Jin smiled and said, "It's not that I lie down, I just want to relax..."

Gao Yang shook his head: "My wife already has 9 apartments in the capital, and she didn't think about lying down."

He Jin laughed loudly: "How dare I compare myself with you two."

Gao Yang handed He Jin a cigarette: "He Jin, we are brothers. You are very capable in sales. If you have the opportunity to earn millions a year, but the initial stage is difficult, would you like to do it?"

He Jin was taken aback for a moment, then patted the table: "Then I'm definitely willing."

Gao Yang thought for a while: "Well, if you resign from CPI, I won't persuade you anymore, just submit your resignation application. This Saturday, you will visit my villa in Xiangshan, and I will tell you in detail when the time comes. Then, you decide if you want to do it."

He Jin was a little puzzled, but nodded: "Okay, I will definitely go."

On March 3, as soon as he got to work, He Jin submitted his resignation report. Fang Jian didn't know about it, and his face turned black.

This year Fang Jian took over as the general manager of the project. The pressure is so great that the manager of the advertising department will run away at the beginning of the year.

Fang Jian looked helpless and knocked on Gao Yang's office.

Gao Yang handed Fang Jian a cigarette: "Old Fang, don't worry, He Jin asked me out for dinner last night, as I already said, he is definitely going to leave, I can't stop him. I plan to persuade him to go to our DM The project is just short of a sales manager."

Fang Jian's eyes brightened: "If He Jin is willing to go, it would be great, but what about the advertising department of the national edition?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "Let Huang Xu take over the position of manager. Huang Xu has realized in the field of sales, and his current ability is actually stronger than that of He Jin. Then, you just need to recruit another business."

Fang Jiandao: "Huang Xu is indeed the most suitable."

This matter was settled like this, and it was also expected by Gao Yang.

Remembering that Wu Peng and He Yong were coming over this weekend, Gao Yang rubbed his forehead, suddenly smiled, and immediately called Wu Peng.

"Second brother, are you and Brother Yong sure you want to come this weekend?"

Wu Peng said: "That's right, I'm ready to book a ticket."

Gao Yang said: "Don't book the air ticket, second brother, I ask you two to do one thing, set off early, and help me drive that Lu Xun V4700."

On the other end of the phone, Wu Peng's face darkened in an instant: "You really dare to think, what the hell is more than 2000 kilometers of road, and you have to cross the Qinling Mountains, and there is no highway for a large part of the road..."

Gao Yang chuckled: "Second brother, why don't you find another helper? Since my project is going to be done, in terms of business, I have to get someone a good car to decorate the appearance. I can only work hard for you and Brother Yong."

Wu Peng thought about it: "Okay, but isn't your classmate Chen Sen driving this Lu Xun?"

Gao Yang said: "I'll greet Chen Sen and ask him to use the public funds from "Urban Business" to buy an official car."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang called Chen Sen again to talk about the matter, and asked Chen Sen to discuss with Yang Yong to buy a Jetta with the money in DM company's account and drive it first.

Chen Sen was very reluctant to drive a luxury car for a year, but it was Gu Yawen's family's private car, so it was impossible to keep it all the time.

Gao Yang wants to take this car to the capital, obviously it will be of great use...

(End of this chapter)

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